Intrastat Supplementary Declarations – October 2020

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Your October 2020 Intrastat declarations are due to be submitted by the 21st November 2020.

Notification of Intrastat declarations due date

Your Intrastat declarations are due to be submitted by the 21st of the month. The information collectedon Intrastat declarations is important to HM Government as a key indicator of the state of the UK economy. It is especially critical at this time to monitor and assess the flow of goods into and out of the UK.

If your trade for this month is nil, please submit a nil return through the normal Intrastat submission process or otherwise email Intrastat Enquiries providing your VAT number and stating whether the return is for arrival or dispatch trade.

Financial penalties may be incurred if declarations are late, missing, incomplete, inaccurate or on paper forms.

The due date for submitting your next Intrastat declaration is the 21st of the following month. To avoid delays in making your submission, please try to submit your data prior to this deadline.

Please note:

HMRC understands that current exceptional circumstances may be affecting your businesses and your ability to complete the Intrastat declaration. If you cannot submit your Intrastat declaration in the normal way, please email our HMRC Intrastat advisors on Intrastat Enquiries as soon as possible.

For further information on Coronavirus (COVID-19), please refer to GOV.UK.

If you are experiencing problems making a declaration, our Help with completing an Intrastat declaration page may have the solution

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