Yarn of man-made staple fibres, put up for retail sale (excl. sewing thread)
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Commodity Code
55 11Traders in the commodity
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Commodity group
Man-made staple fibres
Commodity code: 55
Yarn of man-made staple fibres, put up for retail sale (excl. sewing thread)
Commodity code: 55 11
- Yarn containing >= 85% synthetic staple fibres by weight, put up for retail sale (excl. sewing thread) Commodity code: 55 11 10
- Yarn containing predominantly, but < 85% synthetic staple fibres by weight, put up for retail sale (excl. sewing thread) Commodity code: 55 11 20
- Yarn of artificial staple fibres, put up for retail sale (excl. sewing thread) Commodity code: 55 11 30
Yarn of man-made staple fibres, put up for retail sale (excl. sewing thread)
Commodity code: 55 11