Cement, whether or not coloured (excl. portland cement and aluminous cement)
This section is Commodity
Commodity Code
25 23 90 00Traders in the commodity
Search for UK businesses that traded with non-EU countries for this commodity
Commodity group
Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering material, lime and cement
Commodity code: 25
Cement, incl. cement clinkers, whether or not coloured
Commodity code: 25 23
Cement, whether or not coloured (excl. portland cement and aluminous cement)
Commodity code: 25 23 90
- Cement, whether or not coloured (excl. portland cement and aluminous cement) Commodity code: 25 23 90 00
Cement, whether or not coloured (excl. portland cement and aluminous cement)
Commodity code: 25 23 90
Cement, incl. cement clinkers, whether or not coloured
Commodity code: 25 23