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Download trade history for G&G FOOD SUPPLIES LIMITED (CSV)
Imported commodities
Lacs; gums, resins and other vegetable saps and extracts
Commodity code: 13
Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners derived from vegetable products, whether or not modified,
Commodity code: 13 02
- Extracts of liquorice (excl. that with a sucrose content by weight of > 10% or in the form of confectionery) Commodity code: 13 02 12
- Vegetable saps and extracts (excl. liquorice, hops, opium and ephedra) Commodity code: 13 02 19
- Mucilages and thickeners derived from vegetable products, whether or not modified (excl. from locust beans, locust bean seeds, guar seeds and agar-agar) Commodity code: 13 02 39
Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners derived from vegetable products, whether or not modified,
Commodity code: 13 02
- Preparations of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates Commodity code: 16
Preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts or other parts of plants
Commodity code: 20
- Mushrooms and truffles, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid Commodity code: 20 03
Fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, and jams, fruit je
Commodity code: 20 08
Fruit and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marm
Commodity code: 20 08 99
- Fruit and other edible part of plants, prepared or preserved, not containing added spirit or added sugar (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes, obtained by cooking, and nuts, groundnuts and other seeds, pineapples, citrus fruits, pears, apricots, cherries, peaches, strawberries, cranberries, pl Commodity code: 20 08 99 99
Fruit and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit (excl. prepared or preserved with vinegar, preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marm
Commodity code: 20 08 99
- Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Commodity code: 03
Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included
Commodity code: 04
- Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter Commodity code: 04 02
- Whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter; products consisting of natural milk constituents, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, n.e.s. Commodity code: 04 04
Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers
Commodity code: 07
Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Commodity code: 07 12
- Dried mushrooms of the genus "Agaricus", whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared Commodity code: 07 12 31
- Dried mushrooms and truffles, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared (excl. mushrooms of the genus "Agaricus", wood ears "Auricularia spp.", jelly fungi "Tremella spp." and shiitake "Lentinus edodes") Commodity code: 07 12 39
Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Commodity code: 07 12
Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruits or melons
Commodity code: 08
- Peel of citrus fruit or melons, incl. watermelons, fresh, frozen, dried or provisionally preserved in brine, or in water with other additives Commodity code: 08 14
Coffee, tea, mate and spices
Commodity code: 09
Tea, whether or not flavoured
Commodity code: 09 02
- Green tea in immediate packings of > 3 kg Commodity code: 09 02 20
- Black fermented tea and partly fermented tea, whether or not flavoured, in immediate packings of <= 3 kg Commodity code: 09 02 30
- Black fermented tea and partly fermented tea, whether or not flavoured, in immediate packings of > 3 kg Commodity code: 09 02 40
- Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta Commodity code: 09 04
- Ginger, saffron, turmeric "curcuma", thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices (excl. pepper of the genus Piper, fruit of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, vanilla, cinnamon, cinnamontree flowers, cloves [wholefruit], clove stems, nutmeg, m Commodity code: 09 10
Tea, whether or not flavoured
Commodity code: 09 02
- Cereals Commodity code: 10
Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten
Commodity code: 11
- Cereal flours (excl. wheat or meslin) Commodity code: 11 02
- Flour, meal and powder of peas, beans, lentils and other dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713, of sago and manioc, arrowroot and salep, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content of head Commodity code: 11 06
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit; industrial or medical plants; straw and fodder
Commodity code: 12
Seeds, fruits and spores, for sowing (excl. leguminous vegetables and sweetcorn, coffee, tea, maté and spices, cereals, oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, and seeds and fruit used primarily in perfumery, medicaments or for insecticidal, fungicidal or s
Commodity code: 12 09
Seeds, fruits and spores, for sowing (excl. leguminous vegetables and sweetcorn, coffee, tea, matÚ and spices, cereals, oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, beets, forage plants, vegetable seeds, and seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated mainly for flowe
Commodity code: 12 09 99
- Seeds, fruit and spores, for sowing (excl. leguminous vegetables and sweetcorn, coffee, tea, maté and spices, cereals, oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, beets, forage plants, vegetable seeds, forest-tree seeds and seeds of plants cultivated mainly for flowers or used primarily in perfumery, medicaments or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes) Commodity code: 12 09 99 99
Seeds, fruits and spores, for sowing (excl. leguminous vegetables and sweetcorn, coffee, tea, matÚ and spices, cereals, oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, beets, forage plants, vegetable seeds, and seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated mainly for flowe
Commodity code: 12 09 99
Plants and parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, of a kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered
Commodity code: 12 11
Plants, parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered (excl. ginseng roots, coca leaf, p
Commodity code: 12 11 90
- Plants and parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered (excl. ginseng roots, coca leaf, poppy straw, ephedra, tonquin beans and bark of African cherry) Commodity code: 12 11 90 86
Plants, parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered (excl. ginseng roots, coca leaf, p
Commodity code: 12 11 90
Locust beans, seaweeds and other algae, sugar beet and sugar cane, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not ground; fruit stones and kernels and other vegetable products, incl. unroasted chicory roots of the variety Cichorium intybus sativum,
Commodity code: 12 12
- Seaweeds and other algae, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not ground, fit for human consumption Commodity code: 12 12 21
- Seaweeds and other algae, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not ground, unfit for human consumption Commodity code: 12 12 29
- Fruit stones and kernels and other vegetable products, incl. unroasted chicory roots of the variety cichorium intybus sativum, of a kind used primarily for human consumption, n.e.s. Commodity code: 12 12 99
Seeds, fruits and spores, for sowing (excl. leguminous vegetables and sweetcorn, coffee, tea, maté and spices, cereals, oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, and seeds and fruit used primarily in perfumery, medicaments or for insecticidal, fungicidal or s
Commodity code: 12 09
Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes
Commodity code: 15
- Fixed vegetable or microbial fats and oils, incl. jojoba oil, and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified (excl. soya-bean, groundnut, olive, palm, sunflower-seed, safflower, cotton-seed, coconut, palm kernel, babassu, ra Commodity code: 15 15
Sugars and sugar confectionery
Commodity code: 17
Other sugars, incl. chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel
Commodity code: 17 02
Sugars in solid form, incl. invert sugar and chemically pure maltose, and sugar and sugar syrup blends containing in the dry state 50% by weight of fructose, not flavoured or coloured, artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey and car
Commodity code: 17 02 90
- Sugars in solid form, incl. invert sugar, and sugar and sugar syrup blends containing in the dry state 50% by weight of fructose, not containing added flavouring or colouring matter (excl. cane or beet sugar, chemically pure sucrose and maltose, lactose, maple sugar, glucose, fructose, maltodextrine, and syrups thereof, isoglucose, inulin syrup and caramel) Commodity code: 17 02 90 95
Sugars in solid form, incl. invert sugar and chemically pure maltose, and sugar and sugar syrup blends containing in the dry state 50% by weight of fructose, not flavoured or coloured, artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey and car
Commodity code: 17 02 90
Other sugars, incl. chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel
Commodity code: 17 02
Miscellaneous edible preparations
Commodity code: 21
- Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or maté and preparations with a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee, tea or mate; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof Commodity code: 21 01
- Yeasts, active or inactive; other dead single-cell micro-organisms, prepared baking powders (excl. single-cell micro-organisms packaged as medicaments) Commodity code: 21 02
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06
- Protein concentrates and textured protein substances Commodity code: 21 06 10
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06 90
- Food preparations, n.e.s., not containing milkfats, sucrose, isoglucose starch or glucose or containing, by weight, < 1,5% milkfat, < 5% sucrose or isoglucose, < 5% glucose or < 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 90 92
- Food preparations, n.e.s., containing, by weight, >= 1,5% milkfat, >= 5% sucrose or isoglucose, >= 5% glucose or >= 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 90 98
Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering material, lime and cement
Commodity code: 25
- Salts, incl. table salt and denatured salt, and pure sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or containing added anti-caking or free-flowing agents; sea water Commodity code: 25 01
- Natural magnesium carbonate "magnesite"; fused magnesia; dead-burned "sintered" magnesia, whether or not containing small quantities of other oxides added before sintering; other magnesium oxide, whether or not pure Commodity code: 25 19
Inorganic chemicals: organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes
Commodity code: 28
- Carbonates; peroxocarbonates "percarbonates"; commercial ammonium carbonate containing ammonium carbamate Commodity code: 28 36
Organic chemicals
Commodity code: 29
- Cyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives Commodity code: 29 06
- Phenols; phenol-alcohols Commodity code: 29 07
- Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols Commodity code: 29 08
Ketones and quinones, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Commodity code: 29 14
- Coenzyme Q10 "ubidecarenone "INN"" Commodity code: 29 14 62
- Quinones (excl. anthraquinone and coenzyme Q10 "ubidecarenone "INN"") Commodity code: 29 14 69
- Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of ketones or quinones (excl. chlordecone "ISO" and inorganic or organic compounds of mercury) Commodity code: 29 14 79
Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Commodity code: 29 18
- Salts and esters of citric acid (excl. inorganic or organic compounds of mercury) Commodity code: 29 18 15
- Gluconic acid, its salts and esters Commodity code: 29 18 16
Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives (excl. lactic acid, tartaric acid, citric acid, gluconic acid and their salt
Commodity code: 29 18 19
- Carboxylic acids with alcohol function but without other oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives (excl. lactic acid, tartaric acid, citric acid, gluconic acid, cholic acid, 3-alpha, 12-alpha-dihydroxy-5-beta-cholan-24-oic acid "deoxycholic acid" and their salts and esters, and 2,2-bis"hydroxymethyl Commodity code: 29 18 19 98
Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives (excl. only with alcohol, phenol, aldehyde or ketone function, and 2,4,5-T [
Commodity code: 29 18 99
- Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives (excl. only with alcohol, phenol, aldehyde or ketone function, and 2,6-dimethoxybenzoic acid, dicamba [ISO], sodium phenoxyacetate, and 2,4,5-T [ISO] [2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid] and its salts and esters) Commodity code: 29 18 99 90
Oxygen-function amino-compounds
Commodity code: 29 22
- Amino-acids and their esters; salts thereof (excl. those with > one kind of oxygen function, lysine and its esters, and salts thereof, and glutamic acid, anthranilic acid, tilidine "INN", and salts thereof) Commodity code: 29 22 49
Amino-alcohol-phenols, amino-acid-phenols and other amino-compounds with oxygen function (excl. amino-alcohols, amino-naphthols and other amino-phenols, their ethers and esters and salts thereof, amino-aldehydes, amino-ketones and amino-quinones, and
Commodity code: 29 22 50
- Amino-alcohol-phenols, amino-acid-phenols and other amino-compounds with oxygen function (excl. amino-alcohols, amino-naphthols and other amino-phenols, their ethers and esters and salts thereof, amino-aldehydes, amino-ketones and amino-quinones, and salts thereof, amino-acids and their esters and salts thereof) Commodity code: 29 22 50 00
- Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids, whether or not chemically defined Commodity code: 29 23
- Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide-function compounds of carbonic acid Commodity code: 29 24
- Carboxyimide-function compounds, incl. saccharin and its salts, and imine-function compounds Commodity code: 29 25
Organo-sulphur compounds
Commodity code: 29 30
Organo-sulphur compounds (excl. thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates, thiuram mono-, di- or tetrasulphides, methionine, 2-(N,N-Diethylamino)ethanethiol, Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)sulfide (thiodiglycol (INN)), aldicarb [ISO], captafol [ISO], methamidophos [IS
Commodity code: 29 30 90
- Organo-sulphur compounds (excl. thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates, thiuram mono-, di- or tetrasulphides, methionine, aldicarb [ISO], captafol [ISO], methamidophos [ISO], cysteine or cystine and their derivatives, thiodiglycol [INN] [bis(2-hydroxyethyl)sulfide], DL-2-hydroxy-4-"methylthio"butyric acid, 2,2'-thiodiethyl bis[3-"3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl"propionate], a mixture of isomers con Commodity code: 29 30 90 98
Organo-sulphur compounds (excl. thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates, thiuram mono-, di- or tetrasulphides, methionine, 2-(N,N-Diethylamino)ethanethiol, Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)sulfide (thiodiglycol (INN)), aldicarb [ISO], captafol [ISO], methamidophos [IS
Commodity code: 29 30 90
Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom[s] only
Commodity code: 29 32
Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom[s] only (excl. compounds containing unfused furan ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure, and lactones, isosafrole, 1-[1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl]propan-2-one, piperonal, safrole, tetrahydrocannab
Commodity code: 29 32 99
- Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom[s] only (excl. compounds containing unfused furan ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure, and lactones, isosafrole, 1-[1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl]propan-2-one, piperonal, safrole, tetrahydrocannabinols "all isomers", carbofuran, and inorganic or organic compounds of mercury) Commodity code: 29 32 99 00
Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom[s] only (excl. compounds containing unfused furan ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure, and lactones, isosafrole, 1-[1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl]propan-2-one, piperonal, safrole, tetrahydrocannab
Commodity code: 29 32 99
Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only
Commodity code: 29 33
Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only, containing an unfused imidazole ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure (excl. hydantoin and its derivatives, and products of subheading 3002 10)
Commodity code: 29 33 29
- Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only, containing an unfused imidazole ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure (excl. hydantoin and its derivatives, naphazoline hydrochloride "INNM", naphazoline nitrate "INNM", phentolamine "INN" and tolazoline hydrochloride "INNM") Commodity code: 29 33 29 90
Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only, containing a pyrimidine ring, whether or not hydrogenated, or piperazine ring in the structure (excl. malonylurea "barbituric acid" and its derivatives, allobarbital "INN", amobarbital "INN",
Commodity code: 29 33 59
- Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom"s" only, containing a pyrimidine ring, whether or not hydrogenated, or piperazine ring in the structure (excl. malonylurea "barbituric acid" and its derivatives, allobarbital "INN", amobarbital "INN", barbital "INN", butalbital "INN", butobarbital "INN", cyclobarbital "INN", methylphenobarbital "INN", pentobarbital "INN", phenobarbital "INN", secbut Commodity code: 29 33 59 95
Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only, containing an unfused imidazole ring, whether or not hydrogenated, in the structure (excl. hydantoin and its derivatives, and products of subheading 3002 10)
Commodity code: 29 33 29
Nucleic acids and their salts, whether or not chemically defined; heterocyclic compounds (excl. with oxygen only or with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only)
Commodity code: 29 34
Nucleic acids and their salts, whether or not chemically defined; heterocyclic compounds (excl. with oxygen only or with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only, compounds containing in the structure an unfused thiazole ring or a benzothiazole or phenothiazine
Commodity code: 29 34 99
- Chlorprothixene (INN); thenalidine (INN) and its tartrates and maleates; furazolidone (INN); 7-aminocephalosporanic acid; salts and esters of (6R,7R)-3-acetoxymethyl-7-[(R)-2-formyloxy-2-phenylacetamido]-8- oxo-5-thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid; 1-[2-(1,3-Dioxan-2-yl)ethyl]-2-methylpyridinium bromide Commodity code: 29 34 99 60
- Nucleic acids and their salts, whether or not chemically defined; heterocyclic compounds (excl. those with oxygen or nitrogen hetero-atom"s" only, compounds containing in the structure an unfused thiazole ring or a benzothiazole or phenothiazine ring-system or further fused, aminorex "INN", brotizolam "INN", clotiazepam "INN", cloxazolam "INN", dextromoramide "INN", haloxazolam "INN", ketazolam "I Commodity code: 29 34 99 90
Nucleic acids and their salts, whether or not chemically defined; heterocyclic compounds (excl. with oxygen only or with nitrogen hetero-atom[s] only, compounds containing in the structure an unfused thiazole ring or a benzothiazole or phenothiazine
Commodity code: 29 34 99
Provitamins and vitamins, natural or reproduced by synthesis, incl. natural concentrates, derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, and intermixtures of the foregoing, whether or not in any solvent
Commodity code: 29 36
- Vitamin B2 and its derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 23
- D-Pantothenic or DL-pantothenic acid "Vitamin B3 or B5" and their derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 24
- Vitamin B6 and its derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 25
- Vitamin B12 and its derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 26
- Vitamin C and its derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 27
- Vitamin E and its derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 28
- Vitamins and their derivatives, used primarily as vitamins, unmixed (excl. vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E and their derivatives) Commodity code: 29 36 29
- Provitamins and mixtures of vitamins, of provitamins or of concentrates, whether or not in any solvent, and natural concentrates Commodity code: 29 36 90
- Glycosides, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives Commodity code: 29 38
Alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives
Commodity code: 29 39
Vegetal alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives (excl. alkaloids of opium, alkaloids of cinchons, theophylline, aminophylline "theophylline-ethylenediamine" alkaloids of rye ergot and their
Commodity code: 29 39 79
- Vegetal alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives (excl. alkaloids of opium, alkaloids of cinchons, theophylline, aminophylline "theophylline-ethylenediamine" alkaloids of rye ergot and their salts and derivatives, cocaine, ecgonine, levometamfetamine, metamfetamine "INN", metamfetamine racemate, and salts, esters and other derivatives the Commodity code: 29 39 79 90
Vegetal alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives (excl. alkaloids of opium, alkaloids of cinchons, theophylline, aminophylline "theophylline-ethylenediamine" alkaloids of rye ergot and their
Commodity code: 29 39 79
Sugars, chemically pure (excl. sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose); sugar ethers, sugar acetals and sugar esters, and their salts (excl. natural or reproduced by synthesis, provitamins, vitamins, hormones, glycosides, vegetable alkaloids
Commodity code: 29 40
Sugars, chemically pure (excl. sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose); sugar ethers, sugar acetals and sugar esters, and their salts (excl. natural or reproduced by synthesis, provitamins, vitamins, hormones, glycosides, vegetable alkaloids
Commodity code: 29 40 00
- Sugars, chemically pure (excl. sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose); sugar ethers, sugar acetals and sugar esters, and their salts (excl. natural or reproduced by synthesis, provitamins, vitamins, hormones, glycosides, vegetable alkaloids and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives) Commodity code: 29 40 00 00
Sugars, chemically pure (excl. sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose); sugar ethers, sugar acetals and sugar esters, and their salts (excl. natural or reproduced by synthesis, provitamins, vitamins, hormones, glycosides, vegetable alkaloids
Commodity code: 29 40 00
- Separate chemically defined organic compounds, n.e.s. Commodity code: 29 42
Pharmaceutical products
Commodity code: 30
- Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera and other blood fractions and immunological products, whether or not modified or obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures Commodity code: 30 02
Medicaments consisting of two or more constituents mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not in measured doses or put up for retail sale (excl. goods of heading 3002, 3005 or 3006)
Commodity code: 30 03
Medicaments consisting of two or more constituents mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not in measured doses or put up for retail sale (excl. antibiotics containing hormones or steroids used as hormones, but not containing antibiotic
Commodity code: 30 03 90
- Medicaments consisting of two or more constituents mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not in measured doses or put up for retail sale (excl. antibiotics containing hormones or steroids used as hormones, but not containing antibiotics, alkaloids or derivatives thereof, hormones, antibiotics, antimalarial active principles or goods of heading 3002, 3005 or 3006) Commodity code: 30 03 90 00
Medicaments consisting of two or more constituents mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not in measured doses or put up for retail sale (excl. antibiotics containing hormones or steroids used as hormones, but not containing antibiotic
Commodity code: 30 03 90
Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale (excl. goods of heading 3002, 3005 or 3006)
Commodity code: 30 04
Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale (excl. containing antibiotics, hormones or ste
Commodity code: 30 04 90
- Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale (excl. containing antibiotics, hormones or steroids used as hormones, alkaloids, provitamins, vitamins, their derivatives, antimalarial active principles and blinded clinical trial kits) Commodity code: 30 04 90 00
Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale (excl. containing antibiotics, hormones or ste
Commodity code: 30 04 90
Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other colouring matter;paints and varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks
Commodity code: 32
- Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin, incl. dye extracts (excl. animal black), whether or not chemically defined; preparations based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin of a kind used to dye fabrics or produce colorant prepara Commodity code: 32 03
Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations
Commodity code: 33
- Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, based on one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the manufacture Commodity code: 33 02
Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin, incl. sunscreen or suntan preparations (excl. medicaments); manicure or pedicure preparations
Commodity code: 33 04
Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), incl. sunscreen or suntan preparations (excl. medicaments, lip and eye make-up preparations, manicure or pedicure preparations and make-up or skin care
Commodity code: 33 04 99
- Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), incl. sunscreen or suntan preparations (excl. medicaments, lip and eye make-up preparations, manicure or pedicure preparations and make-up or skin care powders, incl. baby powders) Commodity code: 33 04 99 00
Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), incl. sunscreen or suntan preparations (excl. medicaments, lip and eye make-up preparations, manicure or pedicure preparations and make-up or skin care
Commodity code: 33 04 99
Albuminous substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes
Commodity code: 35
- Albumins, incl. concentrates of two or more whey proteins containing by weight > 80% whey proteins, calculated on the dry matter, albuminates and other albumin derivatives Commodity code: 35 02
Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances and their derivatives, n.e.s.; hide powder, whether or not chromed (excl. organic or inorganic compounds of mercury whether or not chemically defined)
Commodity code: 35 04
Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances and their derivatives, n.e.s.; hide powder, whether or not chromed (excl. organic or inorganic compounds of mercury whether or not chemically defined)
Commodity code: 35 04 00
- Concentrated milk proteins with a protein content > 85 % by weight, calculated on the dry matter Commodity code: 35 04 00 10
- Peptones and their derivatives; other albuminous substances and their derivatives, n.e.s.; hide powder, whether or not chromed (excl. concentrated milk proteins with a protein content > 85 % by weight, calculated on the dry matter Commodity code: 35 04 00 90
Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances and their derivatives, n.e.s.; hide powder, whether or not chromed (excl. organic or inorganic compounds of mercury whether or not chemically defined)
Commodity code: 35 04 00
- Enzymes; prepared enzymes, n.e.s. Commodity code: 35 07
Miscellaneous chemical products
Commodity code: 38
- Diagnostic or laboratory reagents on a backing, prepared diagnostic or laboratory reagents whether or not on a backing, whether or not put up in the form of kits (excl.those of heading 3006); certified reference materials Commodity code: 38 22
- Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining; industrial fatty alcohols Commodity code: 38 23
- Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations for the chemical or allied industries, incl. mixtures of natural products, n.e.s. Commodity code: 38 24
Plastics and plastic products
Commodity code: 39
- Cellulose and its chemical derivatives, n.e.s., in primary forms Commodity code: 39 12
- Natural polymers, e.g. alginic acid, and modified natural polymers, e.g. hardened proteins, chemical derivatives of natural rubber, n.e.s., in primary forms Commodity code: 39 13
Articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics
Commodity code: 39 23
- Sacks and bags, incl. cones, of polymers of ethylene Commodity code: 39 23 21
- Sacks and bags, incl. cones, of plastics (excl. those of polymers of ethylene) Commodity code: 39 23 29
- Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics Commodity code: 39 23 30
- Spools, cops, bobbins and similar supports, of plastics Commodity code: 39 23 40
- Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics Commodity code: 39 23 50
Articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics (excl. boxes, cases, crates and similar articles; sacks and bags, incl. cones; carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles; spools, spindles, bobbins and similar supports; stoppers, lid
Commodity code: 39 23 90
- Articles for the conveyance or packaging of goods, of plastics (excl. boxes, cases, crates and similar articles; sacks and bags, incl. cones; carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles; spools, spindles, bobbins and similar supports; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures) Commodity code: 39 23 90 00
- Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of plastics (excl. baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware) Commodity code: 39 24
- Articles of plastics and articles of other materials of heading 3901 to 3914, n.e.s. Commodity code: 39 26
- Rubber and articles thereof Commodity code: 40
Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp, paper or paperboard
Commodity code: 48
- Cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres, n.e.s.; box files, letter trays, and similar articles, of paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like Commodity code: 48 19
- Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, whether or not printed Commodity code: 48 21
Miscellaneous articles of base metal
Commodity code: 83
- Stoppers, caps and lids, incl. crown corks, screw caps and pouring stoppers, capsules for bottles, threaded bungs, bung covers, seals and other packing accessories, of base metal Commodity code: 83 09
Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof
Commodity code: 84
Dishwashing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containe
Commodity code: 84 22
- Machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; machinery for aerating beverages Commodity code: 84 22 30
- Parts of dishwashing machines, packing or wrapping machinery and other machinery and apparatus of heading 8422, n.e.s. Commodity code: 84 22 90
- Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of heading 8425 to 8430, n.e.s. Commodity code: 84 31
- Machinery, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter, for the industrial preparation or manufacture of food or drink (other than machinery for the extraction or preparation of animal or fixed vegetable fats or oils); parts thereof Commodity code: 84 38
- Machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; parts thereof Commodity code: 84 79
Dishwashing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containe
Commodity code: 84 22
Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles
Commodity code: 85
- Parts suitable for use solely or principally with electric motors and generators, electric generating sets and rotary converters, n.e.s. Commodity code: 85 03
- Discs, tapes, solid-state non-volatile storage devices, "smart cards" and other media for the recording of sound or of other phenomena, whether or not recorded, incl. matrices and masters for the production of discs (excl. products of chapter 37) Commodity code: 85 23
- Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases, equipped with two or more apparatus of heading 8535 or 8536, for electric control or the distribution of electricity, incl. those incorporating instruments or apparatus of chapter 90, and num Commodity code: 85 37
- Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof Commodity code: 90
Miscellaneous manufactured articles
Commodity code: 96
Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials n.e.s; moulded or carved articles of wax, of paraffin, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles n.e.s; work
Commodity code: 96 02
Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials n.e.s; moulded or carved articles of wax, of paraffin, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles n.e.s; work
Commodity code: 96 02 00
- Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials n.e.s; moulded or carved articles of wax, of paraffin, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles n.e.s; worked, unhardened gelatin, and articles of unhardened gelatin, n.e.s. Commodity code: 96 02 00 00
Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials n.e.s; moulded or carved articles of wax, of paraffin, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles n.e.s; work
Commodity code: 96 02 00
- Brooms, brushes, incl. brushes constituting parts of machines, appliances or vehicles, hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers, not motorised, mops and leather dusters; prepared knots and tufts for broom or brush making; paint pads and rollers; squee Commodity code: 96 03
Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials n.e.s; moulded or carved articles of wax, of paraffin, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles n.e.s; work
Commodity code: 96 02
- Works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques Commodity code: 97
Exported commodities
Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included
Commodity code: 04
- Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes Commodity code: 15
- Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers Commodity code: 07
- Coffee, tea, mate and spices Commodity code: 09
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit; industrial or medical plants; straw and fodder
Commodity code: 12
Plants and parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, of a kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered
Commodity code: 12 11
Plants, parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered (excl. ginseng roots, coca leaf, p
Commodity code: 12 11 90
- Plants and parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered (excl. ginseng roots, coca leaf, poppy straw, ephedra, tonquin beans and bark of African cherry) Commodity code: 12 11 90 86
Plants, parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered (excl. ginseng roots, coca leaf, p
Commodity code: 12 11 90
Plants and parts of plants, incl. seeds and fruits, of a kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered
Commodity code: 12 11
- Lacs; gums, resins and other vegetable saps and extracts Commodity code: 13
Miscellaneous edible preparations
Commodity code: 21
- Yeasts, active or inactive; other dead single-cell micro-organisms, prepared baking powders (excl. single-cell micro-organisms packaged as medicaments) Commodity code: 21 02
- Sauce and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal, whether or not prepared, and mustard Commodity code: 21 03
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06
Protein concentrates and textured protein substances
Commodity code: 21 06 10
- Protein concentrates and textured protein substances, not containing milkfats, sucrose, isoglucose starch or glucose or containing, by weight, < 1,5% milkfat, < 5% sucrose or isoglucose, < 5% glucose or < 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 10 20
- Protein concentrates and textured protein substances, containing, by weight, >= 1,5% milkfat, >= 5% sucrose or isoglucose, >= 5% glucose or >= 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 10 80
Food preparations, n.e.s.
Commodity code: 21 06 90
- Compound alcoholic preparations of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages and of an actual alcoholic strength of by volume of > 0,5% vol (excl. those based on odoriferous substances) Commodity code: 21 06 90 20
- Flavoured or coloured isoglucose syrups Commodity code: 21 06 90 30
- Flavoured or coloured glucose and maltodextrine syrups Commodity code: 21 06 90 55
- Flavoured or coloured sugar syrups (excl. isoglucose, lactose, glucose and maltodextrine syrups) Commodity code: 21 06 90 59
- Food preparations, n.e.s., not containing milkfats, sucrose, isoglucose starch or glucose or containing, by weight, < 1,5% milkfat, < 5% sucrose or isoglucose, < 5% glucose or < 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 90 92
- Food preparations, n.e.s., containing, by weight, >= 1,5% milkfat, >= 5% sucrose or isoglucose, >= 5% glucose or >= 5% starch Commodity code: 21 06 90 98
Protein concentrates and textured protein substances
Commodity code: 21 06 10
- Inorganic chemicals: organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes Commodity code: 28
Organic chemicals
Commodity code: 29
- Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide-function compounds of carbonic acid Commodity code: 29 24
Provitamins and vitamins, natural or reproduced by synthesis, incl. natural concentrates, derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, and intermixtures of the foregoing, whether or not in any solvent
Commodity code: 29 36
- Vitamins A and their derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 21
- Vitamin B1 and its derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 22
- Vitamin C and its derivatives, used primarily as vitamins Commodity code: 29 36 27
- Vitamins and their derivatives, used primarily as vitamins, unmixed (excl. vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E and their derivatives) Commodity code: 29 36 29
- Provitamins and mixtures of vitamins, of provitamins or of concentrates, whether or not in any solvent, and natural concentrates Commodity code: 29 36 90
Hormones, prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes, natural or reproduced by synthesis; derivatives and structural analogues thereof "incl. chain modified polypeptides", used primarily as hormones
Commodity code: 29 37
Steroidal hormones, their derivatives and structural analogues, used primarily as hormones (excl. cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone "dehydrocortisone", prednisolone "dehydrohydrocortisone", halogenated derivatives of corticosteroidal hormones, oe
Commodity code: 29 37 29
- Steroidal hormones, their derivatives and structural analogues, used primarily as hormones (excl. cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone "dehydrocortisone", prednisolone "dehydrohydrocortisone", halogenated derivatives of corticosteroidal hormones, oestrogens and progestogens) Commodity code: 29 37 29 00
Steroidal hormones, their derivatives and structural analogues, used primarily as hormones (excl. cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone "dehydrocortisone", prednisolone "dehydrohydrocortisone", halogenated derivatives of corticosteroidal hormones, oe
Commodity code: 29 37 29
Pharmaceutical products
Commodity code: 30
- Medicaments consisting of two or more constituents mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not in measured doses or put up for retail sale (excl. goods of heading 3002, 3005 or 3006) Commodity code: 30 03
Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale (excl. goods of heading 3002, 3005 or 3006)
Commodity code: 30 04
Medicaments containing provitamins, vitamins, incl. natural concentrates and derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale (excl. containi
Commodity code: 30 04 50
- Medicaments containing provitamins, vitamins, incl. natural concentrates and derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale (excl. containing antibiotics, hormones, alkaloids, or their derivatives) Commodity code: 30 04 50 00
Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale (excl. containing antibiotics, hormones or ste
Commodity code: 30 04 90
- Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale (excl. containing antibiotics, hormones or steroids used as hormones, alkaloids, provitamins, vitamins, their derivatives, antimalarial active principles and blinded clinical trial kits) Commodity code: 30 04 90 00
Medicaments containing provitamins, vitamins, incl. natural concentrates and derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale (excl. containi
Commodity code: 30 04 50
Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations
Commodity code: 33
- Essential oils, whether or not terpeneless, incl. concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, fixed oils, waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deter Commodity code: 33 01
Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin, incl. sunscreen or suntan preparations (excl. medicaments); manicure or pedicure preparations
Commodity code: 33 04
Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), incl. sunscreen or suntan preparations (excl. medicaments, lip and eye make-up preparations, manicure or pedicure preparations and make-up or skin care
Commodity code: 33 04 99
- Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), incl. sunscreen or suntan preparations (excl. medicaments, lip and eye make-up preparations, manicure or pedicure preparations and make-up or skin care powders, incl. baby powders) Commodity code: 33 04 99 00
Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), incl. sunscreen or suntan preparations (excl. medicaments, lip and eye make-up preparations, manicure or pedicure preparations and make-up or skin care
Commodity code: 33 04 99
Albuminous substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes
Commodity code: 35
- Albumins, incl. concentrates of two or more whey proteins containing by weight > 80% whey proteins, calculated on the dry matter, albuminates and other albumin derivatives Commodity code: 35 02
Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances and their derivatives, n.e.s.; hide powder, whether or not chromed (excl. organic or inorganic compounds of mercury whether or not chemically defined)
Commodity code: 35 04
Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances and their derivatives, n.e.s.; hide powder, whether or not chromed (excl. organic or inorganic compounds of mercury whether or not chemically defined)
Commodity code: 35 04 00
- Concentrated milk proteins with a protein content > 85 % by weight, calculated on the dry matter Commodity code: 35 04 00 10
- Peptones and their derivatives; other albuminous substances and their derivatives, n.e.s.; hide powder, whether or not chromed (excl. concentrated milk proteins with a protein content > 85 % by weight, calculated on the dry matter Commodity code: 35 04 00 90
Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances and their derivatives, n.e.s.; hide powder, whether or not chromed (excl. organic or inorganic compounds of mercury whether or not chemically defined)
Commodity code: 35 04 00
- Enzymes; prepared enzymes, n.e.s. Commodity code: 35 07
- Miscellaneous chemical products Commodity code: 38
- Plastics and plastic products Commodity code: 39
- Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted Commodity code: 61
Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof
Commodity code: 84
- Automatic data-processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, n.e.s. Commodity code: 84 71
- Miscellaneous manufactured articles Commodity code: 96