Notice of amendment to an export declaration (C81)
This section is Trade data
Use this service to notify HMRC of statistical errors made on your export / re-export declarations.
A C81 should not be used to:
- Add missed items to a declaration (additional commodity codes). A retrospective electronic declaration will need to be made for missing items of trade.
- To amend any other data elements not included within the form. For details not on the form, that require changing, you should annotate your own records and make a note of the error.
If you are amending an export licence declaration you must fill in an online C1700 form.
Before you start
The C81 is used for statistical purposes only. Please note submission of this form will not update your electronic Export declaration.
Completion of this form should not be considered as fulfilling your legal obligation to pre-entry at export/re-export or be used in any retrospective claims for duty relief for Customs Special Procedures such as:
- Customs warehousing (CW)
- Inward processing (IP)
- Outward processing relief (OPR)
- Temporary admission (TA)
What you will need
You will need details of the declaration you want to amend
For Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) you will need:
- entry date
- entry number
- entry processing unit
- unique consignment reference
- company details (company name, email address and phone number).
- details of the declaration entries you want to amend, including what you originally declared, and the correct details
For Customs Declaration Service (CDS) you will need:
- entry date
- Movement Reference Number
- Unique Consignment Reference
- company details (company name, email address and phone number).
- details of the declaration entries you want to amend, including what you originally declared, and the correct details
- description of the goods
How to fill out the form
If you need to amend more than one item per entry, you will need to submit multiple forms.
You should enter all the ‘original details’ we have requested in full for the line or item that requires an amendment.
All original fields should match the declaration that was submitted.
If you are not submitting a change to a particular data element, please leave the ‘amendment’ field blank.
All quantities and values (in pounds sterling) are to be entered to the nearest whole number. Please do not include decimals or fractions.
If you need further guidance
If you require further guidance on the completion of this form, please use one of the services available on the Imports and exports: general enquiries list to contact HM Revenue & Customs.