Streptomycins and their derivatives; salts thereof (excl. dihydrostreptomycin and its salts, esters and hydrates)
This section is Commodity
Commodity Code
29 41 20 80Traders in the commodity
Search for UK businesses that traded with non-EU countries for this commodity
Commodity group
Organic chemicals
Commodity code: 29
Commodity code: 29 41
Streptomycins and their derivatives; salts thereof
Commodity code: 29 41 20
- Streptomycins and their derivatives; salts thereof (excl. dihydrostreptomycin and its salts, esters and hydrates) Commodity code: 29 41 20 80
Streptomycins and their derivatives; salts thereof
Commodity code: 29 41 20
Commodity code: 29 41