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Download trade history for UNIVERSAL SUPPLIERS LTD (CSV)
Imported commodities
Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates
Commodity code: 03
Fish, fit for human consumption, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, fit for human consumption, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process
Commodity code: 03 05
Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked (excl. tilapia, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads and fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepidida
Commodity code: 03 05 39
- Fillets of fish, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked (excl. tilapia, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads, fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, and fish fillets, salted or in brine of Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon, Danube salmon and lesser or Greenland halibut) Commodity code: 03 05 39 90
- Smoked herring "Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii", incl. fillets (excl. offal) Commodity code: 03 05 42
- Smoked fish, incl. fillets (excl. offal, Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon, Danube salmon, herring, trout, tilapia, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch and snakeheads) Commodity code: 03 05 49
Dried herrings "Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii", anchovies "Engraulis spp.", sardines "Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.", sardinella "Sardinella spp.", brisling or sprats "Sprattus sprattus", mackerel "Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Sco
Commodity code: 03 05 54
- Dried sardines "Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.", sardinella "Sardinella spp.", brisling or sprats "Sprattus sprattus", mackerel "Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus", Indian mackerels "Rastrelliger spp.", seerfishes "Scomberomorus spp.", jack and horse mackerel "Trachurus spp.", jacks, crevalles "Caranx spp.", cobia "Rachycentron canadum", silver pomfrets "Pampus spp.", Commodity code: 03 05 54 90
- Fish, dried, even salted but not smoked, n.e.s. (excl. fillets and offal) Commodity code: 03 05 59
Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked (excl. tilapia, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads and fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepidida
Commodity code: 03 05 39
Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine, even smoked, incl. crustaceans in shell cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
Commodity code: 03 06
- Frozen shrimps and prawns, even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. shrimps and prawns in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. cold-water shrimps and prawns) Commodity code: 03 06 17
- Shrimps and prawns, whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. ones in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water Commodity code: 03 06 95
Fish, fit for human consumption, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, fit for human consumption, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process
Commodity code: 03 05
Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers
Commodity code: 07
Vegetables provisionally preserved, e.g. by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Commodity code: 07 11
Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables provisionally preserved, e.g. by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption (excl. olives, cucumbers, gherkins, mush
Commodity code: 07 11 90
- Vegetables provisionally preserved, e.g., by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption (excl. olives, capers, cucumbers and gherkins, mushrooms, truffles, fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, other than sweet peppers, sweetcorn, onions and mixtures of vegetables) Commodity code: 07 11 90 80
Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables provisionally preserved, e.g. by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption (excl. olives, cucumbers, gherkins, mush
Commodity code: 07 11 90
Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Commodity code: 07 12
Dried vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared (excl. onions, mushrooms and truffles, not mixed)
Commodity code: 07 12 90
- Dried potatoes, whether or not cut or sliced, but not further prepared Commodity code: 07 12 90 05
- Dried vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared (excl. potatoes, onions, mushrooms, truffles, sweetcorn, tomatoes and carrots) Commodity code: 07 12 90 90
Dried vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared (excl. onions, mushrooms and truffles, not mixed)
Commodity code: 07 12 90
Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split
Commodity code: 07 13
- Dried, shelled chickpeas "garbanzos", whether or not skinned or split Commodity code: 07 13 20
- Dried, shelled beans of species "Vigna mungo [L.] Hepper or Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek", whether or not skinned or split Commodity code: 07 13 31
- Dried, shelled lentils, whether or not skinned or split Commodity code: 07 13 40
- Dried, shelled broad beans "Vicia faba var. major" and horse beans "Vicia faba var. equina and Vicia faba var. minor", whether or not skinned or split Commodity code: 07 13 50
Vegetables provisionally preserved, e.g. by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Commodity code: 07 11
Commodity code: 10
- Maize or corn Commodity code: 10 05
Commodity code: 10 06
- Husked or brown rice Commodity code: 10 06 20
Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed
Commodity code: 10 06 30
- Wholly milled round grain rice, parboiled, whether or not polished or glazed Commodity code: 10 06 30 61
- Wholly milled round grain rice, whether or not polished or glazed (excl. parboiled) Commodity code: 10 06 30 92
- Wholly milled medium grain rice, whether or not polished or glazed (excl. parboiled) Commodity code: 10 06 30 94
Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; pastrycooks' products
Commodity code: 19
- Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed with meat or other substances or otherwise prepared, such as spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, whether or not prepared Commodity code: 19 02
- Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products, e.g. corn flakes; cereals (other than maize "corn") in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour, groats and meal), pre-cooked or otherw Commodity code: 19 04
Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products
Commodity code: 19 05
Sweet biscuits
Commodity code: 19 05 31
- Sweet biscuits, whether or not containing cocoa, coated or covered with chocolate or cocoa preparations, in immediate packings of <= 85 g Commodity code: 19 05 31 11
- Sweet sandwich biscuits, whether or not containing cocoa, containing < 8% milkfats (excl. coated or covered with chocolate or cocoa preparations) Commodity code: 19 05 31 91
- Sweet biscuits, whether or not containing cocoa, containing < 8% milkfats (excl. coated or covered with chocolate or cocoa preparations and sandwich biscuits) Commodity code: 19 05 31 99
- Waffles and wafers Commodity code: 19 05 32
Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products (excl. crispbread, gingerbread and the
Commodity code: 19 05 90
- Extruded or expanded products, savoury or salted (excl. crispbread, rusks, toasted bread, similar toasted products and waffles and wafers) Commodity code: 19 05 90 55
- Pizzas, quiches and other bakers' wares containing by weight <5% of sucrose, invert sugar or isoglucose (excl. crispbread, gingerbread and the like, sweet biscuits, waffles and wafers, rusks and similar toasted products, bread, communion wafers, empty cachets for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products) Commodity code: 19 05 90 80
Sweet biscuits
Commodity code: 19 05 31
Beverages, spirits and vinegar
Commodity code: 22
Waters, incl. mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages (excl. fruit, nut or vegetable juices and milk)
Commodity code: 22 02
- Waters, incl. mineral and aerated, with added sugar, sweetener or flavour, for direct consumption as a beverage Commodity code: 22 02 10
- Non-alcoholic beer <= 0.5% vol alc Commodity code: 22 02 91
Non-alcoholic beverages (excl. water, fruit or vegetable juices, milk and beer)
Commodity code: 22 02 99
- Soya-based beverages with a protein content of >=2,8 % by weight, not containing alcohol, milk, milk products or fats derived therefrom Commodity code: 22 02 99 11
- Non-alcoholic beverages containing >= 0,2% but < 2% fats derived from milk or milk products Commodity code: 22 02 99 95
- Non-alcoholic beverages containing >= 2% fats derived from milk or milk products Commodity code: 22 02 99 99
- Beer made from malt Commodity code: 22 03
Cider, perry, mead, saké and other fermented beverages and mixtures of fermented beverages and non-alcoholic beverages, n.e.s. (excl. beer, wine or fresh grapes, grape must, vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic su
Commodity code: 22 06
Cider, perry, mead, sakÚ and other fermented beverages and mixtures of fermented beverages and non-alcoholic beverages, n.e.s. (excl. beer, wine or fresh grapes, grape must, vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic su
Commodity code: 22 06 00
- Mead and other fermented beverages and mixtures of fermented beverages and mixtures of fermented beverages with non-alcoholic beverages, not sparkling, in containers holding <= 2 l, n.e.s. (excl. wine of fresh grapes, grape must, vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes, with plants or aromatic substances, piquette, cider and perry) Commodity code: 22 06 00 59
Cider, perry, mead, sakÚ and other fermented beverages and mixtures of fermented beverages and non-alcoholic beverages, n.e.s. (excl. beer, wine or fresh grapes, grape must, vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic su
Commodity code: 22 06 00
- Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength of < 80%; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages (excl. compound alcoholic preparations of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages) Commodity code: 22 08
- Vinegar, fermented vinegar and substitutes for vinegar obtained from acetic acid Commodity code: 22 09
Waters, incl. mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages (excl. fruit, nut or vegetable juices and milk)
Commodity code: 22 02
- Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included Commodity code: 04
Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruits or melons
Commodity code: 08
- Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled Commodity code: 08 01
- Bananas, incl. plantains, fresh or dried Commodity code: 08 03
Coffee, tea, mate and spices
Commodity code: 09
- Coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated; coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion Commodity code: 09 01
- Tea, whether or not flavoured Commodity code: 09 02
Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta
Commodity code: 09 04
- Pepper of the genus Piper, neither crushed nor ground Commodity code: 09 04 11
- Pepper of the genus Piper, crushed or ground Commodity code: 09 04 12
- Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, dried, neither crushed nor ground Commodity code: 09 04 21
- Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, crushed or ground Commodity code: 09 04 22
- Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers Commodity code: 09 06
- Seeds of anis, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin or caraway; juniper berries Commodity code: 09 09
Ginger, saffron, turmeric "curcuma", thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices (excl. pepper of the genus Piper, fruit of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, vanilla, cinnamon, cinnamontree flowers, cloves [wholefruit], clove stems, nutmeg, m
Commodity code: 09 10
- Mixtures of different types of spices Commodity code: 09 10 91
Spices (excl. pepper of the genus Piper, fruit of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, vanilla, cinnamon, cinnamontree flowers, clove "wholefruit", clove stems, nutmeg, mace, cardamoms, seeds of anise, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin and cara
Commodity code: 09 10 99
- Spices, neither crushed nor ground (excl. pepper of the genus Piper, fruit of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, vanilla, cinnamon, cinnamontree flowers, cloves "wholefruit", clove stems, nutmeg, mace, cardamoms, seeds of anise, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin and caraway, and juniper berries, ginger, saffron, turmeric "curcuma", thyme, bay leaves, curry and seeds of fenugreek, and mixtu Commodity code: 09 10 99 91
- Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten Commodity code: 11
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit; industrial or medical plants; straw and fodder
Commodity code: 12
Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken (excl. edible nuts, olives, soya beans, groundnuts, copra, linseed, rape or colza seeds and sunflower seeds)
Commodity code: 12 07
- Sesamum seeds, whether or not broken Commodity code: 12 07 40
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken (excl. edible nuts, olives, soya beans, groundnuts, copra, linseed, rape or colza seeds, sunflower seeds, palm nuts and kernels, cotton, castor oil, sesamum, mustard, safflower, melon and poppy s
Commodity code: 12 07 99
- Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken (excl. for sowing and edible nuts, olives, soya beans, groundnuts, copra, linseed, rape or colza seeds, sunflower seeds, palm nuts and kernels, cotton, castor oil, sesamum, mustard, safflower, melon, poppy and hemp seeds) Commodity code: 12 07 99 96
Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken (excl. edible nuts, olives, soya beans, groundnuts, copra, linseed, rape or colza seeds and sunflower seeds)
Commodity code: 12 07
Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes
Commodity code: 15
Coconut "copra", palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified
Commodity code: 15 13
Coconut oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified (excl. crude)
Commodity code: 15 13 19
- Solid coconut oil fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified, in immediate packings of <= 1 kg Commodity code: 15 13 19 11
- Coconut oil and its liquid fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified, in immediate packings of <= 1 kg (excl. for technical or industrial uses and crude) Commodity code: 15 13 19 91
Coconut oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified (excl. crude)
Commodity code: 15 13 19
Coconut "copra", palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified
Commodity code: 15 13
Preparations of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates
Commodity code: 16
Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs
Commodity code: 16 04
Prepared or preserved fish, whole or in pieces (excl. minced, merely smoked, and salmon, herrings, sardines, sardinella, brisling or sprats, tunas, skipjack, bonito "sarda spp.", mackerel, anchovies, eels and shark fins)
Commodity code: 16 04 19
- Fish, prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces (excl. minced, merely smoked, and salmonidae, herrings, sardines, sardinella, anchovies, brisling, sprats, tunas, bonito "Sarda spp.", mackerel, eels, shark fins, Euthynnus spp., Orcynopsis unicolor, cod, coalfish, hake, Alaska pollock and pollack; fillets, raw, merely coated with batter or breadcrumbs, even pre-fried in oil, frozen) Commodity code: 16 04 19 97
Prepared or preserved fish (excl. whole or in pieces)
Commodity code: 16 04 20
- Fish, prepared or preserved (excl. fish whole or in pieces, preparations of surimi and salmonidae, anchovies, sardines, bonito, mackerel of the species Scomber scombrus and of the species Scomber japonicus and fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor, tunas, skipjack and other fish of the species Euthynnus) Commodity code: 16 04 20 90
Prepared or preserved fish, whole or in pieces (excl. minced, merely smoked, and salmon, herrings, sardines, sardinella, brisling or sprats, tunas, skipjack, bonito "sarda spp.", mackerel, anchovies, eels and shark fins)
Commodity code: 16 04 19
Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs
Commodity code: 16 04
Sugars and sugar confectionery
Commodity code: 17
- Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form Commodity code: 17 01
Other sugars, incl. chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel
Commodity code: 17 02
- Maple sugar, in solid form, and maple syrup (excl. flavoured or coloured) Commodity code: 17 02 20
Sugars in solid form, incl. invert sugar and chemically pure maltose, and sugar and sugar syrup blends containing in the dry state 50% by weight of fructose, not flavoured or coloured, artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey and car
Commodity code: 17 02 90
- Sugars in solid form, incl. invert sugar, and sugar and sugar syrup blends containing in the dry state 50% by weight of fructose, not containing added flavouring or colouring matter (excl. cane or beet sugar, chemically pure sucrose and maltose, lactose, maple sugar, glucose, fructose, maltodextrine, and syrups thereof, isoglucose, inulin syrup and caramel) Commodity code: 17 02 90 95
Preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts or other parts of plants
Commodity code: 20
Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Commodity code: 20 01
Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid (excl. cucumbers and gherkins)
Commodity code: 20 01 90
- Palm hearts, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, coconuts, cashew nuts, brazil nuts, areca "betel" nuts, cola nuts and macadamia nuts, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid Commodity code: 20 01 90 92
Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid (excl. cucumbers and gherkins)
Commodity code: 20 01 90
Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen (excl. preserved by sugar, and tomatoes, mushrooms and truffles)
Commodity code: 20 05
Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar, non-frozen (excl. preserved by sugar, homogenised vegetables of subheading 2005.10, and tomatoes, mushrooms, truffles, potatoes, peas "Pisum sativum", beans "Vign
Commodity code: 20 05 99
- Mixtures of vegetables, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen Commodity code: 20 05 99 50
- Vegetables, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen (excl. preserved by sugar, homogenised vegetables of subheading 2005.10, and tomatoes, mushrooms, truffles, potatoes, sauerkraut, peas "Pisum sativum", beans "Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp." asparagus, olives, sweetcorn "Zea Mays var. Saccharata", bamboo shoots, fruit of the genus Capsicum hot to the taste, capers, Commodity code: 20 05 99 80
Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar, non-frozen (excl. preserved by sugar, homogenised vegetables of subheading 2005.10, and tomatoes, mushrooms, truffles, potatoes, peas "Pisum sativum", beans "Vign
Commodity code: 20 05 99
Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut purée and fruit or nut pastes, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
Commodity code: 20 07
Jams, jellies, marmalades, purÚes or pastes of fruit, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. citrus fruit and homogenised preparations of subheading 2007.10)
Commodity code: 20 07 99
- Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. with a sugar content of > 13% by weight, homogenised preparations of subheading 2007.10 and of guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, coconuts Commodity code: 20 07 99 97
Jams, jellies, marmalades, purÚes or pastes of fruit, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. citrus fruit and homogenised preparations of subheading 2007.10)
Commodity code: 20 07 99
Fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, and jams, fruit je
Commodity code: 20 08
- Nuts and other seeds, incl. mixtures, prepared or preserved (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purÚe and pastes, obtained by cooking, and groundnuts) Commodity code: 20 08 19
Fruit and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marm
Commodity code: 20 08 99
- Guavas, Mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola and pitahaya, prepared or preserved, not containing added spirit but containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content <= 1 kg (excl. mixtures) Commodity code: 20 08 99 63
- Plums, prepared or preserved, not containing added spirit or added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content of < 5 kg Commodity code: 20 08 99 78
Fruit juices, incl. grape must, and vegetable juices, unfermented, not containing added spirit, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
Commodity code: 20 09
Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit, mixtures, and juice of citrus fruit, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes, incl. grape must, apples and cranberries)
Commodity code: 20 09 89
- Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, Brix value <= 67 at 20°C (excl. containing added sugar or containing spirit, mixtures, and juice of citrus fruit, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes, incl. grape must, apples, pears, cherries and cranberries) Commodity code: 20 09 89 99
Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit, mixtures, and juice of citrus fruit, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes, incl. grape must, apples and cranberries)
Commodity code: 20 09 89
Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Commodity code: 20 01
Miscellaneous edible preparations
Commodity code: 21
- Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or maté and preparations with a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee, tea or mate; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof Commodity code: 21 01
- Sauce and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal, whether or not prepared, and mustard Commodity code: 21 03
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06
Protein concentrates and textured protein substances
Commodity code: 21 06 10
- Protein concentrates and textured protein substances, not containing milkfats, sucrose, isoglucose starch or glucose or containing, by weight, < 1,5% milkfat, < 5% sucrose or isoglucose, < 5% glucose or < 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 10 20
- Protein concentrates and textured protein substances, containing, by weight, >= 1,5% milkfat, >= 5% sucrose or isoglucose, >= 5% glucose or >= 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 10 80
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06 90
- Food preparations, n.e.s., not containing milkfats, sucrose, isoglucose starch or glucose or containing, by weight, < 1,5% milkfat, < 5% sucrose or isoglucose, < 5% glucose or < 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 90 92
- Food preparations, n.e.s., containing, by weight, >= 1,5% milkfat, >= 5% sucrose or isoglucose, >= 5% glucose or >= 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 90 98
Protein concentrates and textured protein substances
Commodity code: 21 06 10
Organic chemicals
Commodity code: 29
- Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom[s] only Commodity code: 29 32
- Glycosides, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives Commodity code: 29 38
Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations
Commodity code: 33
- Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, based on one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the manufacture Commodity code: 33 02
- Perfumes and toilet waters (excl. aftershave lotions, personal deodorants and hair lotions) Commodity code: 33 03
- Shaving preparations, incl. pre-shave and aftershave products, personal deodorants, bath and shower preparations, depilatories and other perfumery, toilet or cosmetic preparations, n.e.s.; prepared room deodorisers, whether or not perfumed or having Commodity code: 33 07
Soaps, organic surface-active agents, washing preprations, lubricating preparations,artificial waxes, prepared waxes, shoe polish, scouring powder and the like, candles and similar products, modelling pastes, dentalwax and plaster-based dental prepar
Commodity code: 34
- Soap; organic surface-active products and preparations for use as soap, in the form of bars, cakes, moulded pieces or shapes, whether or not containing soap; organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin, in the form of liquid Commodity code: 34 01
- Plastics and plastic products Commodity code: 39
- Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal Commodity code: 44
- Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp, paper or paperboard Commodity code: 48
- Books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plans Commodity code: 49
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted
Commodity code: 62
- Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (excl. knitted or crocheted, wind-jackets and similar articles, separate waistcoats, tracksuits, ski suits and swimwear) Commodity code: 62 03
- Ceramic products Commodity code: 69
- Articles of iron or steel Commodity code: 73
Copper and articles thereof
Commodity code: 74
- Table, kitchen or other household articles, sanitary ware, and parts thereof, of copper; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of copper (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7419, articles of the nature of Commodity code: 74 18
Aluminium and articles thereof
Commodity code: 76
Table, kitchen or other household articles, sanitary ware, and parts thereof, of aluminium, pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of aluminium (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7612, articles of the natu
Commodity code: 76 15
Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, and pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of aluminium (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7612, articles of the nature of a work implement, sp
Commodity code: 76 15 10
- Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, and pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of cast aluminium (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7612, articles of the nature of a work implement, spoons, ladles, forks and other articles of heading 8211 to 8215, ornamental articles, fittings and sanitary ware) Commodity code: 76 15 10 10
Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, and pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of aluminium (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7612, articles of the nature of a work implement, sp
Commodity code: 76 15 10
Table, kitchen or other household articles, sanitary ware, and parts thereof, of aluminium, pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of aluminium (excl. cans, boxes and similar containers of heading 7612, articles of the natu
Commodity code: 76 15
Miscellaneous articles of base metal
Commodity code: 83
- Sign-plates, nameplates, address-plates and similar plates, numbers, letters and other symbols, of base metal, incl. traffic signs (excl. those of heading 9405, type and the like, and signal boards, signal discs and signal arms for traffic of heading Commodity code: 83 10
- Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof Commodity code: 84
- Furniture; medical and surgical furniture; bedding, mattresses, mattress supports,cushions and similar stuffed furnishings; lamps and lighting fittings, not elsewhere specified; illuminated signs, illuminatedname-plates and the like; prefabricated bu Commodity code: 94
Exported commodities
- Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Commodity code: 03
- Coffee, tea, mate and spices Commodity code: 09
- Cereals Commodity code: 10
Preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts or other parts of plants
Commodity code: 20
Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen (excl. preserved by sugar, and tomatoes, mushrooms and truffles)
Commodity code: 20 05
Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar, non-frozen (excl. preserved by sugar, homogenised vegetables of subheading 2005.10, and tomatoes, mushrooms, truffles, potatoes, peas "Pisum sativum", beans "Vign
Commodity code: 20 05 99
- Vegetables, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen (excl. preserved by sugar, homogenised vegetables of subheading 2005.10, and tomatoes, mushrooms, truffles, potatoes, sauerkraut, peas "Pisum sativum", beans "Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp." asparagus, olives, sweetcorn "Zea Mays var. Saccharata", bamboo shoots, fruit of the genus Capsicum hot to the taste, capers, Commodity code: 20 05 99 80
Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar, non-frozen (excl. preserved by sugar, homogenised vegetables of subheading 2005.10, and tomatoes, mushrooms, truffles, potatoes, peas "Pisum sativum", beans "Vign
Commodity code: 20 05 99
Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut purée and fruit or nut pastes, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
Commodity code: 20 07
Jams, jellies, marmalades, purÚes or pastes of fruit, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. citrus fruit and homogenised preparations of subheading 2007.10)
Commodity code: 20 07 99
- Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. with a sugar content of > 13% by weight, homogenised preparations of subheading 2007.10 and of guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, coconuts Commodity code: 20 07 99 97
Jams, jellies, marmalades, purÚes or pastes of fruit, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. citrus fruit and homogenised preparations of subheading 2007.10)
Commodity code: 20 07 99
Fruit juices, incl. grape must, and vegetable juices, unfermented, not containing added spirit, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
Commodity code: 20 09
Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit, mixtures, and juice of citrus fruit, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes, incl. grape must, apples and cranberries)
Commodity code: 20 09 89
- Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, Brix value <= 67 at 20°C (excl. containing added sugar or containing spirit, mixtures, and juice of citrus fruit, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes, incl. grape must, apples, pears, cherries and cranberries) Commodity code: 20 09 89 99
Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit, mixtures, and juice of citrus fruit, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes, incl. grape must, apples and cranberries)
Commodity code: 20 09 89
Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen (excl. preserved by sugar, and tomatoes, mushrooms and truffles)
Commodity code: 20 05
Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers
Commodity code: 07
- Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split Commodity code: 07 13
- Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruits or melons Commodity code: 08
Preparations of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates
Commodity code: 16
Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs
Commodity code: 16 04
Prepared or preserved fish (excl. whole or in pieces)
Commodity code: 16 04 20
- Fish, prepared or preserved (excl. fish whole or in pieces, preparations of surimi and salmonidae, anchovies, sardines, bonito, mackerel of the species Scomber scombrus and of the species Scomber japonicus and fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor, tunas, skipjack and other fish of the species Euthynnus) Commodity code: 16 04 20 90
Prepared or preserved fish (excl. whole or in pieces)
Commodity code: 16 04 20
Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs
Commodity code: 16 04
Sugars and sugar confectionery
Commodity code: 17
- Other sugars, incl. chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel Commodity code: 17 02
- Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa, incl. white chocolate Commodity code: 17 04
Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; pastrycooks' products
Commodity code: 19
- Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed with meat or other substances or otherwise prepared, such as spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, whether or not prepared Commodity code: 19 02
Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products
Commodity code: 19 05
Sweet biscuits
Commodity code: 19 05 31
- Sweet biscuits, whether or not containing cocoa, coated or covered with chocolate or cocoa preparations, in immediate packings of > 85 g Commodity code: 19 05 31 19
- Sweet sandwich biscuits, whether or not containing cocoa, containing < 8% milkfats (excl. coated or covered with chocolate or cocoa preparations) Commodity code: 19 05 31 91
- Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products (excl. crispbread, gingerbread and the Commodity code: 19 05 90
Sweet biscuits
Commodity code: 19 05 31
Miscellaneous edible preparations
Commodity code: 21
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06 90
- Food preparations, n.e.s., not containing milkfats, sucrose, isoglucose starch or glucose or containing, by weight, < 1,5% milkfat, < 5% sucrose or isoglucose, < 5% glucose or < 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 90 92
- Food preparations, n.e.s., containing, by weight, >= 1,5% milkfat, >= 5% sucrose or isoglucose, >= 5% glucose or >= 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 90 98
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06 90
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06
Beverages, spirits and vinegar
Commodity code: 22
Waters, incl. mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages (excl. fruit, nut or vegetable juices and milk)
Commodity code: 22 02
- Waters, incl. mineral and aerated, with added sugar, sweetener or flavour, for direct consumption as a beverage Commodity code: 22 02 10
- Non-alcoholic beer <= 0.5% vol alc Commodity code: 22 02 91
Non-alcoholic beverages (excl. water, fruit or vegetable juices, milk and beer)
Commodity code: 22 02 99
- Soya-based beverages with a protein content of <2,8% by weight and beverages based on nuts of Chapter 8, cereals of Chapter 10 or seeds of Chapter 12, not containing alcohol, milk, milk products or fats derived therefrom Commodity code: 22 02 99 15
- Non-alcoholic beverages, not containing milk, milk products and fats derived therefrom (excl. water, fruit or vegetable juices, beer and beverages based on soya or on nuts of Ch 8, cereals of Ch 10 or seeds of Ch 12) Commodity code: 22 02 99 19
- Non-alcoholic beverages containing >= 2% fats derived from milk or milk products Commodity code: 22 02 99 99
- Beer made from malt Commodity code: 22 03
Waters, incl. mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages (excl. fruit, nut or vegetable juices and milk)
Commodity code: 22 02
- Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations Commodity code: 33