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Imported commodities
Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates
Commodity code: 03
- Fish, fit for human consumption, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, fit for human consumption, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process Commodity code: 03 05
Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine, even smoked, incl. crustaceans in shell cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
Commodity code: 03 06
Crustaceans, fit for human consumption, whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. crustaceans in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. rock lobster and other sea crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway lobsters, sh
Commodity code: 03 06 99
- Crustaceans, fit for human consumption, whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. crustaceans in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. rock lobster and other sea crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway lobsters, shrimps, prawns and freshwater crayfish) Commodity code: 03 06 99 90
Crustaceans, fit for human consumption, whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. crustaceans in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. rock lobster and other sea crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway lobsters, sh
Commodity code: 03 06 99
- Flours, meals and pellets of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, fit for human consumption Commodity code: 03 09
Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included
Commodity code: 04
Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or flavoured or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fruit, nuts or cocoa, and yogurt may additionally conta
Commodity code: 04 03
Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or flavoured or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fruits, nuts or cocoa (excl. yogurt)
Commodity code: 04 03 90
- Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream in solid forms, unsweetened, with a fat content by weight of <= 1,5% (excl. yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa) Commodity code: 04 03 90 11
- Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream in solid forms, unsweetened, with a fat content by weight of > 1,5% but <= 27% (excl. yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa) Commodity code: 04 03 90 13
- Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream in solid forms, sweetened, with a fat content by weight of > 1,5% but <= 27% (excl. yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa) Commodity code: 04 03 90 33
Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or flavoured or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fruits, nuts or cocoa (excl. yogurt)
Commodity code: 04 03 90
Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or flavoured or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fruit, nuts or cocoa, and yogurt may additionally conta
Commodity code: 04 03
Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruits or melons
Commodity code: 08
- Other nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled (excl. coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts) Commodity code: 08 02
- Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried Commodity code: 08 04
Dried apricots, prunes, apples, peaches, pears, papaws "papayas", tamarinds and other edible fruits, and mixtures of edible and dried fruits or of edible nuts (excl. nuts, bananas, dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, citr
Commodity code: 08 13
- Dried apples Commodity code: 08 13 30
Dried peaches, pears, papaws "papayas", tamarinds and other edible fruits (excl. nuts, bananas, dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, citrus fruit, grapes apricots, prunes and apples, unmixed)
Commodity code: 08 13 40
- Dried fruit, edible (excl. nuts, bananas, dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, citrus fruit, grapes, apricots, plums, apples, pears and peaches, unmixed) Commodity code: 08 13 40 95
- Peel of citrus fruit or melons, incl. watermelons, fresh, frozen, dried or provisionally preserved in brine, or in water with other additives Commodity code: 08 14
- Preparations of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates Commodity code: 16
Preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts or other parts of plants
Commodity code: 20
- Tomatoes, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid Commodity code: 20 02
Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other edible parts of plants, preserved by sugar "drained, glacé or crystallised"
Commodity code: 20 06
Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other edible parts of plants, preserved by sugar "drained, glacÚ or crystallised"
Commodity code: 20 06 00
- Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other edible parts of plants, preserved by sugar "drained, glacé or crystallised", with a sugar content of > 13% by weight (excl. cherries, ginger, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, coconuts, cashew nuts, brazil nuts, areca "betel" nuts, colanuts Commodity code: 20 06 00 38
Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other edible parts of plants, preserved by sugar "drained, glacÚ or crystallised"
Commodity code: 20 06 00
Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut purée and fruit or nut pastes, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
Commodity code: 20 07
Jams, jellies, marmalades, purÚes or pastes of fruit, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. citrus fruit and homogenised preparations of subheading 2007.10)
Commodity code: 20 07 99
- Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and fruit pastes, obtained by cooking, with a sugar content of > 13 to 30% by weight (excl. such products made from citrus fruits and homogenised preparations of subheading 2007.10) Commodity code: 20 07 99 50
- Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. with a sugar content of > 13% by weight, homogenised preparations of subheading 2007.10 and of guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, coconuts Commodity code: 20 07 99 97
Jams, jellies, marmalades, purÚes or pastes of fruit, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. citrus fruit and homogenised preparations of subheading 2007.10)
Commodity code: 20 07 99
Fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, and jams, fruit je
Commodity code: 20 08
- Nuts and other seeds, incl. mixtures, prepared or preserved (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purÚe and pastes, obtained by cooking, and groundnuts) Commodity code: 20 08 19
- Pineapples, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit (excl. preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purÚe and pastes, obtained by cooking) Commodity code: 20 08 20
- Pears, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, n.e.s. Commodity code: 20 08 40
- Strawberries, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, n.e.s. Commodity code: 20 08 80
Fruit and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marm
Commodity code: 20 08 99
- Guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola and pitahaya, prepared or preserved, not containing added spirit but containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content > 1 kg Commodity code: 20 08 99 48
- Fruit and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, not containing added spirit but containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content of > 1 kg (excl. preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes, obtained by cooking, and nuts, groundnuts and other seeds, pineapples, citrus fruits, pears, apricots, cherries, peaches, st Commodity code: 20 08 99 49
- Fruit and other edible part of plants, prepared or preserved, not containing added spirit or added sugar (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes, obtained by cooking, and nuts, groundnuts and other seeds, pineapples, citrus fruits, pears, apricots, cherries, peaches, strawberries, cranberries, pl Commodity code: 20 08 99 99
Fruit juices, incl. grape must, and vegetable juices, unfermented, not containing added spirit, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
Commodity code: 20 09
- Orange juice, unfermented, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit, frozen, and of a Brix value <= 20 at 20?C) Commodity code: 20 09 19
Single citrus fruit juice, unfermented, Brix value > 20 at 20?C, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit, mixtures, orange juice and grapefruit juice)
Commodity code: 20 09 39
- Single citrus fruit juice, unfermented, Brix value > 20 but <= 67 at 20°C, value of > 30 € per 100 kg, containing added sugar (excl. containing spirit, mixtures, orange juice and grapefruit juice) Commodity code: 20 09 39 31
- Single citrus fruit juice, unfermented, Brix value > 20 but <= 67 at 20°C, with a value of > 30 € per 100 kg (excl. containing added sugar, containing spirit, mixtures, orange juice and grapefruit juice) Commodity code: 20 09 39 39
- Pineapple juice, unfermented, Brix value > 20 at 20?C, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit) Commodity code: 20 09 49
- Grape juice, incl. grape must, unfermented, Brix value <= 30 at 20?C, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit) Commodity code: 20 09 61
- Grape juice, incl. grape must, unfermented, Brix value > 30 at 20?C, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit) Commodity code: 20 09 69
- Apple juice, unfermented, Brix value > 20 at 20?C, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit) Commodity code: 20 09 79
Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit, mixtures, and juice of citrus fruit, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes, incl. grape must, apples and cranberries)
Commodity code: 20 09 89
- Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, Brix value > 67 at 20°C, value of > € 30 per 100 kg (excl. containing spirit, mixtures and juice of citrus fruits, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes Commodity code: 20 09 89 38
- Cherry juice, unfermented, Brix value <= 67 at 20°C, value of > € 30 per 100 kg net weight, containing added sugar (excl. containing spirit) Commodity code: 20 09 89 71
- Juice of guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola or pitahaya, unfermented, Brix value <= 67 at 20°C, value of > € 30 per 100 kg net weight, containing added sugar (excl. mixtures or containing spirit) Commodity code: 20 09 89 73
- Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, Brix value <= 67 at 20°C, value of > € 30 per 100 kg, containing added sugar (excl. mixtures or containing spirit and juice of citrus fruits, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes incl. grape must, apples, cranberries, Commodity code: 20 09 89 79
- Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, Brix value <= 67 at 20°C (excl. containing added sugar or containing spirit, mixtures, and juice of citrus fruit, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes, incl. grape must, apples, pears, cherries and cranberries) Commodity code: 20 09 89 99
Organic chemicals
Commodity code: 29
- Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives Commodity code: 29 05
- Aldehydes, whether or not with other oxygen function; cyclic polymers of aldehydes; paraformaldehyde Commodity code: 29 12
Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom[s] only
Commodity code: 29 32
Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom[s] only (excl. compounds containing unfused furan ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure, and lactones, isosafrole, 1-[1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl]propan-2-one, piperonal, safrole, tetrahydrocannab
Commodity code: 29 32 99
- Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom[s] only (excl. compounds containing unfused furan ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure, and lactones, isosafrole, 1-[1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl]propan-2-one, piperonal, safrole, tetrahydrocannabinols "all isomers", carbofuran, and inorganic or organic compounds of mercury) Commodity code: 29 32 99 00
Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom[s] only (excl. compounds containing unfused furan ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure, and lactones, isosafrole, 1-[1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl]propan-2-one, piperonal, safrole, tetrahydrocannab
Commodity code: 29 32 99
Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only
Commodity code: 29 33
Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only (excl. those containing an unfused pyrazole, imidazole, pyridine or triazine ring, whether or not hydrogenated, a quinoline or isoquinoline ring-system, not further fused, whether or not hydrog
Commodity code: 29 33 99
- Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only (excl. those containing an unfused pyrazole, imidazole, pyridine or triazine ring, whether or not hydrogenated, a quinoline or isoquinoline ring-system, not further fused, whether or not hydrogenated, a pyrimidine ring, whether or not hydrogenated, or piperazine ring in the structure, lactams, alprazolam "INN", camazepam "INN", chlordiazepox Commodity code: 29 33 99 80
Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only (excl. those containing an unfused pyrazole, imidazole, pyridine or triazine ring, whether or not hydrogenated, a quinoline or isoquinoline ring-system, not further fused, whether or not hydrog
Commodity code: 29 33 99
- Nucleic acids and their salts, whether or not chemically defined; heterocyclic compounds (excl. with oxygen only or with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only) Commodity code: 29 34
Provitamins and vitamins, natural or reproduced by synthesis, incl. natural concentrates, derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, and intermixtures of the foregoing, whether or not in any solvent
Commodity code: 29 36
- Vitamin B2 and its derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 23
- Vitamin E and its derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 28
- Provitamins and mixtures of vitamins, of provitamins or of concentrates, whether or not in any solvent, and natural concentrates Commodity code: 29 36 90
- Glycosides, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives Commodity code: 29 38
Other products
Commodity code: 99
Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers
Commodity code: 07
Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Commodity code: 07 12
- Dried onions, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared Commodity code: 07 12 20
- Dried mushrooms and truffles, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared (excl. mushrooms of the genus "Agaricus", wood ears "Auricularia spp.", jelly fungi "Tremella spp." and shiitake "Lentinus edodes") Commodity code: 07 12 39
Dried vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared (excl. onions, mushrooms and truffles, not mixed)
Commodity code: 07 12 90
- Dried carrots, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared Commodity code: 07 12 90 50
- Dried vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared (excl. potatoes, onions, mushrooms, truffles, sweetcorn, tomatoes and carrots) Commodity code: 07 12 90 90
Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Commodity code: 07 12
Coffee, tea, mate and spices
Commodity code: 09
- Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta Commodity code: 09 04
- Vanilla Commodity code: 09 05
Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten
Commodity code: 11
- Cereal flours (excl. wheat or meslin) Commodity code: 11 02
- Flour, meal and powder of peas, beans, lentils and other dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713, of sago and manioc, arrowroot and salep, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content of head Commodity code: 11 06
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit; industrial or medical plants; straw and fodder
Commodity code: 12
- Seeds, fruits and spores, for sowing (excl. leguminous vegetables and sweetcorn, coffee, tea, maté and spices, cereals, oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, and seeds and fruit used primarily in perfumery, medicaments or for insecticidal, fungicidal or s Commodity code: 12 09
Plants and parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, of a kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered
Commodity code: 12 11
Plants, parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered (excl. ginseng roots, coca leaf, p
Commodity code: 12 11 90
- Plants and parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered (excl. ginseng roots, coca leaf, poppy straw, ephedra, tonquin beans and bark of African cherry) Commodity code: 12 11 90 86
Plants, parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered (excl. ginseng roots, coca leaf, p
Commodity code: 12 11 90
Lacs; gums, resins and other vegetable saps and extracts
Commodity code: 13
Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners derived from vegetable products, whether or not modified,
Commodity code: 13 02
- Extracts of hops Commodity code: 13 02 13
- Vegetable saps and extracts (excl. liquorice, hops, opium and ephedra) Commodity code: 13 02 19
- Mucilages and thickeners, derived from locust beans, locust bean seeds or guar seeds, whether or not modified Commodity code: 13 02 32
- Mucilages and thickeners derived from vegetable products, whether or not modified (excl. from locust beans, locust bean seeds, guar seeds and agar-agar) Commodity code: 13 02 39
Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners derived from vegetable products, whether or not modified,
Commodity code: 13 02
Sugars and sugar confectionery
Commodity code: 17
- Other sugars, incl. chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel Commodity code: 17 02
Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa, incl. white chocolate
Commodity code: 17 04
Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa, incl. white chocolate (excl. chewing gum)
Commodity code: 17 04 90
- Sugar-coated "panned" goods, not containing cocoa Commodity code: 17 04 90 61
- Boiled sweets, whether or not filled Commodity code: 17 04 90 71
- Pastes, marzipan, nougat and other prepared sugar confectionery, not containing cocoa (excl. chewing gum, white chocolate, throat pastilles and cough drops, gum and jelly confectionery incl. fruit pastes in the form of sugar confectionery, boiled sweets, toffees, caramels and similar sweets, compressed tablets, and pastes incl. marzipan in immediate packings of >= 1 kg) Commodity code: 17 04 90 99
Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa, incl. white chocolate (excl. chewing gum)
Commodity code: 17 04 90
Cocoa and cocoa preparations
Commodity code: 18
Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa
Commodity code: 18 06
Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars weighing > 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or other bulk form, in containers or immediate packings of a content > 2 kg (excl. cocoa powder)
Commodity code: 18 06 20
- Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars weighing > 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or other bulk form, in containers or immediate packings of a content > 2 kg, containing >= 18% by weight but < 31% by weight of cocoa butter (excl. cocoa powder) Commodity code: 18 06 20 50
Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars weighing > 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or other bulk form, in containers or immediate packings of a content > 2 kg (excl. cocoa powder)
Commodity code: 18 06 20
Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa
Commodity code: 18 06
Miscellaneous edible preparations
Commodity code: 21
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06 90
- Food preparations, n.e.s., not containing milkfats, sucrose, isoglucose starch or glucose or containing, by weight, < 1,5% milkfat, < 5% sucrose or isoglucose, < 5% glucose or < 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 90 92
- Food preparations, n.e.s., containing, by weight, >= 1,5% milkfat, >= 5% sucrose or isoglucose, >= 5% glucose or >= 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 90 98
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06 90
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06
- Inorganic chemicals: organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes Commodity code: 28
Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other colouring matter;paints and varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks
Commodity code: 32
Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin, incl. dye extracts (excl. animal black), whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant prepara
Commodity code: 32 03
Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin, incl. dye extracts (excl. animal black), whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant prepara
Commodity code: 32 03 00
- Dyes of vegetable origin, incl. dye extracts, whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on dyes of vegetable origin of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215) Commodity code: 32 03 00 10
- Dyes of animal origin, incl. dye extracts but excl. animal black, whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on dyes of animal origin of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215) Commodity code: 32 03 00 90
Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin, incl. dye extracts (excl. animal black), whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant prepara
Commodity code: 32 03 00
Synthetic organic colouring matter, whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on synthetic organic colouring matter of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations; synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent b
Commodity code: 32 04
- Synthetic carotenoid colouring matters and preparations based thereon of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215) Commodity code: 32 04 18
Synthetic organic colouring matter and preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes, reactive dyes,
Commodity code: 32 04 19
- Synthetic organic colouring matter and preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes, reactive dyes, pigments, carotenoid colouring matters and preparations based thereon, and preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixt Commodity code: 32 04 19 00
- Synthetic organic products of a kind used as luminophores, whether or not chemically defined Commodity code: 32 04 90
- Colour lakes (other than Chinese or Japanese lacquer and paints); preparations based on colour lakes of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215) Commodity code: 32 05
- Paints and varnishes, incl. enamels and lacquers, based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium Commodity code: 32 09
Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin, incl. dye extracts (excl. animal black), whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant prepara
Commodity code: 32 03
Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations
Commodity code: 33
Essential oils, whether or not terpeneless, incl. concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, fixed oils, waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deter
Commodity code: 33 01
Extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, fixed oils, waxes and the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deterpenation of essential oils; aromatic aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions of ess
Commodity code: 33 01 90
- Extracted oleoresins of quassia wood, aloe, manna and other plants (excl. vanilla, liquorice and hops) Commodity code: 33 01 90 30
- Concentrates of essential oils in fats, fixed oils, waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions of essential oils Commodity code: 33 01 90 90
Extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, fixed oils, waxes and the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deterpenation of essential oils; aromatic aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions of ess
Commodity code: 33 01 90
Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, based on one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the manufacture
Commodity code: 33 02
Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used in the food and drink industries; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the m
Commodity code: 33 02 10
- Preparations based on odoriferous substances, containing all flavouring agents characterizing a beverage, of an actual alcoholic strength of > 0,5% vol, of a kind used in the drink industries Commodity code: 33 02 10 10
- Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in the drink industries, and preparations based on odoriferous substances of a kind used in the drink industries (excl. those containing all flavouring agents characterizing a beverage) Commodity code: 33 02 10 40
- Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in the food industries Commodity code: 33 02 10 90
- Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, based on one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry (excl. food or drink industries) Commodity code: 33 02 90
Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used in the food and drink industries; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the m
Commodity code: 33 02 10
Essential oils, whether or not terpeneless, incl. concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, fixed oils, waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deter
Commodity code: 33 01
- Albuminous substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes Commodity code: 35
- Photographic or cinematographic products Commodity code: 37
Aluminium and articles thereof
Commodity code: 76
- Casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, incl. rigid or collapsible tubular containers, of aluminium, for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of a capacity of <= 300 l, not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment, whet Commodity code: 76 12
Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof
Commodity code: 84
Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment whether or not electrically heated (excl. furnaces, ovens and other equipment of heading 8514), for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature such as heating, cooking, roasting,
Commodity code: 84 19
Dryers (excl. lyophilisation apparatus, freeze drying units, spray dryers, dryers for agricultural products, for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard, for yarns, fabrics and other textile products, dryers for bottles or other containers, hairdryers,
Commodity code: 84 19 39
- Dryers (excl. lyophilisation apparatus, freeze drying units, spray dryers, dryers for agricultural products, for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard, for yarns, fabrics and other textile products, dryers for bottles or other containers, hairdryers, hand dryers and domestic appliances) Commodity code: 84 19 39 00
Dryers (excl. lyophilisation apparatus, freeze drying units, spray dryers, dryers for agricultural products, for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard, for yarns, fabrics and other textile products, dryers for bottles or other containers, hairdryers,
Commodity code: 84 19 39
- Machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; parts thereof Commodity code: 84 79
Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment whether or not electrically heated (excl. furnaces, ovens and other equipment of heading 8514), for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature such as heating, cooking, roasting,
Commodity code: 84 19
Exported commodities
Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates
Commodity code: 03
Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine, even smoked, incl. crustaceans in shell cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
Commodity code: 03 06
- Frozen lobsters "Homarus spp.", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. lobsters in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water Commodity code: 03 06 12
- Shrimps and prawns, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled (excl. cold-water shrimps and prawns "Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon") Commodity code: 03 06 36
Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine, even smoked, incl. crustaceans in shell cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
Commodity code: 03 06
Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included
Commodity code: 04
- Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter Commodity code: 04 02
Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or flavoured or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fruit, nuts or cocoa, and yogurt may additionally conta
Commodity code: 04 03
- Yogurt, whether or not flavoured or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fruits, nuts or cocoa Commodity code: 04 03 10
Yogurt, whether or not flavoured or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fruit, nuts, cocoa, chocolate, spices, coffee, plants, cereals or bakers' wares
Commodity code: 04 03 20
- Yogurt (excl. flavoured or with added fruit, nuts, cocoa, chocolate, spices, coffee, plants, cereals or bakers' wares, or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter), of a fat content by weight <= 3,0% Commodity code: 04 03 20 11
- Yogurt, containing added chocolate, spices, coffee, plants, cereals or bakers' wares (excl. containing, by weight, less than 1,5 % milkfat, 5 % sucrose including invert sugar or isoglucose, 5 % glucose or starch) Commodity code: 04 03 20 49
- Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or flavoured or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fruits, nuts or cocoa (excl. yogurt) Commodity code: 04 03 90
Cheese and curd
Commodity code: 04 06
- Fresh cheese "unripened or uncured cheese", incl. whey cheese, and curd Commodity code: 04 06 10
- Grated or powdered cheese, of all kinds Commodity code: 04 06 20
- Cheese (excl. fresh cheese, incl. whey cheese, curd, processed cheese, blue-veined cheese and other cheese containing veins produced by "Penicillium roqueforti", and grated or powdered cheese) Commodity code: 04 06 90
Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers
Commodity code: 07
- Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled Commodity code: 07 03
- Carrots, turnips, salad beetroot, salsify, celeriac, radishes and similar edible roots, fresh or chilled Commodity code: 07 06
- Other vegetables, fresh or chilled (excl. potatoes, tomatoes, alliaceous vegetables, edible brassicas, lettuce "Lactuca sativa" and chicory "Cichorium spp.", carrots, turnips, salad beetroot, salsify, celeriac, radishes and similar edible roots, cucu Commodity code: 07 09
Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Commodity code: 07 12
- Dried onions, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared Commodity code: 07 12 20
- Dried mushrooms of the genus "Agaricus", whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared Commodity code: 07 12 31
- Dried mushrooms and truffles, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared (excl. mushrooms of the genus "Agaricus", wood ears "Auricularia spp.", jelly fungi "Tremella spp." and shiitake "Lentinus edodes") Commodity code: 07 12 39
Dried vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared (excl. onions, mushrooms and truffles, not mixed)
Commodity code: 07 12 90
- Dried carrots, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared Commodity code: 07 12 90 50
- Dried vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared (excl. potatoes, onions, mushrooms, truffles, sweetcorn, tomatoes and carrots) Commodity code: 07 12 90 90
Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruits or melons
Commodity code: 08
- Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled Commodity code: 08 01
Other nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled (excl. coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts)
Commodity code: 08 02
- Fresh or dried almonds, shelled Commodity code: 08 02 12
- Fresh or dried pistachios, in shell Commodity code: 08 02 51
- Fresh or dried pistachios, shelled Commodity code: 08 02 52
Nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled (excl. coconuts, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, filberts, walnuts, chestnuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, kola nuts and areca nuts)
Commodity code: 08 02 90
- Fresh or dried pecans, whether or not shelled or peeled Commodity code: 08 02 90 10
- Nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled (excl. coconuts, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, chestnuts "Castania spp.", pistachios, pecans, areca "betel" nuts, cola nuts, pine nuts and macadamia nuts) Commodity code: 08 02 90 85
- Nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled (excl. coconuts, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, filberts, walnuts, chestnuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, kola nuts, areca nuts and pine nuts) Commodity code: 08 02 99
- Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried Commodity code: 08 04
- Grapes, fresh or dried Commodity code: 08 06
Dried apricots, prunes, apples, peaches, pears, papaws "papayas", tamarinds and other edible fruits, and mixtures of edible and dried fruits or of edible nuts (excl. nuts, bananas, dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, citr
Commodity code: 08 13
Dried peaches, pears, papaws "papayas", tamarinds and other edible fruits (excl. nuts, bananas, dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, citrus fruit, grapes apricots, prunes and apples, unmixed)
Commodity code: 08 13 40
- Dried fruit, edible (excl. nuts, bananas, dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, citrus fruit, grapes, apricots, plums, apples, pears and peaches, unmixed) Commodity code: 08 13 40 95
Dried peaches, pears, papaws "papayas", tamarinds and other edible fruits (excl. nuts, bananas, dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, citrus fruit, grapes apricots, prunes and apples, unmixed)
Commodity code: 08 13 40
- Peel of citrus fruit or melons, incl. watermelons, fresh, frozen, dried or provisionally preserved in brine, or in water with other additives Commodity code: 08 14
Coffee, tea, mate and spices
Commodity code: 09
Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta
Commodity code: 09 04
- Pepper of the genus Piper, neither crushed nor ground Commodity code: 09 04 11
- Pepper of the genus Piper, crushed or ground Commodity code: 09 04 12
- Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, dried, neither crushed nor ground Commodity code: 09 04 21
- Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, crushed or ground Commodity code: 09 04 22
- Seeds of anis, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin or caraway; juniper berries Commodity code: 09 09
Ginger, saffron, turmeric "curcuma", thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices (excl. pepper of the genus Piper, fruit of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, vanilla, cinnamon, cinnamontree flowers, cloves [wholefruit], clove stems, nutmeg, m
Commodity code: 09 10
- Ginger, neither crushed nor ground Commodity code: 09 10 11
- Turmeric "curcuma" Commodity code: 09 10 30
- Mixtures of different types of spices Commodity code: 09 10 91
- Spices (excl. pepper of the genus Piper, fruit of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, vanilla, cinnamon, cinnamontree flowers, clove "wholefruit", clove stems, nutmeg, mace, cardamoms, seeds of anise, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin and cara Commodity code: 09 10 99
Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta
Commodity code: 09 04
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit; industrial or medical plants; straw and fodder
Commodity code: 12
Plants and parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, of a kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered
Commodity code: 12 11
Plants, parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered (excl. ginseng roots, coca leaf, p
Commodity code: 12 11 90
- Plants and parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered (excl. ginseng roots, coca leaf, poppy straw, ephedra, tonquin beans and bark of African cherry) Commodity code: 12 11 90 86
Plants, parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered (excl. ginseng roots, coca leaf, p
Commodity code: 12 11 90
Locust beans, seaweeds and other algae, sugar beet and sugar cane, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not ground; fruit stones and kernels and other vegetable products, incl. unroasted chicory roots of the variety Cichorium intybus sativum,
Commodity code: 12 12
- Seaweeds and other algae, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not ground, fit for human consumption Commodity code: 12 12 21
- Fruit stones and kernels and other vegetable products, incl. unroasted chicory roots of the variety cichorium intybus sativum, of a kind used primarily for human consumption, n.e.s. Commodity code: 12 12 99
Plants and parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, of a kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered
Commodity code: 12 11
Lacs; gums, resins and other vegetable saps and extracts
Commodity code: 13
Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners derived from vegetable products, whether or not modified,
Commodity code: 13 02
- Extracts of liquorice (excl. that with a sucrose content by weight of > 10% or in the form of confectionery) Commodity code: 13 02 12
- Extracts of hops Commodity code: 13 02 13
- Vegetable saps and extracts (excl. liquorice, hops, opium and ephedra) Commodity code: 13 02 19
- Pectic substances, pectinates and pectates Commodity code: 13 02 20
- Agar-agar, whether or not modified Commodity code: 13 02 31
- Mucilages and thickeners, derived from locust beans, locust bean seeds or guar seeds, whether or not modified Commodity code: 13 02 32
- Mucilages and thickeners derived from vegetable products, whether or not modified (excl. from locust beans, locust bean seeds, guar seeds and agar-agar) Commodity code: 13 02 39
Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners derived from vegetable products, whether or not modified,
Commodity code: 13 02
Preparations of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates
Commodity code: 16
Sugars and sugar confectionery
Commodity code: 17
- Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form Commodity code: 17 01
Other sugars, incl. chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel
Commodity code: 17 02
- Lactose in solid form and lactose syrup, not containing added flavouring or colouring matter, containing by weight < 99% lactose, expressed as anhydrous lactose, calculated on the dry matter Commodity code: 17 02 19
Sugars in solid form, incl. invert sugar and chemically pure maltose, and sugar and sugar syrup blends containing in the dry state 50% by weight of fructose, not flavoured or coloured, artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey and car
Commodity code: 17 02 90
- Maltodextrine in solid form and maltodextrine syrup (excl. flavoured or coloured) Commodity code: 17 02 90 50
- Sugar and molasses, caramelised, containing in the dry state >= 50% by weight of sucrose Commodity code: 17 02 90 71
- Sugar and molasses, caramelised, containing in the dry state < 50% by weight of sucrose (excl. sugar and molasses in powder form, whether or not agglomerated) Commodity code: 17 02 90 79
- Sugars in solid form, incl. invert sugar, and sugar and sugar syrup blends containing in the dry state 50% by weight of fructose, not containing added flavouring or colouring matter (excl. cane or beet sugar, chemically pure sucrose and maltose, lactose, maple sugar, glucose, fructose, maltodextrine, and syrups thereof, isoglucose, inulin syrup and caramel) Commodity code: 17 02 90 95
- Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa, incl. white chocolate Commodity code: 17 04
Preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts or other parts of plants
Commodity code: 20
- Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid Commodity code: 20 01
- Tomatoes, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid Commodity code: 20 02
Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen (excl. preserved by sugar, and tomatoes, mushrooms and truffles)
Commodity code: 20 05
- Homogenised vegetables put up for retail sale as infant food or for dietetic purposes, in containers of <= 250 g Commodity code: 20 05 10
Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar, non-frozen (excl. preserved by sugar, homogenised vegetables of subheading 2005.10, and tomatoes, mushrooms, truffles, potatoes, peas "Pisum sativum", beans "Vign
Commodity code: 20 05 99
- Artichokes, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid (excl. frozen) Commodity code: 20 05 99 30
- Vegetables, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen (excl. preserved by sugar, homogenised vegetables of subheading 2005.10, and tomatoes, mushrooms, truffles, potatoes, sauerkraut, peas "Pisum sativum", beans "Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp." asparagus, olives, sweetcorn "Zea Mays var. Saccharata", bamboo shoots, fruit of the genus Capsicum hot to the taste, capers, Commodity code: 20 05 99 80
Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut purée and fruit or nut pastes, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
Commodity code: 20 07
Homogenised preparations of jams, jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut purÚes and nut pastes, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, put up for retail sale as infant food or for dietetic purposes, in conta
Commodity code: 20 07 10
- Homogenised preparations of jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut purée and pastes, obtained by cooking, put up for retail sale as infant food or for dietetic purposes, in containers of <= 250 g, with sugar content of > 13% by weight Commodity code: 20 07 10 10
- Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, put up for retail sale as infant food or for dietetic purposes, in containers of a net weight of <= 250 g (excl. with a sugar content of > 13% by weight and preparations of guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, Commodity code: 20 07 10 99
Jams, jellies, marmalades, purÚes or pastes of fruit, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. citrus fruit and homogenised preparations of subheading 2007.10)
Commodity code: 20 07 99
- Jams, jellies, marmalades, fruit purées or pastes, obtained by cooking, with sugar content of > 30% by weight (excl. raspberries, strawberries, cherries and citrus fruits, chestnut purée and paste, homogenised preparations of subheading 2007.10, and plum purée and paste, in packings of > 100 kg, for industrial processing) Commodity code: 20 07 99 39
- Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes of guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", jackfruits, passion fruit, tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, sapodillo plums, carambola, pitahaya, coconuts, cashew nuts, brazil nuts, areca "betel" nuts, colanuts and macadamia nuts, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. with a sugar co Commodity code: 20 07 99 93
- Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. with a sugar content of > 13% by weight, homogenised preparations of subheading 2007.10 and of guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, coconuts Commodity code: 20 07 99 97
Homogenised preparations of jams, jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut purÚes and nut pastes, obtained by cooking, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, put up for retail sale as infant food or for dietetic purposes, in conta
Commodity code: 20 07 10
Fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, and jams, fruit je
Commodity code: 20 08
- Groundnuts, prepared or preserved (excl. preserved with sugar) Commodity code: 20 08 11
Nuts and other seeds, incl. mixtures, prepared or preserved (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purÚe and pastes, obtained by cooking, and groundnuts)
Commodity code: 20 08 19
- Roasted almonds and pistachios, in immediate packings of a net content > 1 kg Commodity code: 20 08 19 13
- Nuts and other seeds, incl. mixtures, prepared or preserved, in immediate packings of a content of > 1 kg (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes, obtained by cooking, groundnuts, roasted almonds and pistachios and coconuts, cashew nuts, brazil nuts, areca "betel" nuts, colanuts and macadamia nut Commodity code: 20 08 19 19
- Nuts and other seeds, incl. mixtures, prepared or preserved, in immediate packings of a content of <= 1 kg (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes, obtained by cooking, groundnuts, roasted nuts, and coconuts, cashew nuts, brazil nuts, areca "betel" nuts, colanuts and macadamia nuts and mixtures c Commodity code: 20 08 19 99
- Citrus fruit, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, n.e.s. Commodity code: 20 08 30
- Peaches, incl. nectarines, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit (excl. preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purÚe and pastes, obtained by cooki Commodity code: 20 08 70
Fruit and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marm
Commodity code: 20 08 99
- Guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola and pitahaya, prepared or preserved, not containing added spirit but containing added sugar, in immediate packings of a net content > 1 kg Commodity code: 20 08 99 48
- Yams, sweet potatoes and similar edible parts of plants, containing >= 5% starch, prepared or preserved, not containing added spirit or added sugar (excl. frozen or dried) Commodity code: 20 08 99 91
- Fruit and other edible part of plants, prepared or preserved, not containing added spirit or added sugar (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes, obtained by cooking, and nuts, groundnuts and other seeds, pineapples, citrus fruits, pears, apricots, cherries, peaches, strawberries, cranberries, pl Commodity code: 20 08 99 99
Fruit juices, incl. grape must, and vegetable juices, unfermented, not containing added spirit, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
Commodity code: 20 09
- Grape juice, incl. grape must, unfermented, Brix value > 30 at 20?C, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit) Commodity code: 20 09 69
- Apple juice, unfermented, Brix value <= 20 at 20?C, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit) Commodity code: 20 09 71
Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit, mixtures, and juice of citrus fruit, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes, incl. grape must, apples and cranberries)
Commodity code: 20 09 89
- Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, Brix value > 67 at 20°C, value of > € 30 per 100 kg (excl. containing spirit, mixtures and juice of citrus fruits, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes Commodity code: 20 09 89 38
- Juice of guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola or pitahaya, unfermented, Brix value <= 67 at 20°C, value of > € 30 per 100 kg net weight, containing added sugar (excl. mixtures or containing spirit) Commodity code: 20 09 89 73
- Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, Brix value <= 67 at 20°C, value of > € 30 per 100 kg, containing added sugar (excl. mixtures or containing spirit and juice of citrus fruits, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes incl. grape must, apples, cranberries, Commodity code: 20 09 89 79
- Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, Brix value <= 67 at 20°C, value of <= € 30 per 100 kg, containing <= 30% added sugar (excl. mixtures or containing spirit, and juice of citrus fruits, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes incl. grape must, apples, cran Commodity code: 20 09 89 89
- Juice of fruit or vegetables, unfermented, Brix value <= 67 at 20°C (excl. containing added sugar or containing spirit, mixtures, and juice of citrus fruit, guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion fruit, carambola, pitahaya, pineapples, tomatoes, grapes, incl. grape must, apples, pears, cherries and cranberries) Commodity code: 20 09 89 99
Mixtures of fruit juices, incl. grape must, and vegetable juices, unfermented, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. containing spirit)
Commodity code: 20 09 90
- Mixtures of fruit juices, incl. grape must and juices of vegetables, unfermented, Brix value <= 67 at 20°C, value of <= € 30 per 100 kg (excl. containing added sugar or containing spirit and mixtures of apple and pear juices or of citrus fruit and pineapple juices and of juices of guavas, mangoes, mangosteens, papaws "papayas", tamarinds, cashew apples, lychees, jackfruit, sapodillo plums, passion Commodity code: 20 09 90 98
Miscellaneous edible preparations
Commodity code: 21
Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or maté and preparations with a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee, tea or mate; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof
Commodity code: 21 01
- Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea or mate, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates, or with a basis of tea or matÚ Commodity code: 21 01 20
- Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof Commodity code: 21 01 30
- Sauce and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal, whether or not prepared, and mustard Commodity code: 21 03
- Soups and broths and preparations therefor; food preparations consisting of finely homogenised mixtures of two or more basic ingredients such as meat, fish, vegetables or fruit, put up for retail sale as infant food or for dietetic purposes, in conta Commodity code: 21 04
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06
Protein concentrates and textured protein substances
Commodity code: 21 06 10
- Protein concentrates and textured protein substances, not containing milkfats, sucrose, isoglucose starch or glucose or containing, by weight, < 1,5% milkfat, < 5% sucrose or isoglucose, < 5% glucose or < 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 10 20
- Protein concentrates and textured protein substances, containing, by weight, >= 1,5% milkfat, >= 5% sucrose or isoglucose, >= 5% glucose or >= 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 10 80
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06 90
- Compound alcoholic preparations of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages and of an actual alcoholic strength of by volume of > 0,5% vol (excl. those based on odoriferous substances) Commodity code: 21 06 90 20
- Flavoured or coloured isoglucose syrups Commodity code: 21 06 90 30
- Flavoured or coloured glucose and maltodextrine syrups Commodity code: 21 06 90 55
- Flavoured or coloured sugar syrups (excl. isoglucose, lactose, glucose and maltodextrine syrups) Commodity code: 21 06 90 59
- Food preparations, n.e.s., not containing milkfats, sucrose, isoglucose starch or glucose or containing, by weight, < 1,5% milkfat, < 5% sucrose or isoglucose, < 5% glucose or < 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 90 92
- Food preparations, n.e.s., containing, by weight, >= 1,5% milkfat, >= 5% sucrose or isoglucose, >= 5% glucose or >= 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 90 98
Protein concentrates and textured protein substances
Commodity code: 21 06 10
Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or maté and preparations with a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee, tea or mate; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof
Commodity code: 21 01
Beverages, spirits and vinegar
Commodity code: 22
- Waters, incl. mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages (excl. fruit, nut or vegetable juices and milk) Commodity code: 22 02
- Beer made from malt Commodity code: 22 03
- Ores, slag and ash Commodity code: 26
Organic chemicals
Commodity code: 29
- Aldehydes, whether or not with other oxygen function; cyclic polymers of aldehydes; paraformaldehyde Commodity code: 29 12
- Ketones and quinones, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives Commodity code: 29 14
- Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids, whether or not chemically defined Commodity code: 29 23
Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom[s] only
Commodity code: 29 32
Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom[s] only (excl. compounds containing unfused furan ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure, and lactones, isosafrole, 1-[1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl]propan-2-one, piperonal, safrole, tetrahydrocannab
Commodity code: 29 32 99
- Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom[s] only (excl. compounds containing unfused furan ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure, and lactones, isosafrole, 1-[1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl]propan-2-one, piperonal, safrole, tetrahydrocannabinols "all isomers", carbofuran, and inorganic or organic compounds of mercury) Commodity code: 29 32 99 00
Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom[s] only (excl. compounds containing unfused furan ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure, and lactones, isosafrole, 1-[1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl]propan-2-one, piperonal, safrole, tetrahydrocannab
Commodity code: 29 32 99
Provitamins and vitamins, natural or reproduced by synthesis, incl. natural concentrates, derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, and intermixtures of the foregoing, whether or not in any solvent
Commodity code: 29 36
- Vitamins A and their derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 21
- Vitamin B2 and its derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 23
- Vitamin E and its derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 28
- Vitamins and their derivatives, used primarily as vitamins, unmixed (excl. vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E and their derivatives) Commodity code: 29 36 29
- Provitamins and mixtures of vitamins, of provitamins or of concentrates, whether or not in any solvent, and natural concentrates Commodity code: 29 36 90
- Glycosides, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives Commodity code: 29 38
Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other colouring matter;paints and varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks
Commodity code: 32
- Tanning extracts of vegetable origin; tannins and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives Commodity code: 32 01
- Synthetic organic tanning substances; inorganic tanning substances; tanning preparations, whether or not containing natural tanning substances; enzymatic preparations for pre-tanning Commodity code: 32 02
Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin, incl. dye extracts (excl. animal black), whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant prepara
Commodity code: 32 03
Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin, incl. dye extracts (excl. animal black), whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant prepara
Commodity code: 32 03 00
- Dyes of vegetable origin, incl. dye extracts, whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on dyes of vegetable origin of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215) Commodity code: 32 03 00 10
- Dyes of animal origin, incl. dye extracts but excl. animal black, whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on dyes of animal origin of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215) Commodity code: 32 03 00 90
Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin, incl. dye extracts (excl. animal black), whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant prepara
Commodity code: 32 03 00
Synthetic organic colouring matter, whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on synthetic organic colouring matter of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations; synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent b
Commodity code: 32 04
- Synthetic organic disperse dyes; preparations based on synthetic organic disperse dyes of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215) Commodity code: 32 04 11
Synthetic organic acid dyes, whether or not metallised, and synthetic organic mordant dyes; preparations based on synthetic organic acid or mordant dyes of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 320
Commodity code: 32 04 12
- Synthetic organic acid dyes, whether or not metallised, and synthetic organic mordant dyes; preparations based on synthetic organic acid or mordant dyes of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215) Commodity code: 32 04 12 00
- Synthetic organic pigments; preparations based on synthetic organic pigments of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215, and subheading 3204.18) Commodity code: 32 04 17
- Synthetic carotenoid colouring matters and preparations based thereon of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215) Commodity code: 32 04 18
Synthetic organic colouring matter and preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes, reactive dyes,
Commodity code: 32 04 19
- Synthetic organic colouring matter and preparations of the kind used for colouring any materials or for the production of prepared colours, based thereon (excl. disperse dyes, acid dyes, mordant dyes, basic dyes, direct dyes, vat dyes, reactive dyes, pigments, carotenoid colouring matters and preparations based thereon, and preparations in heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215); mixt Commodity code: 32 04 19 00
- Synthetic organic products of a kind used as luminophores, whether or not chemically defined Commodity code: 32 04 90
- Colour lakes (other than Chinese or Japanese lacquer and paints); preparations based on colour lakes of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215) Commodity code: 32 05
Inorganic or mineral colouring matter, n.e.s.; preparations based on inorganic or mineral colouring matter of a kind used for colouring any material or produce colorant preparations (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3213 and 3215
Commodity code: 32 06
Pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide of a kind used for colouring any material or produce colorant preparations, containing >= 80% by weight of titanium dioxide calculated on the dry matter (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 32
Commodity code: 32 06 11
- Pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide of a kind used for colouring any material or produce colorant preparations, containing >= 80% by weight of titanium dioxide calculated on the dry matter (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215) Commodity code: 32 06 11 00
Pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide of a kind used for colouring any material or produce colorant preparations, containing < 80% by weight of titanium dioxide calculated on the dry matter (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 320
Commodity code: 32 06 19
- Pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide of a kind used for colouring any material or produce colorant preparations, containing < 80% by weight of titanium dioxide calculated on the dry matter (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215) Commodity code: 32 06 19 00
Pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide of a kind used for colouring any material or produce colorant preparations, containing >= 80% by weight of titanium dioxide calculated on the dry matter (excl. preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 32
Commodity code: 32 06 11
Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations
Commodity code: 33
Essential oils, whether or not terpeneless, incl. concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, fixed oils, waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deter
Commodity code: 33 01
- Oils of sweet and bitter orange, whether or not terpeneless, incl. concretes and absolutes (excl. orange-flower oil) Commodity code: 33 01 12
- Essential oils of citrus fruit, whether or not terpeneless, incl. concretes and absolutes (excl. those of sweet and bitter orange and lemon) Commodity code: 33 01 19
- Essential oils, whether or not terpeneless, incl. concretes and absolutes (excl. those of citrus fruit and mint) Commodity code: 33 01 29
- Resinoids Commodity code: 33 01 30
Extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, fixed oils, waxes and the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deterpenation of essential oils; aromatic aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions of ess
Commodity code: 33 01 90
- Terpenic by-products of the deterpenation of essential oils Commodity code: 33 01 90 10
- Extracted oleoresins of quassia wood, aloe, manna and other plants (excl. vanilla, liquorice and hops) Commodity code: 33 01 90 30
- Concentrates of essential oils in fats, fixed oils, waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions of essential oils Commodity code: 33 01 90 90
Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, based on one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the manufacture
Commodity code: 33 02
Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used in the food and drink industries; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the m
Commodity code: 33 02 10
- Preparations based on odoriferous substances, containing all flavouring agents characterizing a beverage, of an actual alcoholic strength of > 0,5% vol, of a kind used in the drink industries Commodity code: 33 02 10 10
- Preparations based on odoriferous substances, containing all flavouring agents characterizing a beverage, containing no milkfats, sucrose, isoglucose, glucose or starch or containing, by weight, < 1,5% milkfat, < 5% sucrose or isoglucose, < 5% glucose or < 5% starch, of a kind used in the drink industries (excl. of an actual alcoholic strength of > 0,5% vol) Commodity code: 33 02 10 21
- Preparations based on odoriferous substances, containing all flavouring agents characterizing a beverage, containing, by weight, >= 1,5% milkfat, >= 5% sucrose or isoglucose, >= 5% glucose or >= 5% starch, of a kind used in the drink industries (excl. of an actual alcoholic strength of > 0,5% vol) Commodity code: 33 02 10 29
- Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in the drink industries, and preparations based on odoriferous substances of a kind used in the drink industries (excl. those containing all flavouring agents characterizing a beverage) Commodity code: 33 02 10 40
- Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in the food industries Commodity code: 33 02 10 90
Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, based on one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry (excl. food or drink industries)
Commodity code: 33 02 90
- Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures based on one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry, as alcoholic solutions (excl. the food and drink industries) Commodity code: 33 02 90 10
- Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures based on one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry (excl. the food and drink industries and alcoholic solutions) Commodity code: 33 02 90 90
Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used in the food and drink industries; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the m
Commodity code: 33 02 10
- Perfumes and toilet waters (excl. aftershave lotions, personal deodorants and hair lotions) Commodity code: 33 03
Essential oils, whether or not terpeneless, incl. concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, fixed oils, waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deter
Commodity code: 33 01
Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal
Commodity code: 44
Products of animal origin not elsewhere specified or included
Commodity code: 05
- Coral and similar materials, shells of molluscs, crustaceans or echinoderms, cuttle-bone, powder and waste thereof, unworked or simply prepared but not otherwise worked or cut to shape Commodity code: 05 08
Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten
Commodity code: 11
- Wheat or meslin flour Commodity code: 11 01
- Flour, meal and powder of peas, beans, lentils and other dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713, of sago and manioc, arrowroot and salep, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content of head Commodity code: 11 06
Cocoa and cocoa preparations
Commodity code: 18
- Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter Commodity code: 18 05
Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa
Commodity code: 18 06
- Chocolate and other preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars of <= 2 kg, filled Commodity code: 18 06 31
Chocolate and other preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars of <= 2 kg (excl. filled)
Commodity code: 18 06 32
- Chocolate and other preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars of <= 2 kg, with added cereal, fruit or nuts (excl. filled) Commodity code: 18 06 32 10
- Chocolate and other preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars of <= 2 kg (excl. filled and with added cereal, fruit or nuts) Commodity code: 18 06 32 90
Chocolate and other preparations containing cocoa, in containers or immediate packings of <= 2 kg (excl. in blocks, slabs or bars and cocoa powder)
Commodity code: 18 06 90
- Chocolate and chocolate products in the form of chocolates, whether or not filled, containing alcohol Commodity code: 18 06 90 11
- Chocolate and chocolate products in the form of chocolates, whether or not filled, not containing alcohol Commodity code: 18 06 90 19
- Chocolate and chocolate products, filled (excl. in blocks, slabs or bars and chocolates) Commodity code: 18 06 90 31
- Chocolates and chocolate products, unfilled (excl. in blocks, slabs or bars, chocolates) Commodity code: 18 06 90 39
- Spreads containing cocoa Commodity code: 18 06 90 60
Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; pastrycooks' products
Commodity code: 19
Malt extract; food preparations of flour, groats, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing < 40% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, n.e.s.; food preparations of milk, cream, butter milk, sour milk, sour
Commodity code: 19 01
Mixes and doughs of flour, groats, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing < 40% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, n.e.s. and of mixes and doughs of milk, cream, butter milk, sour milk, sour cream, wh
Commodity code: 19 01 20
- Mixes and doughs of flour, groats, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing < 40% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, n.e.s. and of mixes and doughs of milk, cream, butter milk, sour milk, sour cream, whey, yogurt, kephir or similar goods of heading 0401 to 0404, not containing cocoa or containing < 5% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatt Commodity code: 19 01 20 00
Malt extract; food preparations of flour, groats, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing < 40% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, n.e.s. and food preparations of milk, cream, butter milk, sour milk, s
Commodity code: 19 01 90
- Malt extract with a dry extract content of >= 90% Commodity code: 19 01 90 11
- Malt extract with a dry extract content of < 90% Commodity code: 19 01 90 19
- Food preparations of flour, groats, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing cocoa in a proportion by weight of < 40%, calculated on a totally defatted basis, and food preparations of milk, cream, butter milk, sour milk, sour cream, whey, yogurt, kephir or similar goods in heading 0401 to 0404, not containing cocoa or containing cocoa in a proportion by weight of < 5%, calc Commodity code: 19 01 90 99
Mixes and doughs of flour, groats, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing < 40% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, n.e.s. and of mixes and doughs of milk, cream, butter milk, sour milk, sour cream, wh
Commodity code: 19 01 20
Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products
Commodity code: 19 05
Sweet biscuits
Commodity code: 19 05 31
- Sweet sandwich biscuits, whether or not containing cocoa, containing < 8% milkfats (excl. coated or covered with chocolate or cocoa preparations) Commodity code: 19 05 31 91
- Sweet biscuits, whether or not containing cocoa, containing < 8% milkfats (excl. coated or covered with chocolate or cocoa preparations and sandwich biscuits) Commodity code: 19 05 31 99
Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products (excl. crispbread, gingerbread and the
Commodity code: 19 05 90
- Fruit tarts, currant bread, panettone, meringues, Christmas stollen, croissants and other bakers' wares containing by weight >=5% of sucrose, invert sugar or isoglucose (excl. crispbread, gingerbread and the like, sweet biscuits, waffles and wafers, and rusks) Commodity code: 19 05 90 70
- Pizzas, quiches and other bakers' wares containing by weight <5% of sucrose, invert sugar or isoglucose (excl. crispbread, gingerbread and the like, sweet biscuits, waffles and wafers, rusks and similar toasted products, bread, communion wafers, empty cachets for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products) Commodity code: 19 05 90 80
- Pizzas, quiches and other unsweetened bakers' wares (excl. crispbread, gingerbread and the like, sweet biscuits, waffles and wafers, rusks and similar toasted products, bread, communion wafers, empty cachets for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products) Commodity code: 19 05 90 90
Sweet biscuits
Commodity code: 19 05 31
Malt extract; food preparations of flour, groats, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing < 40% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, n.e.s.; food preparations of milk, cream, butter milk, sour milk, sour
Commodity code: 19 01
- Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering material, lime and cement Commodity code: 25
- Inorganic chemicals: organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes Commodity code: 28
Pharmaceutical products
Commodity code: 30
- Medicaments consisting of two or more constituents mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not in measured doses or put up for retail sale (excl. goods of heading 3002, 3005 or 3006) Commodity code: 30 03
- Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale (excl. goods of heading 3002, 3005 or 3006) Commodity code: 30 04
- Soaps, organic surface-active agents, washing preprations, lubricating preparations,artificial waxes, prepared waxes, shoe polish, scouring powder and the like, candles and similar products, modelling pastes, dentalwax and plaster-based dental prepar Commodity code: 34
- Albuminous substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes Commodity code: 35
Miscellaneous chemical products
Commodity code: 38
- Artificial graphite; colloidal or semi-colloidal graphite; preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of pastes, blocks, plates or other semi-manufactures Commodity code: 38 01
- Activated carbon; activated natural mineral products; animal black, whether or not spent Commodity code: 38 02
Plastics and plastic products
Commodity code: 39
Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of non-cellular plastics, not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials, without backing, unworked or merely surface-worked or merely cut into squares or rectangles (excl. self-a
Commodity code: 39 20
Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of non-cellular polymers of ethylene, not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials, without backing, unworked or merely surface-worked or merely cut into squares or rectangles (
Commodity code: 39 20 10
- Plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip, of unexpanded polymers of ethylene, not reinforced and non-cellular "laminated" or supported or similarly combined with other materials, unworked or not further worked than surface-worked or only cut to square or rectangular shapes, with a thickness of > 0,125 mm (other than self-adhesive and floor, wall and ceiling coverings of heading 3918, and synthetic Commodity code: 39 20 10 89
Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of non-cellular polymers of ethylene, not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials, without backing, unworked or merely surface-worked or merely cut into squares or rectangles (
Commodity code: 39 20 10
Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of non-cellular plastics, not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials, without backing, unworked or merely surface-worked or merely cut into squares or rectangles (excl. self-a
Commodity code: 39 20
- Books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plans Commodity code: 49
- Cotton Commodity code: 52
Wadding, felt and nonwovens; special yarns; twine, cordage, rope and cable and articles thereof
Commodity code: 56
- Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics Commodity code: 56 07
- Copper and articles thereof Commodity code: 74
Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof
Commodity code: 84
- Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of heading 8425 to 8430, n.e.s. Commodity code: 84 31
Bookbinding machinery, incl. book-sewing machines (excl. machinery of heading 8441, general-purpose presses, printing machinery of heading 8443 and machines of uses ancillary to printing); parts thereof
Commodity code: 84 40
Bookbinding machinery, incl. book-sewing machines (excl. machinery of heading 8441, general-purpose presses, printing machinery of heading 8443 and machines of uses ancillary to printing)
Commodity code: 84 40 10
- Bookbinding machinery (excl. machinery of heading 8441, general-purpose presses, printing machinery of heading 8443 and machines of uses ancillary to printing, folding machines, collating machines, gathering machines, sewing, wire stitching and stapling machines and unsewn binding machines) Commodity code: 84 40 10 90
Bookbinding machinery, incl. book-sewing machines (excl. machinery of heading 8441, general-purpose presses, printing machinery of heading 8443 and machines of uses ancillary to printing)
Commodity code: 84 40 10
- Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles Commodity code: 85
Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-stock, and parts and accessories thereof
Commodity code: 87
Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor ve
Commodity code: 87 08
Brakes and servo-brakes and their parts, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and speci
Commodity code: 87 08 30
- Parts for disc brakes, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor vehicles, n.e.s. (excl. those for the industrial assembly of certain motor vehicles of subheading 8708.30.10) Commodity code: 87 08 30 91
Brakes and servo-brakes and their parts, for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and speci
Commodity code: 87 08 30
Parts and accessories for tractors, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, motor vehicles for the transport of goods and special purpose motor ve
Commodity code: 87 08
- Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof Commodity code: 90