Pastes, marzipan, nougat and other prepared sugar confectionery, not containing cocoa (excl. chewing gum, white chocolate, throat pastilles and cough drops, gum and jelly confectionery incl. fruit pastes in the form of sugar confectionery, boiled sweets, toffees, caramels and similar sweets, compressed tablets, and pastes incl. marzipan in immediate packings of >= 1 kg)
This section is Commodity
Commodity Code
17 04 90 99Traders in the commodity
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Commodity group
Sugars and sugar confectionery
Commodity code: 17
Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa, incl. white chocolate
Commodity code: 17 04
Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa, incl. white chocolate (excl. chewing gum)
Commodity code: 17 04 90
- Pastes, marzipan, nougat and other prepared sugar confectionery, not containing cocoa (excl. chewing gum, white chocolate, throat pastilles and cough drops, gum and jelly confectionery incl. fruit pastes in the form of sugar confectionery, boiled sweets, toffees, caramels and similar sweets, compressed tablets, and pastes incl. marzipan in immediate packings of >= 1 kg) Commodity code: 17 04 90 99
Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa, incl. white chocolate (excl. chewing gum)
Commodity code: 17 04 90
Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa, incl. white chocolate
Commodity code: 17 04