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33 HOLBORN LONDON EC1N 2HTCommodities traded
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Imported commodities
Inorganic chemicals: organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes
Commodity code: 28
Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal
Commodity code: 44
- Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness of > 6 mm Commodity code: 44 07
Wood, incl. strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled, continuously shaped "tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed beaded, moulded, rounded or the like" along any of its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or end
Commodity code: 44 09
Coniferous wood, incl. strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled, continuously shaped "tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed beaded, moulded, rounded or the like" along any of its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sa
Commodity code: 44 09 10
- Coniferous wood, incl. strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled, continuously shaped "tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed beaded, moulded, rounded or the like" along any of its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed (excl. mouldings for frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects) Commodity code: 44 09 10 18
Coniferous wood, incl. strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled, continuously shaped "tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed beaded, moulded, rounded or the like" along any of its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sa
Commodity code: 44 09 10
Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects
Commodity code: 44 14
Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects
Commodity code: 44 14 00
- Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects (excl. of tropical wood "okoumé, obeche, sapelli, sipo, acajou d'Afrique, makoré, iroko, tiama, mansonia, ilomba, dibétou, limba, azobé, dark red meranti, light red meranti, meranti bakau, white lauan, white meranti, white seraya, yellow meranti, alan, keruing, ramin, kapur, teak, jongkong, merbau, jelutong, kempas, virola, mahog Commodity code: 44 14 00 90
- Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects (excl. of tropical wood) Commodity code: 44 14 90
Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects
Commodity code: 44 14 00
- Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, of wood; cable-drums of wood; pallets, box pallets and other load boards, of wood; pallet collars of wood (excl. containers specially designed and equipped for one or more modes of transport) Commodity code: 44 15
Builders' joinery and carpentry, of wood, incl. cellular wood panels, assembled flooring panels, shingles and shakes, of wood (excl. plywood panelling, blocks, strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled, and pre-fabricated buildings)
Commodity code: 44 18
Windows, French windows and their frames, of wood
Commodity code: 44 18 10
- Windows and French windows and their frames, of wood (excl. okoumé, obeche, sapelli, sipo, acajou d'Afrique, makoré, iroko, tiama, mansonia, ilomba, dibétou, limba, azobé, dark red meranti, light red meranti, meranti bakau, white lauan, white meranti, white seraya, yellow meranti, alan, keruing, ramin, kapur, teak, jongkong, merbau, jelutong, kempas, virola, mahogany "Swietenia spp.", imbuia, bals Commodity code: 44 18 10 90
Windows, French windows and their frames, of wood
Commodity code: 44 18 10
Tableware and kitchenware, of wood (excl. interior fittings, ornaments, coopers' products, tableware and kitchenware components of wood, brushes, brooms and hand sieves)
Commodity code: 44 19
- Bread boards, chopping boards and similar boards, of bamboo Commodity code: 44 19 11
- Tableware and kitchenware, of bamboo (excl. chopsticks, bread boards, chopping boards and similar boards) Commodity code: 44 19 19
Tableware and kitchenware, of tropical wood (excl. interior fittings, ornaments, coopers' products, tableware and kitchenware components of wood, brushes, brooms and hand sieves)
Commodity code: 44 19 20
- Tableware and kitchenware, of tropical wood "okoumé, obeche, sapelli, sipo, acajou d'Afrique, makoré, iroko, tiama, mansonia, ilomba, dibétou, limba, azobé, dark red meranti, light red meranti, meranti bakau, white lauan, white meranti, white seraya, yellow meranti, alan, keruing, ramin, kapur, teak, jongkong, merbau, jelutong, kempas, virola, mahogany "Swietenia spp.", imbuia, balsa, palissandre Commodity code: 44 19 20 10
Tableware and kitchenware, of wood (excl. of bamboo or tropical wood, and interior fittings, ornaments, coopers' products, tableware and kitchenware components of wood, brushes, brooms and hand sieves)
Commodity code: 44 19 90
- Tableware and kitchenware, of wood (excl. of bamboo or tropical wood, and interior fittings, ornaments, coopers' products, tableware and kitchenware components of wood, brushes, brooms and hand sieves) Commodity code: 44 19 90 00
- Tableware and kitchenware, of wood (excl. of bamboo or of tropical wood, interior fittings, ornaments, coopers' products, tableware and kitchenware components of wood, brushes, brooms and hand sieves) Commodity code: 44 19 90 90
Wood marquetry and inlaid wood; caskets and cases for jewellery or cutlery, and similar articles, of wood; statuettes and other ornaments, of wood; wooden articles of furniture (excl. furniture, lighting fixtures and parts thereof)
Commodity code: 44 20
Statuettes and other ornaments, of wood (excl. wood marquetry and inlaid wood)
Commodity code: 44 20 10
- Statuettes and other ornaments, of wood (excl. okoumé, obeche, sapelli, sipo, acajou d'Afrique, makoré, iroko, tiama, mansonia, ilomba, dibétou, limba, azobé, dark red meranti, light red meranti, meranti bakau, white lauan, white meranti, white seraya, yellow meranti, alan, keruing, ramin, kapur, teak, jongkong, merbau, jelutong, kempas, virola, mahogany [Swietenia spp.], imbuia, balsa, palissandr Commodity code: 44 20 10 19
- Statuettes and other ornaments, of wood (excl. of tropical wood, and wood marquetry and inlaid wood) Commodity code: 44 20 19
Wood marquetry and inlaid wood; caskets and cases for jewellery or cutlery, and similar articles, of wood; wooden articles of furniture (excl. statuettes and other ornaments; furniture, lighting fixtures and parts thereof)
Commodity code: 44 20 90
- Caskets and cases for jewellery or cutlery, and similar articles and articles of furniture (excl. okoumé, obeche, sapelli, sipo, acajou d'Afrique, makoré, iroko, tiama, mansonia, ilomba, dibétou, limba, azobé, dark red meranti, light red meranti, meranti bakau, white lauan, white meranti, white seraya, yellow meranti, alan, keruing, ramin, kapur, teak, jongkong, merbau, jelutong, kempas, virola, m Commodity code: 44 20 90 99
Statuettes and other ornaments, of wood (excl. wood marquetry and inlaid wood)
Commodity code: 44 20 10
- Other articles of wood, n.e.s. Commodity code: 44 21
Carpets and other textile floor coverings
Commodity code: 57
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, incl. Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs
Commodity code: 57 02
- Floor coverings of coconut fibres "coir", woven, whether or not made up Commodity code: 57 02 20
- Carpets and other floor coverings, of vegetable textile materials or coarse animal hair, woven, not tufted or flocked, of pile construction, not made up (excl. Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs, and floor coverings of coconut fi Commodity code: 57 02 39
Carpets and other floor coverings, of wool or fine animal hair, woven, not tufted or flocked, of pile construction, made up (excl. Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs)
Commodity code: 57 02 41
- Axminster carpets of wool or fine animal hair, woven, not tufted or flocked, of pile construction, made up Commodity code: 57 02 41 10
- Carpets and other floor coverings, of wool or fine animal hair, woven, not tufted or flocked, of pile construction, made up (excl. Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs, and Axminster carpets) Commodity code: 57 02 41 90
- Carpets and other floor coverings, of man-made textile materials, woven, not tufted or flocked, of pile construction, made up (excl. Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs) Commodity code: 57 02 42
- Carpets and other floor coverings, of vegetable textile materials or coarse animal hair, woven, not tufted or flocked, of pile construction, made up (excl. Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs, and floor coverings of coconut fibres Commodity code: 57 02 49
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, not of pile construction, not made up (excl. Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs, and floor coverings of coconut fibres "coir")
Commodity code: 57 02 50
- Carpets and other floor coverings, of wool or fine animal hair, woven, not tufted or flocked, not of pile construction, not made up (excl. Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs) Commodity code: 57 02 50 10
- Carpets and other floor coverings, of vegetable textile materials or coarse animal hair, woven, not tufted or flocked, not of pile construction, not made up (excl. Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs, and floor coverings of coconut fibres "coir") Commodity code: 57 02 50 90
- Carpets and other floor coverings, of wool or fine animal hair, woven, not tufted or flocked, not of pile construction, made up (excl. Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs) Commodity code: 57 02 91
- Carpets and other floor coverings, of man-made textile materials, woven, not tufted or flocked, not of pile construction, made up (excl. Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs) Commodity code: 57 02 92
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, incl. turf, tufted "needle punched", whether or not made up
Commodity code: 57 03
- Carpets and other floor coverings, of nylon or other polyamides, tufted "needle punched", whether or not made up Commodity code: 57 03 20
- Carpets and other floor coverings, of nylon or other polyamides, tufted "needle punched", whether or not made up (excl. turf) Commodity code: 57 03 29
- Carpets and other floor coverings, of man-made textile materials, tufted "needle punched", whether or not made up (excl. those of nylon or other polyamides) Commodity code: 57 03 30
- Carpets and other floor coverings, of man-made textile materials, tufted "needle punched", whether or not made up (excl. of nylon or other polyamides, and turf) Commodity code: 57 03 39
- Carpet tiles of vegetable textile materials or coarse animal hair, tufted "needle punched", whether or not made up Commodity code: 57 03 90
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up (excl. knotted, woven or tufted "needle punched", and of felt)
Commodity code: 57 05
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up (excl. knotted, woven or tufted "needle punched", and of felt)
Commodity code: 57 05 00
- Carpets and other floor coverings, of man-made textile materials, whether or not made up (excl. knotted, woven or tufted "needle punched", and of felt) Commodity code: 57 05 00 30
- Carpets and other textile floor coverings, of wool or animal hair or vegetable materials, whether or not made up (excl. knotted, tufted "needle punched", and woven or of felt but non-flocked) Commodity code: 57 05 00 80
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up (excl. knotted, woven or tufted "needle punched", and of felt)
Commodity code: 57 05 00
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, incl. Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar hand-woven rugs
Commodity code: 57 02
- Tin and articles thereof Commodity code: 80
Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof
Commodity code: 84
Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device (excl. ceramic pumps and secretion aspirating pumps for medical use and medical pumps carried on or implanted in the body); liquid elevators (excl. pumps); parts thereof
Commodity code: 84 13
- Pumps for liquids, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device (excl. pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling stations or in garages) Commodity code: 84 13 19
- Rotary positive displacement pumps for liquids, power-driven (excl. those of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19 and fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine) Commodity code: 84 13 60
Air or vacuum pumps (excl. gas compound elevators and pneumatic elevators and conveyors); air or other gas compressors and fans; ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters; gas-tight biological safety cabin
Commodity code: 84 14
- Hand-operated or foot-operated air pumps Commodity code: 84 14 20
- Air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing Commodity code: 84 14 40
- Table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W Commodity code: 84 14 51
- Fans (excl. table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W) Commodity code: 84 14 59
Air pumps, air or other gas compressors and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters, having a maximum horizontal side > 120 cm (excl. vacuum pumps, hand- or foot-operated air pumps, compressors for refri
Commodity code: 84 14 80
- Reciprocating displacement compressors, having a gauge pressure capacity <= 15 bar, giving a flow/h > 60 m³ (excl. compressors for refrigerating equipment and air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing) Commodity code: 84 14 80 28
- Air pumps and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters, with a maximum horizontal side > 120 cm (excl. vacuum pumps, hand- or foot-operated air pumps, compressors and gas-tight biological safety cabinets) Commodity code: 84 14 80 80
- Air conditioning machines comprising a motor-driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, incl. those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated; parts thereof Commodity code: 84 15
Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps; parts thereof (excl. air conditioning machines of heading 8415)
Commodity code: 84 18
Combined refrigerator-freezers, with separate external doors or drawers, or combinations thereof
Commodity code: 84 18 10
- Combined refrigerator-freezers, of a capacity > 340 l, fitted with separate external doors or drawers or combinations thereof Commodity code: 84 18 10 20
- Combined refrigerator-freezers, of a capacity <= 340 l, fitted with separate external doors or drawers or combinations thereof Commodity code: 84 18 10 80
Household refrigerators, compression-type
Commodity code: 84 18 21
- Household refrigerators, compression-type, of a capacity > 340 l Commodity code: 84 18 21 10
- Household refrigerators, compression-type, table model Commodity code: 84 18 21 51
- Household refrigerators compression-type, of a capacity <= 250 l (excl. table models and building-in types) Commodity code: 84 18 21 91
- Household refrigerators, compression-type, of a capacity > 250 l but <= 340 l (excl. table models and building-in types) Commodity code: 84 18 21 99
- Household refrigerators, absorption-type Commodity code: 84 18 29
- Freezers of the chest type, of a capacity <= 800 l Commodity code: 84 18 30
- Freezers of the upright type, of a capacity <= 900 l Commodity code: 84 18 40
- Refrigerating or freezing equipment (excl. refrigerating and freezing furniture) Commodity code: 84 18 69
- Parts of refrigerating or freezing equipment and heat pumps, n.e.s. Commodity code: 84 18 99
Combined refrigerator-freezers, with separate external doors or drawers, or combinations thereof
Commodity code: 84 18 10
- Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment whether or not electrically heated (excl. furnaces, ovens and other equipment of heading 8514), for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature such as heating, cooking, roasting, Commodity code: 84 19
Centrifuges, incl. centrifugal dryers (excl. those for isotope separation); filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids or gases; parts thereof (excl. artificial kidneys)
Commodity code: 84 21
- Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying water Commodity code: 84 21 21
- Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying gases (excl. isotope separators and intake air filters for internal combustion engines, and catalytic converters and particulate filters for purifying or filtering exhaust gases from internal combust Commodity code: 84 21 39
- Parts of centrifuges, incl. centrifugal dryers, n.e.s. Commodity code: 84 21 91
- Parts of machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying liquids or gases, n.e.s. Commodity code: 84 21 99
- Dishwashing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containe Commodity code: 84 22
Weighing machinery, incl. weight-operated counting or checking machines (excl. balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better); weighing machine weights of all kinds; parts thereof
Commodity code: 84 23
- Personal weighing machines, incl. baby scales; household scales Commodity code: 84 23 10
- Weighing machinery having a maximum weighing capacity <= 30 kg (excl. balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better, personal weighing machines, household scales, scales for continuous weighing of goods on conveyors, constant weight scales and scales f Commodity code: 84 23 81
Mechanical appliances, whether or not hand-operated, for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders, n.e.s.; fire extinguishers, charged or not (excl. fire-extinguishing bombs and grenades); spray guns and similar appliances (excl. electri
Commodity code: 84 24
Steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines, incl. water cleaning appliances with built-in motor (excl. appliances for cleaning special containers)
Commodity code: 84 24 30
- Water cleaning appliances with built-in motor, without heating device Commodity code: 84 24 30 08
- Steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines (excl. compressed air operated and water cleaning appliances with built-in motor and appliances for cleaning special containers) Commodity code: 84 24 30 90
- Agricultural or horticultural mechanical appliances, whether or not hand-operated, for projecting or dispersing liquids or powders (excl. sprayers) Commodity code: 84 24 82
Mechanical appliances, whether or not hand-operated, for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 84 24 89
- Mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing, or spraying liquids or powders, of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of printed circuits or printed circuit assemblies Commodity code: 84 24 89 40
- Mechanical appliances, whether or not hand-operated, for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders, n.e.s. Commodity code: 84 24 89 70
Steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines, incl. water cleaning appliances with built-in motor (excl. appliances for cleaning special containers)
Commodity code: 84 24 30
- Pulley tackle and hoists (other than skip hoists); winches and capstans; jacks Commodity code: 84 25
- Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment (excl. straddle carriers and works trucks fitted with a crane) Commodity code: 84 27
- Agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation (excl. sprayers and dusters); lawn or sports-ground rollers; parts thereof Commodity code: 84 32
Harvesting or threshing machinery, incl. straw or fodder balers; grass or hay mowers; machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural produce; parts thereof (other than machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain
Commodity code: 84 33
- Mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds, powered, with the cutting device rotating in a horizontal plane Commodity code: 84 33 11
Mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds, powered, with the cutting device rotating in a vertical plane or with cutter bars
Commodity code: 84 33 19
- Electric motor mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds, with the cutting device rotating in a vertical plane or with cutter bars Commodity code: 84 33 19 10
- Motor mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds, powered non-electrically, with the cutting device rotating in a vertical plane or with cutter bars, not self-propelled Commodity code: 84 33 19 70
- Mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds, without motor Commodity code: 84 33 19 90
- Agricultural, horticultural, forestry, poultry-keeping or bee-keeping machinery, incl. germination plant fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment; poultry incubators and brooders; parts thereof Commodity code: 84 36
Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 8442 (excl. hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines and other office printing machines of heading 8469 to 8472); other
Commodity code: 84 43
- Machines which perform two or more of the functions of printing, copying or facsimile transmission, capable of connecting to an automatic data-processing machine or to a network Commodity code: 84 43 31
- Machines which only perform one of the functions of printing, copying or facsimile transmission, capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network Commodity code: 84 43 32
- Household or laundry-type washing machines, incl. machines which both wash and dry; parts thereof Commodity code: 84 50
Machinery (excl. of heading 8450) for washing, cleaning, wringing, drying, ironing, pressing incl. fusing presses, bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating or impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or made-up textile articles and for applying pas
Commodity code: 84 51
- Drying machines, of a dry linen capacity <= 10 kg (excl. centrifugal driers) Commodity code: 84 51 21
- Drying machines for textile yarns, fabrics or made-up textile articles (excl. machines of a dry linen capacity <= 10 kg and centrifugal driers) Commodity code: 84 51 29
Parts of machines for washing, cleaning, wringing, drying, ironing, pressing, bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating or impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or made-up textile articles; parts of machines used in the manufacture of linoleum or
Commodity code: 84 51 90
- Parts of machines for washing, cleaning, wringing, drying, ironing, pressing, bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating or impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or made-up textile articles; parts of machines used in the manufacture of linoleum or other floor coverings for applying the paste to the base fabric or other support; parts of machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinki Commodity code: 84 51 90 00
- Sewing machines (other than book-sewing machines of heading 8440); furniture, bases and covers specially designed for sewing machines; sewing machine needles; parts thereof Commodity code: 84 52
Machine tools, incl. machines for nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise assembling, for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials (excl. machines for working in the hand and machines for additive manufacturing)
Commodity code: 84 65
- Sawing machines for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials (excl. machines for working in the hand) Commodity code: 84 65 91
- Planing, milling or moulding -by cutting- machines, for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials (excl. machines for working in the hand and machines of subheadings 8465.10 and 8465.20) Commodity code: 84 65 92
- Grinding, sanding or polishing machines for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials (excl. machines for working in the hand and machining centres) Commodity code: 84 65 93
Machine tools for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials (excl. machines for working in the hand, machines of subheadings 8465.10 and 8465.20, sawing machines, planing, milling or moulding "by cutting" machines
Commodity code: 84 65 99
- Machine tools for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials (excl. machines for working in the hand, machines of subheadings 8465.10 and 8465.20, sawing machines, planing, milling or moulding "by cutting" machines, grinding, sanding or polishing machines, bending or assembling machines, drilling or mortising machines, splitting, slicing or paring machines and m Commodity code: 84 65 99 00
Tools for working in the hand, pneumatic, hydraulic or with self-contained electric or non-electric motor; parts thereof
Commodity code: 84 67
Drills of all kinds for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor
Commodity code: 84 67 21
- Drills of all kinds for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor capable of operation without an external source of power Commodity code: 84 67 21 10
- Drills of all kinds for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor operating with an external source of power (excl. electropneumatic drills) Commodity code: 84 67 21 99
Saws for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor
Commodity code: 84 67 22
- Chainsaws for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor Commodity code: 84 67 22 10
- Circular saws for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor Commodity code: 84 67 22 30
- Saws for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor (excl. chainsaws and circular saws) Commodity code: 84 67 22 90
Electromechanical tools for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor (excl. saws and drills)
Commodity code: 84 67 29
- Electromechanical tools for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor capable of operation without an external source of power (excl. saws and drills) Commodity code: 84 67 29 20
- Belt sanders for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor, operating with an external source of power Commodity code: 84 67 29 53
- Grinders and sanders, for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor, operating with an external source of power (excl. angle grinders and belt sanders) Commodity code: 84 67 29 59
- Hedge trimmers and lawn edge cutters, for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor operating with an external source of power Commodity code: 84 67 29 80
- Electromechanical tools for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor operating with an external source of power (excl. saws, drills, grinders, sanders, planers, hedge trimmers and lawn edge cutters) Commodity code: 84 67 29 85
- Chainsaws for working in the hand, with self-contained non-electric motor Commodity code: 84 67 81
Drills of all kinds for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor
Commodity code: 84 67 21
Automatic data-processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 84 71
- Data-processing machines, automatic, portable, weighing <= 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display (excl. peripheral units) Commodity code: 84 71 30
Data-processing machines, automatic, comprising in the same housing at least a central processing unit, and one input unit and one output unit, whether or not combined (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. those presented in the form of systems
Commodity code: 84 71 41
- Data-processing machines, automatic, comprising in the same housing at least a central processing unit, and one input unit and one output unit, whether or not combined (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. those presented in the form of systems and peripheral units) Commodity code: 84 71 41 00
- Data-processing machines, automatic, presented in the form of systems "comprising at least a central processing unit, one input unit and one output unit" (excl. portable weighing <= 10 kg and excl. peripheral units) Commodity code: 84 71 49
- Processing units for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing in the same housing one or two of the following types of unit: storage units, input units, output units (excl. those of heading 8471.41 or 8471.49 and excl. peripheral Commodity code: 84 71 50
- Input or output units for automatic data-processing machines, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing Commodity code: 84 71 60
- Storage units for automatic data-processing machines Commodity code: 84 71 70
- Magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s. Commodity code: 84 71 90
- Office machines, e.g. hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines, automatic banknote dispensers, coin-sorting machines, coin-counting or coin-wrapping machines, pencil-sharpening machines, perforating or stapling machines, n.e.s. Commodity code: 84 72
- Parts and accessories (other than covers, carrying cases and the like) suitable for use solely or principally with machines of heading 8469 to 8472, n.e.s. Commodity code: 84 73
- Machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; parts thereof Commodity code: 84 79
Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, incl. pressure-reducing valves and thermostatically controlled valves; parts thereof
Commodity code: 84 81
- Pressure-reducing valves Commodity code: 84 81 10
- Valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmission Commodity code: 84 81 20
- Appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (excl. pressure-reducing valves, valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission, check "non-return" valves and safety or relief valves) Commodity code: 84 81 80
Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device (excl. ceramic pumps and secretion aspirating pumps for medical use and medical pumps carried on or implanted in the body); liquid elevators (excl. pumps); parts thereof
Commodity code: 84 13
Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles
Commodity code: 85
- Electric motors and generators (excl. generating sets) Commodity code: 85 01
Electrical transformers, static converters, e.g. rectifiers, and inductors; parts thereof
Commodity code: 85 04
- Transformers having a power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (excl. liquid dielectric transformers) Commodity code: 85 04 31
Static converters
Commodity code: 85 04 40
- Static converters of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof Commodity code: 85 04 40 30
- Accumulator chargers (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, and polycrystalline semiconductor rectifiers) Commodity code: 85 04 40 55
- Rectifiers Commodity code: 85 04 40 83
- Static converters (excl. of a kind used with telecommunication apparatus, automatic data-processing machines and units thereof, battery chargers, polycrystalline semiconductor and other rectifiers, and a.c. converters) Commodity code: 85 04 40 90
- Static converters (excl. accumulator chargers, rectifiers, and inverters) Commodity code: 85 04 40 95
- Inductors (excl. inductors for discharge lamps or tubes) Commodity code: 85 04 50
Primary cells and primary batteries, electrical; parts thereof (excl. spent)
Commodity code: 85 06
- Manganese dioxide cells and batteries (excl. spent) Commodity code: 85 06 10
- Lithium cells and batteries (excl. spent) Commodity code: 85 06 50
- Primary cells and primary batteries, electric (excl. spent, and those of silver oxide, mercuric oxide, manganese dioxide, lithium and air-zinc) Commodity code: 85 06 80
- Electric accumulators, incl. separators therefor, whether or not square or rectangular; parts thereof (excl. spent and those of unhardened rubber or textiles) Commodity code: 85 07
Vacuum cleaners, incl. dry cleaners and wet vacuum cleaners
Commodity code: 85 08
- Vacuum cleaners, incl. dry cleaners and wet vacuum cleaners, with self-contained electric motor, power <= 1á500áW and having a dust bag or other receptacle capacity <= 20ál Commodity code: 85 08 11
- Vacuum cleaners, incl. dry cleaners and wet vacuum cleaners, with self-contained electric motor ( excl. of a power <= 1á500áW and having a dust bag or other receptacle capacity <= 20ál) Commodity code: 85 08 19
- Vacuum cleaners, incl. dry cleaners and wet vacuum cleaners (excl. with self-contained electric motor) Commodity code: 85 08 60
- Parts of vacuum cleaners, dry cleaners and wet vacuum cleaners, n.e.s. Commodity code: 85 08 70
Electromechanical domestic appliances, with self-contained electric motor; parts thereof (excl. vacuum cleaners, dry and wet vacuum cleaners)
Commodity code: 85 09
- Domestic food grinders and mixers and fruit or vegetable juice extractors, with self-contained electric motor Commodity code: 85 09 40
- Electromechanical domestic appliances, with self-contained electric motor (excl. vacuum cleaners, dry and wet vacuum cleaners, food grinders and mixers, fruit or vegetable juice extractors, and hair-removing appliances) Commodity code: 85 09 80
- Parts of electromechanical domestic appliances, with self-contained electric motor, n.e.s. (excl. of vacuum cleaners, dry and wet vacuum cleaners) Commodity code: 85 09 90
- Electric shavers, hair clippers and hair-removing appliances, with self-contained electric motor; parts thereof Commodity code: 85 10
- Electrical lighting or signalling equipment (excl. lamps of heading 8539), windscreen wipers, defrosters and demisters, of a kind used for cycles or motor vehicles; parts thereof Commodity code: 85 12
- Portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy, e.g. dry batteries, accumulators and magnetos; parts thereof (excl. lighting equipment of heading 8512) Commodity code: 85 13
Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters; electric space-heating apparatus and soil-heating apparatus; electro-thermic hairdressing apparatus, e.g. hairdryers, hair curlers and curling tong heaters, and hand dryers; elect
Commodity code: 85 16
- Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters Commodity code: 85 16 10
Electric space-heating and soil-heating apparatus (excl. storage heating radiators)
Commodity code: 85 16 29
- Liquid filled electric radiators, for space-heating and soil-heating Commodity code: 85 16 29 10
- Electric convection heaters, for space-heating and soil-heating Commodity code: 85 16 29 50
- Electric space-heating and soil-heating apparatus, with built-in fan (excl. storage heating radiators) Commodity code: 85 16 29 91
- Electric space-heating and soil-heating apparatus, without built-in fan (excl. convection heaters and liquid-filled radiators) Commodity code: 85 16 29 99
- Electric hairdryers Commodity code: 85 16 31
- Electro-thermic hairdressing apparatus (excl. hairdryers) Commodity code: 85 16 32
- Electric smoothing irons Commodity code: 85 16 40
- Microwave ovens Commodity code: 85 16 50
Electric ovens, cookers, cooking plates and boiling rings, electric grillers and roasters, for domestic use (excl. space-heating stoves and microwave ovens)
Commodity code: 85 16 60
- Electric cookers incorporating at least an oven and a hob, for domestic use Commodity code: 85 16 60 10
- Electric cooking plates, boiling rings and hobs, for domestic use Commodity code: 85 16 60 50
- Electric grillers and roasters, for domestic use Commodity code: 85 16 60 70
- Electric ovens for building in, for domestic use Commodity code: 85 16 60 80
- Electric ovens, for domestic use (excl. space-heating stoves, electric cookers incorporating at least an oven and a hob, microwave ovens and electric ovens for building in) Commodity code: 85 16 60 90
- Electro-thermic coffee or tea makers, for domestic use Commodity code: 85 16 71
- Electric toasters, for domestic use Commodity code: 85 16 72
Electro-thermic appliances, for domestic use (excl. hairdressing appliances and hand dryers, space-heating and soil-heating apparatus, water heaters, immersion heaters, smoothing irons, microwave ovens, ovens, cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings,
Commodity code: 85 16 79
- Electric deep fat fryers, for domestic use Commodity code: 85 16 79 20
- Electro-thermic appliances, for domestic use (excl. hairdressing appliances and hand dryers, space-heating and soil-heating apparatus, water heaters, immersion heaters, smoothing irons, microwave ovens, ovens, cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings, grillers, roasters, coffee makers, tea makers, toasters and deep fat fryers) Commodity code: 85 16 79 70
- Electric heating resistors (excl. those of agglomerated coal and graphite) Commodity code: 85 16 80
- Parts of electric water heaters, immersion heaters, space-heating apparatus and soil-heating apparatus, hairdressing apparatus and hand dryers, electro-thermic appliances of a kind used for domestic purposes and electric heating resistors, n.e.s. Commodity code: 85 16 90
Telephone sets, incl. smartphones and other telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks; other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, incl. apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless ne
Commodity code: 85 17
- Line telephone sets with cordless handsets Commodity code: 85 17 11
- Smartphones for wireless networks Commodity code: 85 17 13
- Telephone sets (excl. line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks) Commodity code: 85 17 18
- Base stations of apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data Commodity code: 85 17 61
- Machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, incl. switching and routing apparatus (excl. telephone sets, telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks) Commodity code: 85 17 62
Apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, incl. apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless network [such as a local or wide area network] (excl. telephone sets, telephones for cellular networks or for other w
Commodity code: 85 17 69
- Apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, incl. apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless network [such as a local or wide area network] (excl. telephone sets, telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks, base stations, apparatus for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, videophones, Commodity code: 85 17 69 90
- Parts of telephone sets, telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks and of other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, n.e.s. Commodity code: 85 17 70
- Parts of telephone sets, telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks and of other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, n.e.s. Commodity code: 85 17 79
Microphones and stands therefor (excl. cordless microphones with built-in transmitter); loudspeakers, whether or not mounted in their enclosures; headphones and earphones, whether or not combined with a microphone, and sets consisting of a microphone
Commodity code: 85 18
Microphones and stands therefor (excl. cordless microphones with built-in transmitter)
Commodity code: 85 18 10
- Microphones and stands therefor (excl. cordless microphones with built-in transmitter) Commodity code: 85 18 10 00
- Microphones and stands therefor (excl. microphones having a frequency range of 300 Hz to 3,4 kHz, of a diameter <= 10 mm and a height <= 3 mm, of a kind used for telecommunications, and cordless microphones with built-in transmitter) Commodity code: 85 18 10 95
- Single loudspeakers, mounted in their enclosures Commodity code: 85 18 21
- Multiple loudspeakers, mounted in the same enclosure Commodity code: 85 18 22
- Loudspeakers, without enclosure Commodity code: 85 18 29
Headphones and earphones, whether or not combined with microphone, and sets consisting of a microphone and one or more loudspeakers (excl. telephone sets, hearing aids and helmets with built-in headphones, whether or not incorporating a microphone)
Commodity code: 85 18 30
- Headphones and earphones, whether or not combined with microphone, and sets consisting of a microphone and one or more loudspeakers (excl. telephone sets, hearing aids and helmets with built-in headphones, whether or not incorporating a microphone) Commodity code: 85 18 30 00
- Headphones and earphones, whether or not combined with microphone, and sets consisting of a microphone and one or more loudspeakers (excl. line telephone handsets, telephone sets, hearing aids and helmets with built-in headphones, whether or not incorporating a microphone) Commodity code: 85 18 30 95
- Audio-frequency electric amplifiers Commodity code: 85 18 40
- Electric sound amplifier sets Commodity code: 85 18 50
Microphones and stands therefor (excl. cordless microphones with built-in transmitter)
Commodity code: 85 18 10
Sound recording or sound reproducing apparatus
Commodity code: 85 19
- Turntables "record-decks" Commodity code: 85 19 30
Sound recording or sound reproducing apparatus, using magnetic, optical or semiconductor media (excl. those operated by coins, banknotes, bank cards, tokens or by other means of payment, and turntables)
Commodity code: 85 19 81
- Sound recording or sound reproducing apparatus, using magnetic, optical or semiconductor media (excl. those operated by coins, banknotes, bank cards, tokens or by other means of payment, and turntables) Commodity code: 85 19 81 00
- Sound-reproducing apparatus, using magnetic, optical or semiconductor media, without laser reading system, without sound recording device (excl. those operated by coins, banknotes, bank cards, tokens or by other means of payment, turntables, transcribing machines, telephone answering machines, cassette players and CD-players) Commodity code: 85 19 81 45
- Sound recording or sound reproducing apparatus, using magnetic, optical or semiconductor media (excl. those operated by coins, banknotes, bank cards, tokens or by other means of payment, turntables, telephone answering machines, dictating machines and magnetic tape recorders) Commodity code: 85 19 81 95
- Sound recording or sound reproducing apparatus (excl. using magnetic, optical or semiconductor media, those operated by coins, banknotes, bank cards, tokens or by other means of payment, and turntables) Commodity code: 85 19 89
- Video recording or reproducing apparatus, whether or not incorporating a video tuner (excl. video camera recorders) Commodity code: 85 21
- Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with sound reproducing and recording apparatus and with video equipment for recording and reproducing pictures and sound Commodity code: 85 22
Discs, tapes, solid-state non-volatile storage devices, "smart cards" and other media for the recording of sound or of other phenomena, whether or not recorded, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. products of chapter 37)
Commodity code: 85 23
- Magnetic media for the recording of sound or of other phenomena (excl. cards incorporating a magnetic stripe and goods of chapter 37) Commodity code: 85 23 29
- Optical media for the recording of sound or of other phenomena (excl. unrecorded and goods of chapter 37) Commodity code: 85 23 49
Solid-state, non-volatile data storage devices for recording data from an external source [flash memory cards or flash electronic storage cards] (excl. goods of chapter 37)
Commodity code: 85 23 51
- Solid-state, non-volatile data storage devices for recording data from an external source [flash memory cards or flash electronic storage cards], unrecorded Commodity code: 85 23 51 10
- Solid-state, non-volatile data storage devices [flash memory cards or flash electronic storage cards], recorded Commodity code: 85 23 51 90
- Flat panel display modules, whether or not incorporating touch-sensitive screens Commodity code: 85 24
Transmission apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, whether or not incorporating reception apparatus or sound recording or reproducing apparatus; television cameras, digital cameras and video camera recorders
Commodity code: 85 25
- Transmission apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, not incorporating reception apparatus Commodity code: 85 25 50
- Transmission apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, incorporating reception apparatus Commodity code: 85 25 60
Television cameras, digital cameras and video camera recorders
Commodity code: 85 25 80
- Digital cameras Commodity code: 85 25 80 30
- Video camera recorders only able to record sound and images taken by the television camera Commodity code: 85 25 80 91
- Video camera recorders able to record television programmes and sound and images taken by the television camera Commodity code: 85 25 80 99
- High-speed television cameras, digital cameras and video camera recorders specified in subheading note 1 to Ch85 Commodity code: 85 25 81
- Television cameras, digital cameras and video camera recorders (excl. high-speed, radiation-hardened or radiation-tolerant, and night vision goods) Commodity code: 85 25 89
- Radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and radio remote control apparatus Commodity code: 85 26
Reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting, whether or not combined, in the same housing, with sound recording or reproducing apparatus or a clock
Commodity code: 85 27
Pocket-size radiocassette players [dimensions <= 170 mm x 100 mm x 45 mm], with built-in amplifier, without built-in loudspeakers, capable of operating without an external source of electric power
Commodity code: 85 27 12
- Pocket-size radiocassette players [dimensions <= 170 mm x 100 mm x 45 mm], with built-in amplifier, without built-in loudspeakers, capable of operating without an external source of electric power Commodity code: 85 27 12 00
- Pocket-size radiocassette players [dimensions <= 170 mm x 100 mm x 45 mm], with built-in amplifier, without built-in loudspeakers, capable of being operated without an external source of power (excl. with analogue and digital reading system) Commodity code: 85 27 12 90
Radio-broadcast receivers capable of operating without an external source of power, combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus (excl. pocket-size radiocassette players)
Commodity code: 85 27 13
- Radio-broadcast receivers capable of operating without an external source of power, combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus (excl. pocket-size radiocassette players) Commodity code: 85 27 13 00
- Radio-broadcast receivers capable of operating without an external source of power, combined with sound-reproducing apparatus with laser reading system (excl. pocket-size radiocassette players) Commodity code: 85 27 13 10
- Radio-broadcast receivers capable of operating without an external source of power, combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus (excl. pocket-size radiocassette players, with laser reading system and cassette decks with an analogue and digital reading system) Commodity code: 85 27 13 99
- Radio-broadcast receivers capable of operating without an external source of power, not combined with sound-reproducing apparatus Commodity code: 85 27 19
Radio-broadcast receivers not capable of operating without an external source of power, of a kind used in motor vehicles, combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus
Commodity code: 85 27 21
- Radio-broadcast receivers capable of receiving and decoding digital Radio Data System signals, of a kind used in motor vehicles, only capable of being operated with an external source of power, combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus incorporating a laser reading system Commodity code: 85 27 21 20
Radio-broadcast receivers, for mains operation only, combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus (excl. those of a kind used in motor vehicles)
Commodity code: 85 27 91
- Radio-broadcast receivers, for mains operation only, combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus (excl. those of a kind used in motor vehicles) Commodity code: 85 27 91 00
- Radio receivers, only mains-operated, with, in the same housing, one or more loudspeakers, combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus (excl. cassette decks with an analogue and digital reading system) Commodity code: 85 27 91 19
- Radio-broadcast receivers, for mains operation only, without built-in loudspeaker, combined with sound-reproducing apparatus with laser reading system (excl. those of a kind used in motor vehicles) Commodity code: 85 27 91 35
- Radio receivers, only mains-operated, without built-in loudspeakers, combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus (excl. with laser reading system, cassette decks with an analogue and digital reading system and equipment of a kind used in motor vehicles) Commodity code: 85 27 91 99
Radio-broadcast receivers, for mains operation only, not combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus but combined with a clock (excl. those of a kind used in motor vehicles)
Commodity code: 85 27 92
- Radio-broadcast receivers, for mains operation only, not combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus but combined with a clock (excl. those of a kind used in motor vehicles) Commodity code: 85 27 92 00
- Alarm clock radios, for mains operation only, not combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus Commodity code: 85 27 92 10
- Radio-broadcast receivers, for mains operation only, not combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus and not combined with a clock (excl. those of a kind used in motor vehicles) Commodity code: 85 27 99
Pocket-size radiocassette players [dimensions <= 170 mm x 100 mm x 45 mm], with built-in amplifier, without built-in loudspeakers, capable of operating without an external source of electric power
Commodity code: 85 27 12
Monitors and projectors, not incorporating television reception apparatus; reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus
Commodity code: 85 28
- Monitors capable of directly connecting to and designed for use with an automatic data processing machine of heading 8471 (excl. CRT, with TV receiver) Commodity code: 85 28 52
- Monitors (excl. with TV receiver, CRT and those designed for computer use) Commodity code: 85 28 59
Reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus, not designed to incorporate a video display or screen
Commodity code: 85 28 71
- Video tuners electronic assemblies for incorporation into automatic data-processing machines Commodity code: 85 28 71 11
- Video tuners with a microprocessor-based device incorporating a modem for gaining access to the Internet, and having a function of interactive information exchange, capable of receiving television signals (set-top boxes with a communication function) Commodity code: 85 28 71 15
- Video tuners (excl. electronic assemblies for incorporation into automatic data-processing machines and apparatus with a microprocessor-based device incorporating a modem for gaining access to the Internet and having a function of interactive information exchange capable of receiving television signals "set-top boxes with communication function") Commodity code: 85 28 71 19
- Apparatus with a microprocessor-based device incorporating a modem for gaining access to the Internet, and having a function of interactive information exchange, capable of receiving television signals (set-top boxes with a communication function, excl. video tuners) Commodity code: 85 28 71 91
- Reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus, not designed to incorporate a video display or screen (excl. video tuners, set-top boxes with a communication function) Commodity code: 85 28 71 99
Reception apparatus for television, colour, whether or not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus, designed to incorporate a video display or screen
Commodity code: 85 28 72
- Television projection equipment, colour, designed to incorporate a video display or screen Commodity code: 85 28 72 10
- Reception apparatus for television, colour, incorporating a video recorder or reproducer Commodity code: 85 28 72 20
- Reception apparatus for television, colour, with LCD screen (excl. incorporating video recording or reproducing apparatus, and monitors, and television projection equipment) Commodity code: 85 28 72 40
- Reception apparatus for television, colour (excl. with integral tube or LCD or plasma display, or incorporating video recording or reproducing apparatus, and monitors and television projection equipment) Commodity code: 85 28 72 80
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with flat panel display modules, transmission and reception apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy, radio-broadcasting, television, television cameras, still image video cameras and other video ca
Commodity code: 85 29
- Aerials and aerial reflectors of all kinds; parts suitable for use therewith, n.e.s. Commodity code: 85 29 10
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with flat panel display modules, transmission and reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, television cameras,digital cameras, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational a
Commodity code: 85 29 90
- Cabinets and cases other than of wood, for transmission and reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, television cameras, digital cameras, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus or radio remote control apparatus, monitors and projectors, n.e.s. Commodity code: 85 29 90 49
- Electronic assemblies suitable for use solely or principally with flat panel display modules, transmission and reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, television cameras, digital cameras, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus or radio remote control apparatus, monitors and projectors, n.e.s. Commodity code: 85 29 90 65
- Parts suitable for use solely or principally with television cameras, reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, and monitors and projectors, n.e.s. (excl. aerials, cabinets and casings, electronic assemblies and parts for monitors and projectors of a kind solely or principally used in an automatic data-processing machine) Commodity code: 85 29 90 92
- Parts suitable for use solely or principally with flat panel display modules, transmission apparatus not incorporating reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, video camera recorders, radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and remote control apparatus, n.e.s. Commodity code: 85 29 90 97
Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus, e.g. bells, sirens, indicator panels, burglar or fire alarms (excl. those for cycles, motor vehicles and traffic signalling); parts thereof
Commodity code: 85 31
- Burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus Commodity code: 85 31 10
- Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus (excl. indicator panels with liquid crystal devices or light emitting diodes, burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus and apparatus for cycles, motor vehicles and traffic signalling) Commodity code: 85 31 80
Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits, e.g., switches, relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets, lamp holders and junction boxes, for a voltage <= 1.000 V
Commodity code: 85 36
Switches for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. relays and automatic circuit breakers)
Commodity code: 85 36 50
- Switches for a voltage of > 60 V and <= 1.000 V (excl. relays, automatic circuit breakers, electronic AC switches consisting of optically coupled input and output circuits "insulated thyristor AC switches", electronic switches, incl. temperature protected electronic switches, consisting of a transistor and a logic chip [chip-on-chip technology] and electromechanical snap-action switches for a curr Commodity code: 85 36 50 80
- Plugs and sockets for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. lamp holders) Commodity code: 85 36 69
- Electrical apparatus for switching electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. fuses, automatic circuit breakers and other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits, relays and other Commodity code: 85 36 90
Switches for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. relays and automatic circuit breakers)
Commodity code: 85 36 50
Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases, equipped with two or more apparatus of heading 8535 or 8536, for electric control or the distribution of electricity, incl. those incorporating instruments or apparatus of chapter 90, and num
Commodity code: 85 37
Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V
Commodity code: 85 37 10
- Programmable memory controllers (excl. numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines) Commodity code: 85 37 10 91
- Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V (excl. switching apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, numerical control panels with built-in automatic data-processing machines, programmable memory controllers and touch screens) Commodity code: 85 37 10 98
Boards, cabinets and similar combinations of apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity, for a voltage <= 1.000 V
Commodity code: 85 37 10
Electric filament or discharge lamps, incl. sealed beam lamp units and ultraviolet or infra-red lamps; arc lamps; light-emitting diode "LED" light sources; parts thereof
Commodity code: 85 39
Filament lamps of a power <= 200 W and for a voltage > 100 V (excl. tungsten halogen filament lamps and ultraviolet or infra-red lamps)
Commodity code: 85 39 22
- Reflector filament lamps of a power <= 200 W and for a voltage > 100 V (excl. tungsten halogen filament lamps) Commodity code: 85 39 22 10
- Filament lamps of a power <= 200 W and for a voltage > 100 V (excl. tungsten halogen lamps, reflector lamps and ultraviolet or infra-red lamps) Commodity code: 85 39 22 90
- Light-emitting diode "LED" lamps Commodity code: 85 39 50
- Light-emitting diode "LED" light source modules Commodity code: 85 39 51
- Light-emitting diode "LED" lamps Commodity code: 85 39 52
Filament lamps of a power <= 200 W and for a voltage > 100 V (excl. tungsten halogen filament lamps and ultraviolet or infra-red lamps)
Commodity code: 85 39 22
- Semiconductor devices "e.g. diodes, transistors, semiconductor-based transducers"; photosensitive semiconductor devices, incl. photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made up into panels (excl. photovoltaic generators); light emitti Commodity code: 85 41
- Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.s. in chapter 85 and parts thereof Commodity code: 85 43
Insulated "incl. enamelled or anodised" wire, cable "incl. coaxial cable" and other insulated electric conductors, whether or not fitted with connectors; optical fibre cables, made up of individually sheathed fibres, whether or not assembled with ele
Commodity code: 85 44
- Coaxial cable and other coaxial electric conductors, insulated Commodity code: 85 44 20
Electric conductors for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 85 44 42
- Electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. Commodity code: 85 44 42 10
- Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, fitted with connectors, n.e.s. (other than of a kind used for telecommunications) Commodity code: 85 44 42 90
- Electric conductors, for a voltage <= 1.000 V, insulated, not fitted with connectors, n.e.s. Commodity code: 85 44 49
Live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage
Commodity code: 06
- Cut flowers and flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise prepared Commodity code: 06 03
- Foliage, branches and other parts of plants, without flowers or flower buds, and grasses, mosses and lichens, of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise prepared Commodity code: 06 04
Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products not elsewhere specified or included
Commodity code: 14
- Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily for plaiting, e.g. bamboos, rattans, reeds, rushes, osier, raffia, cleaned, bleached or dyed cereal straw, and lime bark Commodity code: 14 01
- Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering material, lime and cement Commodity code: 25
Pharmaceutical products
Commodity code: 30
Wadding, gauze, bandages and the like, e.g. dressings, adhesive plasters, poultices, impregnated or covered with pharmaceutical substances or put up for retail sale for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes
Commodity code: 30 05
Wadding, gauze, bandages and the like, e.g. dressings, adhesive plasters, poultices, impregnated or covered with pharmaceutical substances or put up for retail sale for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes (excl. adhesive dressings and ot
Commodity code: 30 05 90
- Bandages and similar articles of textile materials, impregnated or covered with pharmaceutical substances or put up for retail sale for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes (excl. wadding, gauze and articles thereof, adhesive dressings and other articles having an adhesive layer) Commodity code: 30 05 90 50
Wadding, gauze, bandages and the like, e.g. dressings, adhesive plasters, poultices, impregnated or covered with pharmaceutical substances or put up for retail sale for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes (excl. adhesive dressings and ot
Commodity code: 30 05 90
Wadding, gauze, bandages and the like, e.g. dressings, adhesive plasters, poultices, impregnated or covered with pharmaceutical substances or put up for retail sale for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes
Commodity code: 30 05
Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other colouring matter;paints and varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks
Commodity code: 32
Artist's, student's or signboard painter's colours, modifying tints, amusement colours and the like, in tablets, tubes, jars, bottles, pans or similar packages
Commodity code: 32 13
- Sets of artist's, student's or signboard painter's colours, modifying tints, amusement colours and the like, in tablets, tubes, jars, bottles, pans or similar packages Commodity code: 32 13 10
- Artist's, student's or signboard painter's colours, modifying tints, amusement colours and the like, in tablets, tubes, jars, bottles, pans or similar packages (excl. those in sets) Commodity code: 32 13 90
Artist's, student's or signboard painter's colours, modifying tints, amusement colours and the like, in tablets, tubes, jars, bottles, pans or similar packages
Commodity code: 32 13
Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations
Commodity code: 33
- Essential oils, whether or not terpeneless, incl. concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, fixed oils, waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deter Commodity code: 33 01
Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin, incl. sunscreen or suntan preparations (excl. medicaments); manicure or pedicure preparations
Commodity code: 33 04
- Lip make-up preparations Commodity code: 33 04 10
- Eye make-up preparations Commodity code: 33 04 20
- Manicure or pedicure preparations Commodity code: 33 04 30
Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), incl. sunscreen or suntan preparations (excl. medicaments, lip and eye make-up preparations, manicure or pedicure preparations and make-up or skin care
Commodity code: 33 04 99
- Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), incl. sunscreen or suntan preparations (excl. medicaments, lip and eye make-up preparations, manicure or pedicure preparations and make-up or skin care powders, incl. baby powders) Commodity code: 33 04 99 00
- Preparations for use on the hair Commodity code: 33 05
Shaving preparations, incl. pre-shave and aftershave products, personal deodorants, bath and shower preparations, depilatories and other perfumery, toilet or cosmetic preparations, n.e.s.; prepared room deodorisers, whether or not perfumed or having
Commodity code: 33 07
- Perfumed bath salts and other bath and shower preparations Commodity code: 33 07 30
- "Agarbatti" and other odoriferous preparations which operate by burning Commodity code: 33 07 41
- Preparations for perfuming or deodorising rooms, incl. odoriferous preparations used during religious rites (excl. agarbatti and other odoriferous preparations which operate by burning) Commodity code: 33 07 49
- Depilatories and other perfumery, toilet or cosmetic preparations, n.e.s. Commodity code: 33 07 90
Soaps, organic surface-active agents, washing preprations, lubricating preparations,artificial waxes, prepared waxes, shoe polish, scouring powder and the like, candles and similar products, modelling pastes, dentalwax and plaster-based dental prepar
Commodity code: 34
- Soap; organic surface-active products and preparations for use as soap, in the form of bars, cakes, moulded pieces or shapes, whether or not containing soap; organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin, in the form of liquid Commodity code: 34 01
- Organic surface-active agents (excl. soap); surface-active preparations, washing preparations, incl. auxiliary washing preparations, and cleaning preparations, whether or not containing soap (excl. those of heading 3401) Commodity code: 34 02
- Candles, tapers and the like Commodity code: 34 06
Modelling pastes, incl. those put up for children's amusement; preparations known as "dental wax" or as "dental impression compounds", put up in sets, in packings for retail sale or in plates, horseshoe shapes, sticks or similar forms; other preparat
Commodity code: 34 07
Modelling pastes, incl. those put up for children's amusement; preparations known as "dental wax" or as "dental impression compounds", put up in sets, in packings for retail sale or in plates, horseshoe shapes, sticks or similar forms; other preparat
Commodity code: 34 07 00
- Modelling pastes, incl. those put up for children's amusement; preparations known as "dental wax" or as "dental impression compounds", put up in sets, in packings for retail sale or in plates, horseshoe shapes, sticks or similar forms; other preparations for use in dentistry, with a basis of plaster "of calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate" Commodity code: 34 07 00 00
Modelling pastes, incl. those put up for children's amusement; preparations known as "dental wax" or as "dental impression compounds", put up in sets, in packings for retail sale or in plates, horseshoe shapes, sticks or similar forms; other preparat
Commodity code: 34 07 00
Plastics and plastic products
Commodity code: 39
- Monofilament of which any cross-sectional dimension > 1 mm, rods, sticks and profile shapes, of plastics, whether or not surface-worked but not further worked Commodity code: 39 16
- Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics Commodity code: 39 17
Floor coverings of plastics, whether or not self-adhesive, in rolls or in the form of tiles; wall or ceiling coverings of plastics, in rolls with a width of >= 45 cm, consisting of a layer of plastics fixed permanently on a backing of any material ot
Commodity code: 39 18
Floor coverings of plastics, whether or not self-adhesive, in rolls or in the form of tiles, and wall or ceiling coverings in rolls with a width of >= 45 cm, consisting of a layer of plastics fixed permanently on a backing of any material other than
Commodity code: 39 18 90
- Floor coverings of plastics, whether or not self-adhesive, in rolls or in the form of tiles, and wall or ceiling coverings in rolls with a width of >= 45 cm, consisting of a layer of plastics fixed permanently on a backing of any material other than paper, the face side of which is grained, embossed, coloured, design-printed or otherwise decorated (excl. coverings of polymers of vinyl chloride) Commodity code: 39 18 90 00
Floor coverings of plastics, whether or not self-adhesive, in rolls or in the form of tiles, and wall or ceiling coverings in rolls with a width of >= 45 cm, consisting of a layer of plastics fixed permanently on a backing of any material other than
Commodity code: 39 18 90
- Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics, whether or not in rolls (excl. floor, wall and ceiling coverings of heading 3918) Commodity code: 39 19
Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of non-cellular plastics, not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials, without backing, unworked or merely surface-worked or merely cut into squares or rectangles (excl. self-a
Commodity code: 39 20
Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of non-cellular polymers of vinyl chloride, containing by weight < 6% of plasticisers, not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials, without backing, unworked or merely surface-
Commodity code: 39 20 49
- Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of non-cellular polymers of vinyl chloride, containing by weight < 6% of plasticisers, of a thickness of <= 1 mm, not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials, without backing, unworked or merely surface-worked or merely cut into squares or rectangles (excl. self-adhesive products, and floor, wall and ceiling coverings of hea Commodity code: 39 20 49 10
Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of non-cellular polymers of vinyl chloride, containing by weight < 6% of plasticisers, not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials, without backing, unworked or merely surface-
Commodity code: 39 20 49
Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials, or of cellular plastic, unworked or merely surface-worked or merely cut into squares or rectangles (excl. self-adhesive pr
Commodity code: 39 21
Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of cellular polymers of vinyl chloride, unworked or merely surface-worked or merely cut into squares or rectangles (excl. self-adhesive products, floor, wall and ceiling coverings of heading 3918 and sterile surg
Commodity code: 39 21 12
- Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of cellular polymers of vinyl chloride, unworked or merely surface-worked or merely cut into squares or rectangles (excl. self-adhesive products, floor, wall and ceiling coverings of heading 3918 and sterile surgical or dental adhesion barriers of subheading 3006.10.30) Commodity code: 39 21 12 00
Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of cellular polymers of vinyl chloride, unworked or merely surface-worked or merely cut into squares or rectangles (excl. self-adhesive products, floor, wall and ceiling coverings of heading 3918 and sterile surg
Commodity code: 39 21 12
- Baths, shower-baths, sinks, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics Commodity code: 39 22
Articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics
Commodity code: 39 23
- Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics Commodity code: 39 23 10
- Sacks and bags, incl. cones, of polymers of ethylene Commodity code: 39 23 21
- Sacks and bags, incl. cones, of plastics (excl. those of polymers of ethylene) Commodity code: 39 23 29
Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics
Commodity code: 39 23 30
- Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics, with a capacity of <= 2 l Commodity code: 39 23 30 10
- Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics, with a capacity of > 2 l Commodity code: 39 23 30 90
- Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware) Commodity code: 39 24
- Builders' ware of plastics, n.e.s. Commodity code: 39 25
Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 39 26
- Articles of apparel and clothing accessories produced by the stitching or sticking together of plastic sheeting, incl. gloves, mittens and mitts (excl. goods of 9619) Commodity code: 39 26 20
- Fittings for furniture, coachwork and the like, of plastics (excl. building components for permanent mounting on parts of buildings) Commodity code: 39 26 30
- Statuettes and other ornamental articles, of plastics Commodity code: 39 26 40
- Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s (excl. goods of 9619) Commodity code: 39 26 90
Rubber and articles thereof
Commodity code: 40
- Hygienic or pharmaceutical articles, incl. teats, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), with or without fittings of hard rubber, n.e.s. (excl. articles of apparel and clothing accessories, incl. gloves, for all purposes) Commodity code: 40 14
Articles of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), n.e.s.
Commodity code: 40 16
- Floor coverings and mats, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), with chamfered sides, rounded corners or shaped edges or otherwise worked (excl. those simply cut to rectangular or square shape and goods of cellular rubber) Commodity code: 40 16 91
- Gaskets, washers and other seals, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and those of cellular rubber) Commodity code: 40 16 93
- Inflatable mattresses and cushions and other inflatable articles, of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber and fenders, boats, rafts and other floating devices, and hygienic or pharmaceutical articles) Commodity code: 40 16 95
- Articles of vulcanised rubber (excl. hard rubber), n.e.s. Commodity code: 40 16 99
Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut)
Commodity code: 42
Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels, spectacle cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers; travelling-bags, insulated food or beverage bags, toi
Commodity code: 42 02
Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
Commodity code: 42 02 11
- Executive-cases, briefcases, portfolios, school satchels and similar containers with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather Commodity code: 42 02 11 10
- Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases and similar containers, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather (excl. executive-cases) Commodity code: 42 02 11 90
Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers, with outer surface of plastics or textile materials
Commodity code: 42 02 12
- Executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers, with outer surface of plastic sheeting Commodity code: 42 02 12 11
- Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases and similar containers of leather, with outer surface of plastic sheeting (excl. executive-cases) Commodity code: 42 02 12 19
- Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers, with outer surface of moulded plastic material Commodity code: 42 02 12 50
- Executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers, with outer surface of plastic, incl. vulcanised fibre, or of textile materials (excl. those with an outer surface of plastic sheeting or moulded plastic material) Commodity code: 42 02 12 91
- Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases and similar cases, with outer surface of plastics or textile materials (excl. those with an outer surface of plastic sheeting or moulded plastic material, and executive-cases) Commodity code: 42 02 12 99
Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers (excl. with outer surface of leather, composition leather, patent leather, plastics or textile materials)
Commodity code: 42 02 19
- Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers, with outer surface of aluminium Commodity code: 42 02 19 10
- Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers (excl. with outer surface of leather, composition leather, patent leather, plastics, textile materials or aluminium) Commodity code: 42 02 19 90
- Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather Commodity code: 42 02 21
- Handbags, whether or not with shoulder straps, incl. those without handles, with outer surface of plastic sheeting or textile materials Commodity code: 42 02 22
- Wallets, purses, key-pouches, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches and similar articles carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of plastic sheeting or textile materials Commodity code: 42 02 32
Travelling-bags, insulated food or beverage bags, toilet bags, rucksacks, shopping-bags, map-cases, tool bags, sports bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar conta
Commodity code: 42 02 91
- Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or of patent leather (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar; articles normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag; travelling Commodity code: 42 02 91 80
Travelling-bags, insulated food or beverage bags, toilet bags, rucksacks, shopping-bags, map-cases, tool bags, sports bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar conta
Commodity code: 42 02 92
- Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of plastic sheeting Commodity code: 42 02 92 11
- Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of plastic sheeting (excl. travelling-cases, briefcases, satchels and similar containers, bag or handbag articles, travelling-bags, toilet bags, sports bags, rucksacks and musical instrument cases) Commodity code: 42 02 92 19
- Travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags, with outer surface of textile materials Commodity code: 42 02 92 91
- Insulated food or beverage bags, shopping bags, map-cases, tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers, with outer surface of textile materials (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers, articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag, travelling-bags, toil Commodity code: 42 02 92 98
Travelling-bags, shopping or tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases and similar, with outer surface of vulcanised fibre or paperboard; cases for binoculars, cameras, musical instruments, guns, holsters and similar containers with outer surface of
Commodity code: 42 02 99
- Travelling-bags, shopping or tool bags, jewellery boxes, cutlery cases and similar, with outer surface of vulcanised fibre or paperboard; cases for binoculars, cameras, musical instruments, guns, holsters and similar containers with outer surface of materials (not leather, plastic sheeting or textile materials) (excl. trunks, briefcases, school satchels and similar; handbags; articles normally car Commodity code: 42 02 99 00
Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels and similar containers, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather
Commodity code: 42 02 11
- Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, of leather or composition leather (excl. footware and headgear and parts thereof, and goods of chapter 95, e.g. shin guards, fencing masks) Commodity code: 42 03
Articles of leather or composition leather (excl. saddlery and harness bags; cases and similar containers; apparel and clothing accessories; whips, riding-crops and similar of heading 6602; furniture; lighting appliances; toys; games; sports articles
Commodity code: 42 05
Articles of leather or composition leather (excl. saddlery and harness bags; cases and similar containers; apparel and clothing accessories; whips, riding-crops and similar of heading 6602; furniture; lighting appliances; toys; games; sports articles
Commodity code: 42 05 00
- Articles of leather or composition leather (excl. saddlery and harness bags; cases and similar containers; apparel and clothing accessories; articles for technical uses; whips, riding-crops and similar of heading 6602; furniture; lighting appliances; toys; games; sports articles; buttons and parts thereof; cuff links, bracelets or other imitation jewellery; made-up articles of netting of heading 5 Commodity code: 42 05 00 90
Articles of leather or composition leather (excl. saddlery and harness bags; cases and similar containers; apparel and clothing accessories; whips, riding-crops and similar of heading 6602; furniture; lighting appliances; toys; games; sports articles
Commodity code: 42 05 00
Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, executive-cases, briefcases, school satchels, spectacle cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers; travelling-bags, insulated food or beverage bags, toi
Commodity code: 42 02
Cork and articles of cork
Commodity code: 45
Articles of natural cork (excl. cork in square or rectangular blocks, plates, sheets or strips; sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers; footware and parts thereof; insoles, whether or not removable; headgear and parts thereof; plugs and dividers fo
Commodity code: 45 03
Articles of natural cork (excl. cork in square or rectangular blocks, plates, sheets or strips; corks, stoppers and cork blanks; footware and parts thereof; insoles, whether or not removable; headgear and parts thereof; plugs and dividers for shotgun
Commodity code: 45 03 90
- Articles of natural cork (excl. cork in square or rectangular blocks, plates, sheets or strips; corks, stoppers and cork blanks; footware and parts thereof; insoles, whether or not removable; headgear and parts thereof; plugs and dividers for shotgun cartridges; toys, games and sports equipment and parts thereof) Commodity code: 45 03 90 00
Articles of natural cork (excl. cork in square or rectangular blocks, plates, sheets or strips; corks, stoppers and cork blanks; footware and parts thereof; insoles, whether or not removable; headgear and parts thereof; plugs and dividers for shotgun
Commodity code: 45 03 90
Articles of natural cork (excl. cork in square or rectangular blocks, plates, sheets or strips; sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers; footware and parts thereof; insoles, whether or not removable; headgear and parts thereof; plugs and dividers fo
Commodity code: 45 03
Wickerwork and basketwork
Commodity code: 46
Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from plaiting materials or made up from goods of heading 4601, and articles of loofah (excl. wallcoverings of heading 4814; twine, cord and rope; footware and headgear and parts thereo
Commodity code: 46 02
Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from bamboo plaiting materials or made up from goods of bamboo plaiting materials of heading 4601, and articles of loofah (excl. wallcoverings of heading 4814; twine, cord and rope; fo
Commodity code: 46 02 11
- Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from bamboo plaiting materials or made up from goods of bamboo plaiting materials of heading 4601, and articles of loofah (excl. wallcoverings of heading 4814; twine, cord and rope; footware and headgear and parts thereof; vehicles and vehicle superstructures; goods of chapter 94, e.g. furniture, lighting fixtures) Commodity code: 46 02 11 00
Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from rattan plaiting materials or made up from goods of rattan plaiting materials of heading 4601, and articles of loofah (excl. wallcoverings of heading 4814; twine, cord and rope; fo
Commodity code: 46 02 12
- Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from rattan plaiting materials or made up from goods of rattan plaiting materials of heading 4601, and articles of loofah (excl. wallcoverings of heading 4814; twine, cord and rope; footware and headgear and parts thereof; vehicles and vehicle superstructures; goods of chapter 94, e.g. furniture, lighting fixtures) Commodity code: 46 02 12 00
Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from vegetable plaiting materials or made up from goods of vegetable plaiting materials of heading 4601, and articles of loofah (excl. of bamboo and rattan; wallcoverings of heading 48
Commodity code: 46 02 19
- Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from vegetable plaiting materials or from goods of vegetable materials of heading 4601, and articles of loofah (excl. of bamboo and rattan; bottle envelopes of straw, wallcoverings of heading 4814; twine, cord and rope; footware and headgear and parts thereof; vehicles and vehicle superstructures; goods of chapter 94, e.g. furniture Commodity code: 46 02 19 90
Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from non-vegetable plaiting materials or made up from goods of non-vegetable plaiting materials of heading 4601 (excl. wallcoverings of heading 4814; twine, cord and rope; footware and
Commodity code: 46 02 90
- Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from non-vegetable plaiting materials or made up from goods of non-vegetable plaiting materials of heading 4601 (excl. wallcoverings of heading 4814; twine, cord and rope; footware and headgear and parts thereof; vehicles and vehicle superstructures; goods of chapter 94, e.g. furniture, lighting fixtures) Commodity code: 46 02 90 00
Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from bamboo plaiting materials or made up from goods of bamboo plaiting materials of heading 4601, and articles of loofah (excl. wallcoverings of heading 4814; twine, cord and rope; fo
Commodity code: 46 02 11
Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from plaiting materials or made up from goods of heading 4601, and articles of loofah (excl. wallcoverings of heading 4814; twine, cord and rope; footware and headgear and parts thereo
Commodity code: 46 02
Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp, paper or paperboard
Commodity code: 48
Composite paper and paperboard "made by sticking flat layers of paper or paperboard together with an adhesive", not surface-coated or impregnated, whether or not internally reinforced, in rolls of a width > 36 cm or in square or rectangular sheets wi
Commodity code: 48 07
Composite paper and paperboard "made by sticking flat layers of paper or paperboard together with an adhesive", not surface-coated or impregnated, whether or not internally reinforced, in rolls of a width > 36 cm or in square or rectangular sheets wi
Commodity code: 48 07 00
- Composite paper and paperboard, not surface-coated or impregnated, whether or not internally reinforced, in rolls of a width > 36 cm or in square or rectangular sheets with one side > 36 cm and the other side > 15 cm in the unfolded state (excl. that laminated internally with bitumen, tar or asphalt; straw paper and paperboard, whether or not covered with non-straw paper; paper and paperboard made Commodity code: 48 07 00 80
Composite paper and paperboard "made by sticking flat layers of paper or paperboard together with an adhesive", not surface-coated or impregnated, whether or not internally reinforced, in rolls of a width > 36 cm or in square or rectangular sheets wi
Commodity code: 48 07 00
- Envelopes, letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards, of paper or paperboard; boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, of paper or paperboard, containing an assortment of paper stationery (excl. letter cards, postcards and corres Commodity code: 48 17
Cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres, n.e.s.; box files, letter trays, and similar articles, of paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like
Commodity code: 48 19
- Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or paperboard Commodity code: 48 19 10
- Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of non-corrugated paper or paperboard Commodity code: 48 19 20
- Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles, of paperboard, of a kind used in offices, shops or the like (excl. packing containers) Commodity code: 48 19 60
Registers, account books, notebooks, order books, receipt books, letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries and similar articles, exercise books, blotting pads, binders, folders, file covers, manifold business forms, interleaved carbon sets and other arti
Commodity code: 48 20
- Registers, account books, notebooks, order books, receipt books, letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries and similar articles, of paper or paperboard Commodity code: 48 20 10
- Binders (other than book covers), folders and file covers, of paper or paperboard Commodity code: 48 20 30
- Albums for samples or collections, of paper or paperboard Commodity code: 48 20 50
- Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, in strips or rolls of a width <= 36 cm, in rectangular or square sheets of which no side > 36 cm in the unfolded state, or cut to shape other than rectangular or square, and articles Commodity code: 48 23
Composite paper and paperboard "made by sticking flat layers of paper or paperboard together with an adhesive", not surface-coated or impregnated, whether or not internally reinforced, in rolls of a width > 36 cm or in square or rectangular sheets wi
Commodity code: 48 07
Books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plans
Commodity code: 49
Printed books, brochures and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets (excl. periodicals and publications which are essentially devoted to advertising)
Commodity code: 49 01
- Printed books, brochures and similar printed matter, in single sheets, whether or not folded (excl. periodicals and publications which are essentially devoted to advertising) Commodity code: 49 01 10
- Printed books, brochures and similar printed matter (excl. those in single sheets; dictionaries, encyclopaedias, periodicals and publications which are essentially devoted to advertising) Commodity code: 49 01 99
- Children's picture, drawing or colouring books Commodity code: 49 03
- Maps and hydrographic or similar charts of all kinds, incl. atlases, wall maps, topographical plans and globes, printed (excl. maps, plans and globes, in relief) Commodity code: 49 05
- Printed or illustrated postcards; printed cards bearing personal greetings, messages or announcements, whether or not illustrated, with or without envelopes or trimmings Commodity code: 49 09
- Calendars of any kinds, printed, incl. calendars blocks Commodity code: 49 10
- Printed matter, incl. printed pictures and photographs, n.e.s. Commodity code: 49 11
Printed books, brochures and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets (excl. periodicals and publications which are essentially devoted to advertising)
Commodity code: 49 01
- Man-made filaments Commodity code: 54
Wadding, felt and nonwovens; special yarns; twine, cordage, rope and cable and articles thereof
Commodity code: 56
- Felt, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, n.e.s. Commodity code: 56 02
Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics
Commodity code: 56 07
Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics (excl. that of synthetic fibres and of sisal or other textile fibres of the genus Agave)
Commodity code: 56 07 90
- Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of abaca "Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee" or other hard "leaf" fibres and of jute or other textile bast fibres of heading 5303, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics Commodity code: 56 07 90 20
Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics (excl. that of synthetic fibres and of sisal or other textile fibres of the genus Agave)
Commodity code: 56 07 90
- Articles of yarn, strip or the like of heading 5404 or 5405, or of twine, cordage, ropes or cables of heading 5607, n.e.s. Commodity code: 56 09
Special woven fabrics; tufted textile products; lace; tapestries; trimmings; embroidery
Commodity code: 58
- Narrow woven fabrics of textile materials, with a width of <= 30 cm (excl. labels, badges and similar articles); narrow fabrics consisting of warp without weft assembled by means of an adhesive "bolducs" Commodity code: 58 06
- Embroidery on a textile fabric ground, in the piece, in strips or in motifs Commodity code: 58 10
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted
Commodity code: 61
- Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts, knitted or crocheted (excl. wind-jackets and similar articles, slips, petticoats and panties, tracksuits, sk Commodity code: 61 04
- Men's or boys' underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted (excl. vests and singlets) Commodity code: 61 07
- Women's or girls' slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses, pyjamas, négligés, bathrobes, dressing gowns, housecoats and similar articles, knitted or crocheted (excl. T-shirts, vests, brassieres, girdles, corsets and similar articles) Commodity code: 61 08
- Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles, knitted or crocheted (excl. wadded waistcoats) Commodity code: 61 10
- Babies' garments and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted (excl. hats) Commodity code: 61 11
- Special garments for professional, sporting or other purposes, n.e.s., knitted or crocheted Commodity code: 61 14
- Gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted (excl. for babies) Commodity code: 61 16
- Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted Commodity code: 62
Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags
Commodity code: 63
Blankets and travelling rugs of all types of textile materials (excl. table covers, bedspreads and articles of bedding and similar furnishing of heading 9404)
Commodity code: 63 01
- Electric blankets of all types of textile materials Commodity code: 63 01 10
- Blankets and travelling rugs of wool or fine animal hair (excl. electric, table covers, bedspreads and articles of bedding and similar furnishing of heading 9404) Commodity code: 63 01 20
Blankets and travelling rugs of cotton (excl. electric, table covers, bedspreads and articles of bedding and similar furnishing of heading 9404)
Commodity code: 63 01 30
- Blankets and travelling rugs of cotton, knitted or crocheted (excl. electric, table covers, bedspreads and articles of bedding and similar furnishing of heading 9404) Commodity code: 63 01 30 10
- Blankets and travelling rugs of cotton (excl. knitted or crocheted, electric, table covers, bedspreads and articles of bedding and similar furnishing of heading 9404) Commodity code: 63 01 30 90
Blankets and travelling rugs of synthetic fibres (excl. electric, table covers, bedspreads and articles of bedding and similar furnishing of heading 9404)
Commodity code: 63 01 40
- Blankets and travelling rugs of synthetic fibres, knitted or crocheted (excl. electric, table covers, bedspreads and articles of bedding and similar furnishing of heading 9404) Commodity code: 63 01 40 10
- Blankets and travelling rugs of synthetic fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted, electric, table covers, bedspreads and articles of bedding and similar furnishing of heading 9404) Commodity code: 63 01 40 90
Bedlinen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen of all types of textile materials (excl. floorcloths, polishing cloths, dishcloths and dusters)
Commodity code: 63 02
- Bedlinen, knitted or crocheted Commodity code: 63 02 10
- Printed bedlinen of cotton (excl. knitted or crocheted) Commodity code: 63 02 21
- Printed bedlinen of man-made fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted) Commodity code: 63 02 22
- Printed bedlinen of textile materials (excl. cotton and man-made fibres, knitted or crocheted) Commodity code: 63 02 29
- Bedlinen of cotton (excl. printed, knitted or crocheted) Commodity code: 63 02 31
- Bedlinen of man-made fibres (excl. printed, knitted or crocheted) Commodity code: 63 02 32
- Bedlinen of textile materials (excl. of cotton and man-made fibres, printed, knitted or crocheted) Commodity code: 63 02 39
- Table linen of cotton (excl. knitted or crocheted) Commodity code: 63 02 51
- Table linen of man-made fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted) Commodity code: 63 02 53
- Table linen of textile materials (excl. of cotton or man-made fibres, knitted or crocheted) Commodity code: 63 02 59
- Toilet linen and kitchen linen, of terry towelling or similar terry fabrics of cotton (excl. floorcloths, polishing cloths, dishcloths and dusters) Commodity code: 63 02 60
- Toilet linen and kitchen linen of cotton (excl. of terry fabrics, floorcloths, polishing cloths, dishcloths and dusters) Commodity code: 63 02 91
- Toilet linen and kitchen linen of man-made fibres (excl. floorcloths, polishing cloths, dishcloths and dusters) Commodity code: 63 02 93
Curtains, incl. drapes, and interior blinds; curtain or bed valances of all types of textile materials (excl. awnings and sunblinds)
Commodity code: 63 03
- Curtains, incl. drapes, and interior blinds, curtain or bed valances of cotton (excl. knitted or crocheted, awnings and sunblinds) Commodity code: 63 03 91
- Curtains, incl. drapes, and interior blinds, curtain or bed valances of synthetic fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted, awnings and sunblinds) Commodity code: 63 03 92
Articles for interior furnishing, of all types of textile materials (excl. blankets and travelling rugs, bedlinen, table linen, toilet linen, kitchen linen, curtains, incl. drapes, interior blinds, curtain or bed valances, lampshades and articles of
Commodity code: 63 04
- Bedspreads of all types of textile materials (excl. knitted or crocheted, bedlinen, quilts and eiderdowns) Commodity code: 63 04 19
Articles for interior furnishing, of cotton (excl. knitted or crocheted, blankets and travelling rugs, bedlinen, table linen, toilet linen, kitchen linen, curtains, incl. drapes, interior blinds, curtain or bed valances, bedspreads, lampshades and ar
Commodity code: 63 04 92
- Articles for interior furnishing, of cotton (excl. knitted or crocheted, blankets and travelling rugs, bedlinen, table linen, toilet linen, kitchen linen, curtains, incl. drapes, interior blinds, curtain or bed valances, bedspreads, lampshades and articles of heading 9404) Commodity code: 63 04 92 00
Articles for interior furnishing, of synthetic fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted, blankets and travelling rugs, bedlinen, table linen, toilet linen, kitchen linen, curtains, incl. drapes, interior blinds, curtain or bed valances, bedspreads, lampsha
Commodity code: 63 04 93
- Articles for interior furnishing, of synthetic fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted, blankets and travelling rugs, bedlinen, table linen, toilet linen, kitchen linen, curtains, incl. drapes, interior blinds, curtain or bed valances, bedspreads, lampshades and articles of heading 9404) Commodity code: 63 04 93 00
- Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods, of all types of textile materials Commodity code: 63 05
Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds; tents; sails for boats, sailboards or landcraft; camping goods of all types of textile materials (excl. flat protective coverings of light woven fabrics; umbrella and play tents; rucksacks, napsacks and similar cont
Commodity code: 63 06
- Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds of synthetic fibres (excl. flat covers of light fabrics made up as tarpaulins) Commodity code: 63 06 12
- Tents of synthetic fibres (excl. umbrella and play tents) Commodity code: 63 06 22
- Tents of textile materials (excl. of synthetic fibres, and umbrella and play tents) Commodity code: 63 06 29
- Pneumatic mattresses of textile materials Commodity code: 63 06 40
- Camping goods of textile materials (excl. tents, awnings and sunblinds, sails, pneumatic mattresses, rucksacks, knapsacks and similar receptacles, filled sleeping bags, mattresses and cushions) Commodity code: 63 06 90
Made-up articles of textile materials, incl. dress patterns, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 63 07
Made-up articles of textile materials, incl. dress patterns, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 63 07 90
- Made-up articles of textile materials, incl. dress patterns, knitted or crocheted, n.e.s. Commodity code: 63 07 90 10
- Made-up articles of felt, incl. dress patterns, n.e.s. Commodity code: 63 07 90 91
- Made-up articles of textile materials, incl. dress patterns, n.e.s. (excl. of felt, knitted or crocheted, single-use drapes used during surgical procedures made up of nonwovens, and protective face masks) Commodity code: 63 07 90 98
Made-up articles of textile materials, incl. dress patterns, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 63 07 90
Blankets and travelling rugs of all types of textile materials (excl. table covers, bedspreads and articles of bedding and similar furnishing of heading 9404)
Commodity code: 63 01
Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles
Commodity code: 64
Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics, with uppers other than rubber, plastics, leather or textile materials; footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather, with uppers other than leather or textile materials; footwear with ou
Commodity code: 64 05
Footwear with uppers of textile materials (excl. with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
Commodity code: 64 05 20
- Slippers and other indoor footwear with uppers of textile materials (excl. with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather, and toy footwear) Commodity code: 64 05 20 91
- Footwear with uppers of textile materials (excl. with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather, wood or cork, indoor footwear, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear) Commodity code: 64 05 20 99
Footwear with uppers of textile materials (excl. with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather, orthopaedic footwear and toy footwear)
Commodity code: 64 05 20
Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics, with uppers other than rubber, plastics, leather or textile materials; footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather, with uppers other than leather or textile materials; footwear with ou
Commodity code: 64 05
Headgear and parts thereof
Commodity code: 65
Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or made up from lace, felt or other textile fabric, in the piece (but not in strips), whether or not lined or trimmed; hairnets of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed (excl. headgear for animal
Commodity code: 65 05
Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or made up from lace, felt or other textile fabric, in the piece (but not in strips), whether or not lined or trimmed; hairnets of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed (excl. headgear for animal
Commodity code: 65 05 00
- Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or made up from lace, felt or other textile fabric, in the piece (but not in strips), whether or not lined or trimmed (excl. of fur felt or of felt of wool and fur, peaked caps, headgear for animals or headgear having the character of toys or festive articles) Commodity code: 65 05 00 90
Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or made up from lace, felt or other textile fabric, in the piece (but not in strips), whether or not lined or trimmed; hairnets of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed (excl. headgear for animal
Commodity code: 65 05 00
- Headgear, whether or not lined or trimmed, n.e.s. Commodity code: 65 06
Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or made up from lace, felt or other textile fabric, in the piece (but not in strips), whether or not lined or trimmed; hairnets of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed (excl. headgear for animal
Commodity code: 65 05
Umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof
Commodity code: 66
- Umbrellas and sun umbrellas, incl. walking-stick umbrellas, garden umbrellas and similar umbrellas (excl. toy umbrellas and beach tents) Commodity code: 66 01
- Walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like (excl. measure walking sticks, crutches, firearm-sticks and sports sticks) Commodity code: 66 02
- Parts, trimmings and accessories for umbrellas and sun umbrellas of heading 6601 or for walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like of heading 6602 Commodity code: 66 03
Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial flowers; articles of human hair
Commodity code: 67
Artificial flowers, foliage and fruit and parts thereof, and articles made of artificial flowers, foliage or fruit, by binding, glueing, fitting into one another or similar methods
Commodity code: 67 02
- Artificial flowers, foliage and fruit and parts thereof, and articles made of artificial flowers, foliage or fruit, by binding, glueing, fitting into one another or similar methods, of plastics Commodity code: 67 02 10
- Artificial flowers, foliage and fruit and parts thereof, and articles made of artificial flowers, foliage or fruit, by binding, glueing, fitting into one another or similar methods (excl. of plastics) Commodity code: 67 02 90
Artificial flowers, foliage and fruit and parts thereof, and articles made of artificial flowers, foliage or fruit, by binding, glueing, fitting into one another or similar methods
Commodity code: 67 02
Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials
Commodity code: 68
Monumental or building stone, natural (excl. slate), worked, and articles; mosaic cubes etc. of natural stone, incl. slate, whether or not on a backing; artificially coloured granules, chippings, powder, of natural stone, incl. slate (excl. setts, cu
Commodity code: 68 02
Marble, travertine and alabaster articles thereof, simply cut or sawn, with a flat or even surface (excl. with a completely or partly planed, sand-dressed, coarsely or finely ground or polished surface, tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading
Commodity code: 68 02 21
- Marble, travertine and alabaster articles thereof, simply cut or sawn, with a flat or even surface (excl. with a completely or partly planed, sand-dressed, coarsely or finely ground or polished surface, tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading 6802,10, setts, curbstones and flagstones) Commodity code: 68 02 21 00
Granite and articles thereof, simply cut or sawn, with a flat or even surface (excl. with a completely or partly planed, sand-dressed, coarsely or finely ground or polished surface, tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading 6802 10 00, setts, c
Commodity code: 68 02 23
- Granite and articles thereof, simply cut or sawn, with a flat or even surface (excl. with a completely or partly planed, sand-dressed, coarsely or finely ground or polished surface, tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading 6802 10 00, setts, curbstones and flagstones) Commodity code: 68 02 23 00
- Marble, travertine and alabaster, in any form (excl. tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading 6802.10, imitation jewellery, clocks, lamps and lighting fittings and parts thereof, buttons, original sculptures and statuary, setts, curbstones and Commodity code: 68 02 91
Granite, in any form, polished, decorated or otherwise worked (excl. tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading 6802.10, imitation jewellery, clocks, lamps and lighting fittings and parts thereof, original sculptures and statuary, setts, curbsto
Commodity code: 68 02 93
- Granite, in any form, polished, decorated or otherwise worked, of a net weight of < 10 kg; carvings of granite (excl. tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading 6802.10, imitation jewellery, clocks, lamps and lighting fittings and parts thereof, original sculptures and statuary, setts, curbstones and flagstones) Commodity code: 68 02 93 90
Marble, travertine and alabaster articles thereof, simply cut or sawn, with a flat or even surface (excl. with a completely or partly planed, sand-dressed, coarsely or finely ground or polished surface, tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading
Commodity code: 68 02 21
- Worked slate and articles of slate or of agglomerated slate (excl. slate granules, chippings and powder, mosaic cubes and the like, slate pencils, and ready-to-use slates or boards with writing or drawing surfaces) Commodity code: 68 03
- Articles of cement, concrete or artificial stone, whether or not reinforced Commodity code: 68 10
Monumental or building stone, natural (excl. slate), worked, and articles; mosaic cubes etc. of natural stone, incl. slate, whether or not on a backing; artificially coloured granules, chippings, powder, of natural stone, incl. slate (excl. setts, cu
Commodity code: 68 02
Ceramic products
Commodity code: 69
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of porcelain or china (excl. baths, bidets, sinks and similar sanitary fixtures, statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conve
Commodity code: 69 11
- Tableware and kitchenware, of porcelain or china (excl. ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conveyance or packing of goods, and coffee grinders and spice mills with receptacles made of ceramics and working parts o Commodity code: 69 11 10
Household and toilet articles, of porcelain or china (excl. tableware and kitchenware, baths, bidets, sinks and similar sanitary fixtures, statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conveyance or pac
Commodity code: 69 11 90
- Household and toilet articles, of porcelain or china (excl. tableware and kitchenware, baths, bidets, sinks and similar sanitary fixtures, statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conveyance or packing of goods, and coffee grinders and spice mills with receptacles made of ceramics and working parts of metal) Commodity code: 69 11 90 00
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of ceramics other than porcelain or china (excl. baths, bidets, sinks and similar sanitary fixtures, statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar recep
Commodity code: 69 12
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of ceramics other than porcelain or china (excl. baths, bidets, sinks and similar sanitary fixtures, statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar recep
Commodity code: 69 12 00
- Tableware and kitchenware, of common pottery (excl. statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conveyance or packing of goods, and coffee grinders and spice mills with receptacles made of ceramics and working parts of metal) Commodity code: 69 12 00 21
- Tableware and kitchenware, of stoneware (excl. statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conveyance or packing of goods, and coffee grinders and spice mills with receptacles made of ceramics and working parts of metal) Commodity code: 69 12 00 23
- Tableware and kitchenware, of earthenware or fine pottery (excl. statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conveyance or packing of goods, and coffee grinders and spice mills with receptacles made of ceramics and working parts of metal) Commodity code: 69 12 00 25
- Tableware and kitchenware, of ceramics other than porcelain, china, common pottery, stoneware, earthenware or fine pottery (excl. statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conveyance or packing of goods, and coffee grinders and spice mills with receptacles made of ceramics and working parts of metal) Commodity code: 69 12 00 29
- Household articles and toilet articles, of common pottery (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, bidets, sinks and similar sanitary fixtures, statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conveyance or packing of goods) Commodity code: 69 12 00 81
- Household articles and toilet articles, of stoneware (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, bidets, sinks and similar sanitary fixtures, statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conveyance or packing of goods) Commodity code: 69 12 00 83
- Household articles and toilet articles, of earthenware or fine pottery (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, bidets, sinks and similar sanitary fixtures, statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conveyance or packing of goods) Commodity code: 69 12 00 85
- Household articles and toilet articles, of ceramics other than porcelain, china, common pottery, stoneware, earthenware or fine pottery (excl. tableware, kitchenware, baths, bidets, sinks and similar sanitary fixtures, statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conveyance or packing of goods) Commodity code: 69 12 00 89
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of ceramics other than porcelain or china (excl. baths, bidets, sinks and similar sanitary fixtures, statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar recep
Commodity code: 69 12 00
- Statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles, n.e.s. Commodity code: 69 13
- Ceramic articles, n.e.s. Commodity code: 69 14
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of porcelain or china (excl. baths, bidets, sinks and similar sanitary fixtures, statuettes and other ornamental articles, pots, jars, carboys and similar receptacles for the conve
Commodity code: 69 11
Glass and glassware
Commodity code: 70
Glass mirrors, whether or not framed, incl. rear-view mirrors (excl. optical mirrors, optically worked, mirrors > 100 years old)
Commodity code: 70 09
- Glass mirrors, unframed (excl. rear-view mirrors for vehicles, optical mirrors, optically worked, mirrors > 100 years old) Commodity code: 70 09 91
- Glass mirrors, framed (excl. rear-view mirrors for vehicles, optical mirrors, optically processed, and mirrors of an age of > 100 years) Commodity code: 70 09 92
Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials, ampoules and other containers, of glass, of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods, preserving jars, stoppers, lids and other closures, of glass (excl. glass envelopes and containers, with vac
Commodity code: 70 10
Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials and other containers, of glass, of a kind used for the commercial conveyance or packing of goods, and preserving jars, of glass (excl. ampoules, glass inners for containers, with vacuum insulation, perfume
Commodity code: 70 10 90
- Bottles of colourless glass, of a kind used for the commercial conveyance or packing of foodstuffs and beverages, of a nominal capacity of >= 0,15 l to 0,33 l Commodity code: 70 10 90 45
- Carboys, flasks, jars, pots, phials and other containers, of glass, of a kind used for the commercial conveyance or packing of foodstuffs and beverages, of a nominal capacity of >= 0,25 l but < 2,5 l (excl. bottles) Commodity code: 70 10 90 61
Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials and other containers, of glass, of a kind used for the commercial conveyance or packing of goods, and preserving jars, of glass (excl. ampoules, glass inners for containers, with vacuum insulation, perfume
Commodity code: 70 10 90
Glassware of a kind used for table, kitchen, toilet, office, indoor decoration or similar purposes (excl. goods of heading 7018, glass preserving jars "sterilising jars", mirrors, leaded lights and the like, lighting fittings and parts thereof, atomi
Commodity code: 70 13
- Glassware of glass ceramics, of a kind used for table, kitchen, toilet, office, indoor decoration or similar purposes (excl. goods of heading 7018, cooking hobs, leaded lights and the like, lighting fittings and parts thereof, atomizers for perfume a Commodity code: 70 13 10
- Drinking glasses, stemware (excl. of glass ceramics or of lead crystal) Commodity code: 70 13 28
Drinking glasses (excl. glasses of glass ceramics or of lead crystal and stemware)
Commodity code: 70 13 37
- Drinking glasses, gathered mechanically, cut or otherwise decorated (excl. glasses of glass ceramics, lead crystal or toughened glass and stemware) Commodity code: 70 13 37 91
- Drinking glasses, gathered mechanically (excl. glasses cut or otherwise decorated, or of glass ceramics, lead crystal or toughened glass and stemware) Commodity code: 70 13 37 99
- Glassware of lead crystal, of a kind used for table or kitchen purposes (excl. articles of heading 7018, drinking glasses, glass preserving jars "sterilising jars", vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels) Commodity code: 70 13 41
Glassware for table or kitchen purposes (excl. glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10 -6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0?C to 300?C, glassware of glass ceramics or lead crystal, articles of heading 7018, drinking glasses,
Commodity code: 70 13 49
- Glassware for table or kitchen purposes, of toughened glass (excl. glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10 -6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0 to 300°C, glassware of glass ceramics or lead crystal, articles of heading 7018, drinking glasses, glass preserving jars "sterilising jars", vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels) Commodity code: 70 13 49 10
- Glassware of a kind used for table or kitchen purposes, gathered mechanically (excl. toughened glass and glass having a linear coefficient of expansion <= 5 x 10 -6 per kelvin within a temperature range of 0 to 300°C, glassware of glass ceramics or lead crystal, articles of heading 7018, drinking glasses, glass preserving jars "sterilising jars", vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels) Commodity code: 70 13 49 99
Glassware of a kind used for toilet, office, indoor decoration or similar purposes (excl. glassware of lead crystal or of a kind used for table or kitchen purposes, articles of heading 7018, mirrors, leaded lights and the like, lighting fittings and
Commodity code: 70 13 99
- Glassware of a kind used for toilet, office, indoor decoration or similar purposes (excl. glassware of lead crystal or of a kind used for table or kitchen purposes, articles of heading 7018, mirrors, leaded lights and the like, lighting fittings and parts thereof, atomizers for perfume and the like) Commodity code: 70 13 99 00
- Glass beads, imitation pearls, imitation precious or semi-precious stones and similar glass smallwares, and articles thereof (excl. imitation jewellery); glass eyes (excl. prosthetic articles); statuettes and other ornaments of lamp-worked glass (exc Commodity code: 70 18
- Articles of glass, n.e.s. Commodity code: 70 20
Glass mirrors, whether or not framed, incl. rear-view mirrors (excl. optical mirrors, optically worked, mirrors > 100 years old)
Commodity code: 70 09
Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal, and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin
Commodity code: 71
Articles of jewellery and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal (excl. articles > 100 years old)
Commodity code: 71 13
- Articles of jewellery and parts thereof, of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal (excl. articles > 100 years old) Commodity code: 71 13 11
- Articles of jewellery and parts thereof, of precious metal other than silver, whether or not plated or clad with precious metal (excl. articles > 100 years old) Commodity code: 71 13 19
- Articles of jewellery and parts thereof, of base metal clad with precious metal (excl. articles > 100 years old) Commodity code: 71 13 20
- Articles of natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones "natural, synthetic or reconstructed", n.e.s. Commodity code: 71 16
- Imitation jewellery Commodity code: 71 17
Articles of jewellery and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal (excl. articles > 100 years old)
Commodity code: 71 13
- Iron and steel Commodity code: 72
Articles of iron or steel
Commodity code: 73
- Structures and parts of structures "e.g., bridges and bridge-sections, lock-gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frameworks, doors and windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, shutters, balustrades, pillars and columns", of iron or Commodity code: 73 08
Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter pins, washers, incl. spring washers, and similar articles, of iron or steel (excl. lag screws, stoppers, plugs and the like, threaded)
Commodity code: 73 18
- Self-tapping screws, of iron or steel (excl. wood screws) Commodity code: 73 18 14
- Threaded screws and bolts, of iron or steel, whether or not with their nuts and washers (excl. coach screws and other wood screws, screw hooks and screw rings, self-tapping screws, lag screws, stoppers, plugs and the like, threaded) Commodity code: 73 18 15
- Threaded articles, of iron or steel, n.e.s. Commodity code: 73 18 19
Stoves, ranges, grates, cookers, incl. those with subsidiary boilers for central heating, barbecues, braziers, gas rings, plate warmers and similar non-electric domestic appliances, and parts thereof of iron or steel (excl. boilers and radiators for
Commodity code: 73 21
Appliances for baking, frying, grilling and cooking and plate warmers, for domestic use, of iron or steel, for gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels (excl. large cooking appliances)
Commodity code: 73 21 11
- Appliances for baking, frying, grilling and cooking with oven, incl. separate ovens, for domestic use, of iron or steel, for gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels (excl. large cooking appliances) Commodity code: 73 21 11 10
- Appliances for baking, frying, grilling and cooking and plate warmers, for domestic use, of iron or steel, for gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels (excl. cooking appliances with oven, separate ovens and large cooking appliances) Commodity code: 73 21 11 90
- Appliances for baking, frying, grilling and cooking and plate warmers, for domestic use, of iron or steel, for solid fuel or other non-electric source of energy (excl. liquid or gaseous fuel, and large cooking appliances) Commodity code: 73 21 19
Stoves, heaters, grates, fires, wash boilers, braziers and similar appliances, of iron or steel, for gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels (excl. cooking appliances, whether or not with oven, separate ovens, plate warmers, central heating boilers,
Commodity code: 73 21 81
- Stoves, heaters, grates, fires, wash boilers, braziers and similar appliances, of iron or steel, for gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels (excl. cooking appliances, whether or not with oven, separate ovens, plate warmers, central heating boilers, geysers and hot water cylinders and large cooking appliances) Commodity code: 73 21 81 00
Stoves, heaters, grates, fires, wash boilers, braziers and similar domestic appliances, of iron or steel, for solid fuel or other non-electricsource of energy (excl. liquid or gaseous fuel, and cooking appliances, whether or not with oven, separate o
Commodity code: 73 21 89
- Stoves, heaters, grates, fires, wash boilers, braziers and similar domestic appliances, of iron or steel, for solid fuel or other non-electricsource of energy (excl. liquid or gaseous fuel, and cooking appliances, whether or not with oven, separate ovens, plate warmers, central heating boilers, hot water cylinders and large cooking appliances) Commodity code: 73 21 89 00
- Parts of domestic appliances non-electrically heated of heading 7321, n.e.s. Commodity code: 73 21 90
Appliances for baking, frying, grilling and cooking and plate warmers, for domestic use, of iron or steel, for gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels (excl. large cooking appliances)
Commodity code: 73 21 11
Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of iron or steel; iron or steel wool; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of iron or steel (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste b
Commodity code: 73 23
Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of cast iron, not enamelled (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels, corkscrews and other articles of the nature of a work implement; articles of
Commodity code: 73 23 91
- Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of cast iron, not enamelled (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels, corkscrews and other articles of the nature of a work implement; articles of cutlery, spoons, ladles, forks etc. of heading 8211 to 8215; ornamental articles; sanitary ware) Commodity code: 73 23 91 00
Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of cast iron, enamelled (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels, corkscrews and other articles of the nature of a work implement; articles of cut
Commodity code: 73 23 92
- Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of cast iron, enamelled (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels, corkscrews and other articles of the nature of a work implement; articles of cutlery, spoons, ladles, forks etc. of heading 8211 to 8215; ornamental articles; sanitary ware) Commodity code: 73 23 92 00
Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of stainless steel (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels, corkscrews and other articles of the nature of a work implement; articles of cutlery,
Commodity code: 73 23 93
- Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of stainless steel (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels, corkscrews and other articles of the nature of a work implement; articles of cutlery, spoons, ladles, forks etc. of heading 8211 to 8215; ornamental articles; sanitary ware) Commodity code: 73 23 93 00
Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of iron other than cast iron or steel other than stainless, enamelled (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels, corkscrews and other articles of t
Commodity code: 73 23 94
- Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of iron other than cast iron or steel other than stainless, enamelled (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels, corkscrews and other articles of the nature of a work implement; articles of cutlery, spoons, ladles, forks etc. of heading 8211 to 8215; ornamental articles; sanitary ware; articles f Commodity code: 73 23 94 00
Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of iron other than cast iron or steel other than stainless (excl. enamelled articles; cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels and other articles of the
Commodity code: 73 23 99
- Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of iron other than cast iron or steel other than stainless (excl. enamelled articles; cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels and other articles of the nature of a work implement; cutlery, spoons, ladles etc. of heading 8211 to 8215; ornamental articles; sanitary ware) Commodity code: 73 23 99 00
Table, kitchen or other household articles, and parts thereof, of cast iron, not enamelled (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310; waste baskets; shovels, corkscrews and other articles of the nature of a work implement; articles of
Commodity code: 73 23 91
Sanitary ware, and parts thereof, of iron or steel (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings)
Commodity code: 73 24
Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, c
Commodity code: 73 24 90
- Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, complete baths and fittings) Commodity code: 73 24 90 00
Sanitary ware, incl. parts thereof (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7310, small wall cabinets for medical supplies or toiletries and other furniture of chapter 94, and fittings, complete sinks and washbasins, of stainless steel, c
Commodity code: 73 24 90
- Articles of iron or steel, cast, n.e.s. Commodity code: 73 25
- Articles of iron or steel, n.e.s. (excl. cast articles) Commodity code: 73 26
Aluminium and articles thereof
Commodity code: 76
- Aluminium tube or pipe fittings "e.g., couplings, elbows, sleeves" Commodity code: 76 09
Table, kitchen or other household articles, sanitary ware, and parts thereof, of aluminium, pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of aluminium (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7612, articles of the natu
Commodity code: 76 15
Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, and pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of aluminium (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7612, articles of the nature of a work implement, sp
Commodity code: 76 15 10
- Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, and pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of cast aluminium (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7612, articles of the nature of a work implement, spoons, ladles, forks and other articles of heading 8211 to 8215, ornamental articles, fittings and sanitary ware) Commodity code: 76 15 10 10
- Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of aluminium, manufactured from foil of a thickness <= 0,2 mm (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7612) Commodity code: 76 15 10 30
- Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, and pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of uncast aluminium (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7612, articles manufactured from foil of a thickness <= 0,2 mm, articles of the nature of a work implement, spoons, ladles, forks and other articles of heading 8211 to 8215, ornamental articles, Commodity code: 76 15 10 80
Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, and pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of aluminium (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7612, articles of the nature of a work implement, sp
Commodity code: 76 15 10
- Articles of aluminium, n.e.s. Commodity code: 76 16
- Zinc and articles thereof Commodity code: 79
Tools, implements, cutlery, spoons and forks, of base metal; parts thereof of base metal
Commodity code: 82
Hand tools, the following: spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, forks and rakes, of base metal; axes, billhooks and similar hewing tools, of base metal; poultry shears, secateurs and pruners of any kind, of base metal; scythes, sickles, hay knives
Commodity code: 82 01
- Spades and shovels, with working parts of base metal Commodity code: 82 01 10
- Mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes, with working parts of base metal (excl. ice axes) Commodity code: 82 01 30
- Axes, billhooks and similar hewing tools, with working parts of base metal (excl. ice axes) Commodity code: 82 01 40
- Secateurs and similar one-handed pruners and shears, incl. poultry shears, with working parts of base metal Commodity code: 82 01 50
- Hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears and similar two-handed shears, with working parts of base metal Commodity code: 82 01 60
Scythes, sickles, hay knives, timber wedges and other hand tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry, with working parts of base metal (excl. spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, rakes, axes, billhooks and similar hewing tools,
Commodity code: 82 01 90
- Scythes, sickles, hay knives, timber wedges and other hand tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry, with working parts of base metal (excl. spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, rakes, axes, billhooks and similar hewing tools, poultry shears, secateurs and similar one-handed pruners and shears, hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears and similar two-handed shears) Commodity code: 82 01 90 00
- Files, rasps, pliers, incl. cutting pliers, pincers and tweezers for non-medical use, metal-cutting shears, pipe-cutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches and similar hand tools, of base metal Commodity code: 82 03
- Hand-operated spanners and wrenches, incl. torque meter wrenches (excl. tap wrenches), of base metal; interchangeable spanner sockets, with or without handles, of base metal Commodity code: 82 04
- Hand tools, incl. glaziers' diamonds, of base metal, n.e.s.; blowlamps and the like; vices, clamps and the like (other than accessories for and parts of machine-tools or water-jet cutting machines); anvils; portable forges; hand-operated or pedal-ope Commodity code: 82 05
- Sets of two or more tools of heading 8202 to 8205, put up in sets for retail sale Commodity code: 82 06
- Tools, interchangeable, for hand tools, whether or not power-operated, or for machine tools "e.g. for pressing, stamping, punching, tapping, threading, drilling, boring, broaching, milling, turning or screw driving", incl. dies for drawing or extrudi Commodity code: 82 07
- Knives and cutting blades, of base metal, for machines or for mechanical appliances Commodity code: 82 08
- Hand-operated mechanical devices, of base metal, weighing <= 10 kg, used in the preparation, conditioning or serving of food or drink Commodity code: 82 10
- Knives with cutting blades, serrated or not, incl. pruning knives, and blades therefor, of base metal (excl. straw knives, machetes, knives and cutting blades for machines or mechanical appliances, fish knives, butter knives, razors and razor blades Commodity code: 82 11
- Articles of cutlery, n.e.s., e.g. hair clippers, butchers' or kitchen cleavers, choppers and mincing knives and paperknives of base metal; manicure or pedicure sets and instruments, incl. nail files, of base metal Commodity code: 82 14
Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metal (excl. lobster cutters and poultry shears of heading 8201 and 8213)
Commodity code: 82 15
Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of base metal, containing no articles plated with precious metal
Commodity code: 82 15 20
- Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal Commodity code: 82 15 20 10
- Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of base metals other than stainless steel, containing no articles plated with precious metal Commodity code: 82 15 20 90
- Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware of base metal, not plated with precious metal (excl. sets of articles such as lobster cutters and poultry shears) Commodity code: 82 15 99
Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading 8211 and at least an equal number of spoons, forks or other articles of heading 8215, of base metal, containing no articles plated with precious metal
Commodity code: 82 15 20
Hand tools, the following: spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, forks and rakes, of base metal; axes, billhooks and similar hewing tools, of base metal; poultry shears, secateurs and pruners of any kind, of base metal; scythes, sickles, hay knives
Commodity code: 82 01
Miscellaneous articles of base metal
Commodity code: 83
- Padlocks and locks "key, combination or electrically operated", of base metal; clasps and frames with clasps, incorporating locks, of base metal; keys for any of the foregoing articles, of base metal Commodity code: 83 01
Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture, doors, staircases, windows, blinds, coachwork, saddlery, trunks, chests, caskets or the like; base metal hat-racks, hat-pegs, brackets and similar fixtures; castors with moun
Commodity code: 83 02
- Castors with mountings of base metal Commodity code: 83 02 20
- Base metal mountings and fittings suitable for buildings (excl. locks with keys and hinges) Commodity code: 83 02 41
- Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture (excl. locks with keys, hinges and castors) Commodity code: 83 02 42
- Hat-racks, hat-pegs, brackets and similar fixtures of base metal Commodity code: 83 02 50
- Armoured or reinforced safes, strongboxes and doors and safe deposit lockers for strongrooms, cash or deed boxes and the like, of base metal Commodity code: 83 03
- Bells, gongs and the like, non-electric, of base metal (excl. musical instruments); statuettes and other ornaments, of base metal (excl. works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques); photograph, picture or similar frames, of base metal; mirrors of Commodity code: 83 06
- Flexible tubing of base metal, with or without fittings Commodity code: 83 07
Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-stock, and parts and accessories thereof
Commodity code: 87
Motor vehicles for the transport of goods, incl. chassis with engine and cab
Commodity code: 87 04
Motor vehicles for the transport of goods, with only compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel", of a gross vehicle weight > 5 t but <= 20 t (excl. dumpers for off-highway use of subheading 8704.10 and special purp
Commodity code: 87 04 22
- Motor vehicles for the transport of goods, with only compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel", of a gross vehicle weight > 5 t but <= 20 t, used (excl. dumpers for off-highway use of subheading 8704.10, special purpose motor vehicles of heading 8705 and special motor vehicles for the transport of highly radioactive materials) Commodity code: 87 04 22 99
Motor vehicles for the transport of goods, with only compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel", of a gross vehicle weight > 20 t (excl. dumpers for off-highway use of subheading 8704.10 and special purpose motor v
Commodity code: 87 04 23
- Motor vehicles for the transport of goods, with only compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel", of a gross vehicle weight > 20 t, used (excl. dumpers for off-highway use of subheading 8704.10, special purpose motor vehicles of heading 8705 and special motor vehicles for the transport of highly radioactive materials) Commodity code: 87 04 23 99
Motor vehicles for the transport of goods, with only compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel", of a gross vehicle weight > 5 t but <= 20 t (excl. dumpers for off-highway use of subheading 8704.10 and special purp
Commodity code: 87 04 22
Motorcycles, incl. mopeds, and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side-cars
Commodity code: 87 11
Motorcycles, incl. mopeds, and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with electric motor for propulsion
Commodity code: 87 11 60
- Bicycles, tricycles and quadricycles, with pedal assistance, with an auxiliary electric motor with a continuous rated power <= 250 W Commodity code: 87 11 60 10
- Motorcycles, incl. mopeds, and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with electric motor for propulsion (excl. bicycles, tricycles and quadricycles, with pedal assistance, with a continuous rated power <= 250 W) Commodity code: 87 11 60 90
- Motorcycles, incl. mopeds, and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor and side cars for motorcycles (excl. electric or with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine) Commodity code: 87 11 90
Motorcycles, incl. mopeds, and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with electric motor for propulsion
Commodity code: 87 11 60
- Bicycles and other cycles, incl. delivery tricycles, not motorised Commodity code: 87 12
- Parts and accessories for motorcycles and bicycles and for carriages for disabled persons, n.e.s. Commodity code: 87 14
- Baby carriages and parts thereof, n.e.s. Commodity code: 87 15
- Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled (excl. railway and tramway vehicles); parts thereof, n.e.s. Commodity code: 87 16
Motor vehicles for the transport of goods, incl. chassis with engine and cab
Commodity code: 87 04
Ships, boats and floating structures
Commodity code: 89
- Yachts and other vessels for pleasure or sports; rowing boats and canoes Commodity code: 89 03
- Rafts, tanks, coffer-dams, landing stages, buoys, beacons and other floating structures (excl. vessels of heading 8901 to 8906 and floating structures for breaking up) Commodity code: 89 07
Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof
Commodity code: 90
- Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of any material, mounted, being parts of or fittings for instruments or apparatus (excl. such elements of glass not optically worked) Commodity code: 90 02
- Binoculars, monoculars, astronomical and other optical telescopes, and mountings therefor; other astronomical instruments and mountings therefor (excl. instruments for radio-astronomy and other instruments or apparatus specified elsewhere) Commodity code: 90 05
Photographic cameras, photographic flashlight apparatus and flashbulbs (excl. discharge lamps of heading 8539)
Commodity code: 90 06
Cameras for roll film of a width other than 35 mm or for film in the flat (excl. instant print cameras and cameras specially designed for underwater use, for aerial survey or for medical or surgical examination of internal organs, and comparison came
Commodity code: 90 06 59
- Cameras for roll film of a width other than 35 mm or for film in the flat (excl. instant print cameras and cameras specially designed for underwater use, for aerial survey or for medical or surgical examination of internal organs, and comparison cameras for forensic or criminological purposes) Commodity code: 90 06 59 00
- Parts and accessories for photographic cameras, n.e.s. Commodity code: 90 06 91
Cameras for roll film of a width other than 35 mm or for film in the flat (excl. instant print cameras and cameras specially designed for underwater use, for aerial survey or for medical or surgical examination of internal organs, and comparison came
Commodity code: 90 06 59
- Image projectors, and photographic enlargers and reducers (excl. cinematographic) Commodity code: 90 08
- Drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating instruments, e.g. drafting machines, pantographs, protractors, drawing sets, slide rules, disc calculators; instruments for measuring length, for use in the hand, e.g. measuring rods and tapes, microme Commodity code: 90 17
- Mechano-therapy appliances; massage apparatus; psychological aptitude-testing apparatus; ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, artificial respiration or other therapeutic respiration apparatus Commodity code: 90 19
Instruments, apparatus and models designed for demonstrational purposes, e.g. in education or exhibitions, unsuitable for other uses (excl. ground flying trainers of heading 8805, collectors' pieces of heading 9705 and antiques of an age > 100 years
Commodity code: 90 23
Instruments, apparatus and models designed for demonstrational purposes, e.g. in education or exhibitions, unsuitable for other uses (excl. ground flying trainers of heading 8805, collectors' pieces of heading 9705 and antiques of an age > 100 years
Commodity code: 90 23 00
- Instruments, apparatus and models designed for demonstrational purposes, e.g. in education or exhibitions, unsuitable for other uses (excl. ground flying trainers of heading 8805, collectors' pieces of heading 9705, antiques of an age > 100 years of heading 9706 and of the type used for teaching physics, chemistry and technical subjects) Commodity code: 90 23 00 80
Instruments, apparatus and models designed for demonstrational purposes, e.g. in education or exhibitions, unsuitable for other uses (excl. ground flying trainers of heading 8805, collectors' pieces of heading 9705 and antiques of an age > 100 years
Commodity code: 90 23 00
Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases, e.g. flow meters, level gauges, manometers, heat meters (excl. instruments and apparatus of heading 9014, 9015, 9028 or 9032)
Commodity code: 90 26
- Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking pressure of liquids or gases (excl. regulators) Commodity code: 90 26 20
- Instruments or apparatus for measuring or checking variables of liquids or gases, n.e.s. Commodity code: 90 26 80
- Parts and accessories for instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases, n.e.s. Commodity code: 90 26 90
- Revolution counters, production counters, taximeters, milometers, pedometers and the like (excl. gas, liquid and electricity meters); speed indicators and tachometers (excl. those of heading 9014 and 9015); stroboscopes Commodity code: 90 29
- Measuring or checking instruments, appliances and machines not elsewhere specified in chapter 90; profile projectors Commodity code: 90 31
- Regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus (excl. taps, cocks and valves of heading 8481) Commodity code: 90 32
Clocks and watches and parts thereof
Commodity code: 91
- Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches, incl. stop-watches, with case of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal (excl. with backs made of steel) Commodity code: 91 01
Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches, incl. stop-watches (excl. of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal)
Commodity code: 91 02
- Wrist-watches, whether or not incorporating a stop-watch facility, electrically operated, with mechanical display only (excl. of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal) Commodity code: 91 02 11
- Wrist-watches, whether or not incorporating a stop-watch facility, electrically operated, with opto-electronic display only (excl. of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal) Commodity code: 91 02 12
- Wrist-watches, whether or not incorporating a stop-watch facility, electrically operated, with combined mechanical and opto-electronic display (excl. of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal) Commodity code: 91 02 19
Clocks (excl. wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches of heading 9101 or 9102, clocks with watch movements of heading 9103, and instrument panel clocks and the like of heading 9104)
Commodity code: 91 05
- Alarm clocks, electrically operated Commodity code: 91 05 11
- Alarm clocks (excl. electrically operated) Commodity code: 91 05 19
- Wall clocks, electrically operated Commodity code: 91 05 21
- Wall clocks (excl. electrically operated) Commodity code: 91 05 29
- Clocks (excl. electrically operated, wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches of heading 9101 or 9102, clocks with watch movements of heading 9103, instrument panel clocks and the like of heading 9104, alarm clocks and wall clocks) Commodity code: 91 05 99
Time of day recording apparatus and apparatus for measuring, recording or otherwise indicating intervals of time, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor, e.g. time-registers and time recorders (excl. clocks of heading 9101 to 9105)
Commodity code: 91 06
- Time registers and time recorders Commodity code: 91 06 10
- Time of day recording apparatus and apparatus for measuring, recording or otherwise indicating intervals of time, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor (excl. clocks of heading 9101 to 9105, time registers and time recorders) Commodity code: 91 06 90
- Time switches with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor Commodity code: 91 07
- Complete, unassembled or partly assembled watch or clock movements or movement sets; incomplete watch or clock movements, assembled; rough watch or clock movements Commodity code: 91 10
- Watch straps, watch bands and watch bracelets, and parts thereof, n.e.s. Commodity code: 91 13
Musical instruments; parts and accessories for such
Commodity code: 92
- String musical instruments, e.g. guitars, violins, and harps (excl. with keyboard) Commodity code: 92 02
- Musical instruments, the sound of which is produced, or must be amplified, electrically, e.g. organs, guitars, accordions Commodity code: 92 07
Furniture; medical and surgical furniture; bedding, mattresses, mattress supports,cushions and similar stuffed furnishings; lamps and lighting fittings, not elsewhere specified; illuminated signs, illuminatedname-plates and the like; prefabricated bu
Commodity code: 94
Seats, whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof, n.e.s. (excl. medical, surgical, dental or veterinary of heading 9402)
Commodity code: 94 01
- Swivel seats with variable height adjustments (excl. medical, surgical, dental or veterinary, and barbers' chairs) Commodity code: 94 01 30
- Swivel seats with variable height adjustments (excl. of wood, and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary, and barbers' chairs) Commodity code: 94 01 39
- Seats, convertible into beds (excl. garden seats and camping equipment, and medical, dental or surgical furniture) Commodity code: 94 01 40
- Seats, convertible into beds, of wood (excl. garden seats and camping equipment, and medical, dental or surgical furniture) Commodity code: 94 01 41
- Seats, convertible into beds (excl. of wood, and garden seats and camping equipment, and medical, dental or surgical furniture) Commodity code: 94 01 49
- Seats of rattan Commodity code: 94 01 53
- Upholstered seats, with wooden frames (excl. convertible into beds) Commodity code: 94 01 61
- Seats, with wooden frames (excl. upholstered) Commodity code: 94 01 69
- Upholstered seats, with metal frames (excl. seats for aircraft or motor vehicles, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture) Commodity code: 94 01 71
- Seats, with metal frames (excl. upholstered, swivel seats with variable height adjustments and medical, dental or surgical furniture) Commodity code: 94 01 79
- Seats, n.e.s. Commodity code: 94 01 80
- Parts of seats, n.e.s. Commodity code: 94 01 90
- Parts of seats, not of wood, n.e.s. Commodity code: 94 01 99
Furniture and parts thereof, n.e.s. (excl. seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
Commodity code: 94 03
- Metal furniture for offices (excl. seats) Commodity code: 94 03 10
- Metal furniture (excl. for offices, seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture) Commodity code: 94 03 20
- Wooden furniture for offices (excl. seats) Commodity code: 94 03 30
- Wooden furniture for kitchens (excl. seats) Commodity code: 94 03 40
- Wooden furniture for bedrooms (excl. seats) Commodity code: 94 03 50
- Wooden furniture (excl. for offices, kitchens and bedrooms, and seats) Commodity code: 94 03 60
- Furniture of plastics (excl. medical, dental, surgical or veterinary, and seats) Commodity code: 94 03 70
- Furniture of bamboo (excl. seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture) Commodity code: 94 03 82
- Furniture of rattan (excl. seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture) Commodity code: 94 03 83
- Furniture of other materials, including cane, osier or similar materials (excl. of bamboo, rattan, metal, wood and plastics, and seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture) Commodity code: 94 03 89
Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture)
Commodity code: 94 03 90
- Parts of furniture, of metal, n.e.s. (excl. of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture) Commodity code: 94 03 90 10
- Parts of furniture, of wood, n.e.s. (excl. seats) Commodity code: 94 03 90 30
- Parts of furniture, n.e.s. (excl. of metal or wood, and of seats and medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture) Commodity code: 94 03 90 90
- Parts of furniture, of wood, n.e.s. (excl. of seats or medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture) Commodity code: 94 03 91
Seats, whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof, n.e.s. (excl. medical, surgical, dental or veterinary of heading 9402)
Commodity code: 94 01