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Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials
Commodity code: 68
Monumental or building stone, natural (excl. slate), worked, and articles; mosaic cubes etc. of natural stone, incl. slate, whether or not on a backing; artificially coloured granules, chippings, powder, of natural stone, incl. slate (excl. setts, cu
Commodity code: 68 02
Monumental or building stone, in any form, polished, decorated or otherwise worked (excl. calcareous stone, granite and slate, tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading 6802.10, articles of fused basalt, articles of natural steatite, ceramicall
Commodity code: 68 02 99
- Monumental or building stone, natural (excl. calcareous stone, granite and slate), in various forms, polished, decorated or otherwise worked, net weight < 10 kg; carved articles of this stone (excl. tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading 6802.10; setts, curbstones, flagstones; articles of fused basalt and fired steatite; jewellery, clocks, lamps and parts; buttons, chalks, original sculpt Commodity code: 68 02 99 90
Monumental or building stone, in any form, polished, decorated or otherwise worked (excl. calcareous stone, granite and slate, tiles, cubes and similar articles of subheading 6802.10, articles of fused basalt, articles of natural steatite, ceramicall
Commodity code: 68 02 99
Monumental or building stone, natural (excl. slate), worked, and articles; mosaic cubes etc. of natural stone, incl. slate, whether or not on a backing; artificially coloured granules, chippings, powder, of natural stone, incl. slate (excl. setts, cu
Commodity code: 68 02
- Articles of iron or steel Commodity code: 73