Grains of cereals, hulled, pearled, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked (excl. rolled, flaked, flour, pellets, and oats and maize, and husked and semi- or wholly milled rice and broken rice)
Commodity Code
11 04 29Traders in the commodity
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Commodity group
Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten
Commodity code: 11
Cereal grains otherwise worked, e.g. hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced or kibbled; germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground (excl. cereal flours, and husked and semi- or wholly milled rice and broken rice)
Commodity code: 11 04
Grains of cereals, hulled, pearled, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked (excl. rolled, flaked, flour, pellets, and oats and maize, and husked and semi- or wholly milled rice and broken rice)
Commodity code: 11 04 29
- Hulled [shelled or husked] barley grains Commodity code: 11 04 29 01
- Hulled and sliced or kibbled barley grains [‘Gr?tze’ or ‘grutten’] Commodity code: 11 04 29 03
- Hulled, even sliced or kibbled barley grains Commodity code: 11 04 29 04
- Pearled barley grains Commodity code: 11 04 29 05
- Barley grains, only kibbled Commodity code: 11 04 29 07
- Sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked barley grains (excl. rolled, flaked, hulled, pearled, and pellets and flour) Commodity code: 11 04 29 08
- Barley grains (other than hulled [shelled or husked] and sliced or kibbled [‘Gr?tze’ or ‘grutten’], pearled or not otherwise worked than kibbled) Commodity code: 11 04 29 09
- Hulled [shelled or husked] wheat grains Commodity code: 11 04 29 11
- Rye,hulled(shelled or husked),whether or not sliced or kibbled Commodity code: 11 04 29 15
- Hulled, even sliced or kibbled cereal grains (excl. rice, oats, maize and barley) Commodity code: 11 04 29 17
- Hulled [shelled or husked] cereal grains (excl. barley, oats, maize, rice or wheat) Commodity code: 11 04 29 18
- Other cereals,hulled(shelled or husked),whether or not slicedor kibbled Commodity code: 11 04 29 19
- Pearled cereal grains (excl. barley, oats, maize or rice) Commodity code: 11 04 29 30
- Wheat, pearled Commodity code: 11 04 29 31
- Rye, pearled Commodity code: 11 04 29 35
- Other cereals, pearled Commodity code: 11 04 29 39
- Cereal grains of wheat, not otherwise worked than kibbled Commodity code: 11 04 29 51
- Cereal grains of rye, not otherwise worked than kibbled Commodity code: 11 04 29 55
- Cereal grains, not otherwise worked than kibbled (other than barley, oats, maize, wheat and rye) Commodity code: 11 04 29 59
- Wheat grains, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked (excl. rolled, flaked, flour, pellets, hulled, pearled, and not otherwise worked than kibbled) Commodity code: 11 04 29 81
- Rye grains, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked (excl. rolled, flaked, flour, pellets, hulled, pearled, and not otherwise worked than kibbled) Commodity code: 11 04 29 85
- Cereal grains, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked (excl. barley, oats, maize, wheat and rye, and rolled, flaked, flour, pellets, hulled, pearled, not otherwise worked than kibbled, and semi- or wholly milled rice and broken rice) Commodity code: 11 04 29 89
Grains of cereals, hulled, pearled, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked (excl. rolled, flaked, flour, pellets, and oats and maize, and husked and semi- or wholly milled rice and broken rice)
Commodity code: 11 04 29
Cereal grains otherwise worked, e.g. hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced or kibbled; germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground (excl. cereal flours, and husked and semi- or wholly milled rice and broken rice)
Commodity code: 11 04