Yarn of combed wool containing predominantly, but < 85% wool by weight, mixed principally or solely with synthetic staple fibres, unbleached (excl. that put up for retail sale)
This section is Commodity
Commodity Code
51 07 20 51Traders in the commodity
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Commodity group
Wool, fine and coarse animal hair; yarn and fabrics of horsehair
Commodity code: 51
Yarn of combed wool (excl. that put up for retail sale)
Commodity code: 51 07
Yarn of combed wool containing predominantly, but < 85% wool by weight (excl. that put up for retail sale)
Commodity code: 51 07 20
- Yarn of combed wool containing predominantly, but < 85% wool by weight, mixed principally or solely with synthetic staple fibres, unbleached (excl. that put up for retail sale) Commodity code: 51 07 20 51
Yarn of combed wool containing predominantly, but < 85% wool by weight (excl. that put up for retail sale)
Commodity code: 51 07 20
Yarn of combed wool (excl. that put up for retail sale)
Commodity code: 51 07