Additional Trader search improvements
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A response to customer feedback on the new Find UK Trader function on UK Trade Info.
You said, we did: Recent updates to our Find UK Traders feature
After reviewing initial user feedback, we have made some changes to the ‘Find UK traders’ search feature. We have delivered a ‘tabular view’ and matching download option giving greater choice and functionality to users in how they wish to consume this information. More detail on the initial changes are below:
You said:
‘I don’t just want to just see a list of trader names, more information on product and description is needed’
‘When results I returned, I want to see the trader name, product traded and when. This is what is useful….’
We did:
We added the option allowing users to see more detailed information in a tabular view while still retaining an option to view Trader search results as a list. Both options also offer the results as a downloadable CSV file giving users control over what best suits their needs.
Tell us what you think about these changes by submitting a feedback form.