Wallpaper and similar wallcoverings of paper; window transparencies of paper
Commodity Code
48 14Traders in the commodity
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Commodity group
Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp, paper or paperboard
Commodity code: 48
Wallpaper and similar wallcoverings of paper; window transparencies of paper
Commodity code: 48 14
- ‘Ingrain’ paper Commodity code: 48 14 10
- Wallpaper and similar wallcoverings of paper, consisting of paper coated or covered, on the face side, with a grained, embossed, coloured or design-printed or otherwise decorated layer of plastics Commodity code: 48 14 20
- Wallpaper and similar wall coverings of paper, consisting of paper covered, on the face side, with plaiting material, whether or not bound together in parallel strands or woven Commodity code: 48 14 30
- Wallpaper and similar wallcoverings of paper, and window transparencies of paper (excl. wallcoverings of paper, consisting of paper coated or covered, on the face side, with a grained, embossed, coloured or design-printed or otherwise decorated layer Commodity code: 48 14 90
Wallpaper and similar wallcoverings of paper; window transparencies of paper
Commodity code: 48 14