Wood sawn or cut lengthwise, sliced or peeled, sanded, of a thickness of > 6 mm (excl. end-jointed; tropical wood, coniferous wood, oak "Quercus spp.", beech "Fagus spp.", maple "Acer spp.", cherry "Prunus spp.", ash "Fraxinus spp.", birch "Betula spp.", poplar and aspen "Populus spp.")
This section is Commodity
Commodity Code
44 07 99 40Traders in the commodity
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Commodity group
Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal
Commodity code: 44
Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness of > 6 mm
Commodity code: 44 07
Wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness of > 6 mm (excl. tropical wood, coniferous wood, oak "Quercus spp.", beech "Fagus spp.", maple "Acer spp.", cherry "Prunus spp.", ash "Fr
Commodity code: 44 07 99
- Wood sawn or cut lengthwise, sliced or peeled, sanded, of a thickness of > 6 mm (excl. end-jointed; tropical wood, coniferous wood, oak "Quercus spp.", beech "Fagus spp.", maple "Acer spp.", cherry "Prunus spp.", ash "Fraxinus spp.", birch "Betula spp.", poplar and aspen "Populus spp.") Commodity code: 44 07 99 40
Wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness of > 6 mm (excl. tropical wood, coniferous wood, oak "Quercus spp.", beech "Fagus spp.", maple "Acer spp.", cherry "Prunus spp.", ash "Fr
Commodity code: 44 07 99
Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness of > 6 mm
Commodity code: 44 07